Guillaume Gardet wrote:

> Hi,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Per Jessen <>
>> Sent: 19 April 2020 10:39
>> Question - the multiple kernels feature ought to have retained my dtb
>> directory contents in /boot/dtb-4.12.14-lp150.12.48/ ?  Or not ?
> AFAIK, there is no multiversion support for DTB. And DTB should even
> be kernel version agnostic, but I know this is not really the case.
> Your /boot/dtb-4.12.14-lp150.12.48/ folder should have been dropped
> (if there was no *.old file inside) and a new
> /boot/dtb-4.12.14-lp150.12.82/ should have been created with the
> update of your DTB package. Is it missing?

Hi Guillaume

12.48 was not dropped as I had a file named *.old in there - I also had
my working DTB in here, and that was gone. 

The new 12.82 directory only had the openSUSE supplied DTB which does 
not work (sufficiently well).

I was happy when I noticed the 12.48 directory, thinking I can just
quickly copy the old DTB over ....  

Per Jessen, Zürich (19.3°C) - your owncloud, hosted in Switzerland.

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