
Am Montag, 28. Januar 2019, 20:02:32 CET schrieb Jogchum Reitsma:
> Hi,
> I installed Leap 15.0 on a Raspberry PI, with the intent to make it a 
> nextcloud server.
> I encounter a few difficulties, and I would like to report them here in 
> different posts.
> It might well be that for some or all of these difficulties, this list 
> is not the appropriate one. In that case, please let me know, and my 
> apologies.
> Installing Leap itself (the X-version), apache2, mariadb and nextcloud 
> itself went without problem.
> After creating a database and user for nextcloud one has to open 
> http://localhost/nexcloud in a browser.
> Since the default X-install contains no browser (there is a "Web 
> browser" icon on the taskbar, but no application connected to it) I had 
> to install one.
> I decided to use falkon, mainly because it is small (5.8 MB, vs 148MB 
> for Firefox).
> But when starting falkon, it terminates complaining that 
> /usr/bin/libGLESv2.so is not found.
> Just to see what would happen I copied the GLES lib from /usr/lib64 to 
> /usr/bin; now falkon complained about /usr/bin/libEGL.so not being found..

Sounds like https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1099874, but EGL
shouldn't get into the broken codepath.

Does it work with libglvnd-devel installed?

In any case, please open a bug report.


> Those libs reside in /usr/lib64, not in /usr/bin. Is this an upstream 
> problem, or caused by packaging?
> Jogchum Reitsma

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