Torsten Duwe wrote:
On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 10:59:01AM +0000, Guillaume Gardet wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard (MQ) <>
Sent: 25 November 2019 11:42
Subject: [opensuse-arm] Pimoroni pHAT DAC on Raspberry Pi 3

Hi All

Has anyone had any luck getting Pimoroni accessories such as "pHAT DAC"
working on Raspberry Pi 3 under recent opensuse images? This is a PCM5102A
DAC connected via I2S interface, the Pimoroni instructions are specific to 

I think you need to create/update  /boot/efi/extraconfig.txt file to enable I2S 
and select the right DAC:

Oh yes. And additional pitfalls here are the exact compatible string (there
is some variety of these audio hats, with subtle differences) and the DACs/
AMPs i²C address. BTDT.


Thanks both for quick reply.

I've tried the XFCE image from Guillaume's link and indeed it seems good, maybe I was unlucky last time. Nice to be using the latest and greatest again!

And I already knew about /boot/efi/extraconfig.txt and had dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus to no avail, I have pre-pended dtparam=i2s=on as suggested but still no dice (nothing shows up in hwinfo, nor Yast - Sound Card)

@Torsten - please can you advise where to configure the strings and addresses that you mention?

Best regards
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