I have openSUSE 15.2 running very nicely on an RPI4 8GB.  I cheated and
used Raspbian to flash the latest firmware.  I wasn't sure how to flash
the firmware from openSUSE.

I am also cheating and using an SDHC card to load u-boot and hand it a
script that starts USB.  It then finds SUSE on a USB SSD hard drive and
boots perfectly.  I am not sure if that process is necessary but I got
it working and stopped trying to boot without the SDHC card.

Thank you for getting the RPI4 working.

I have several of them running as servers for various things.  I use a
seperate Pi for each thing I run.  It makes it easy to update things
and runs things without running out of RAM.  It does require I update
lots of machines everyday.  

Transactional servers update their software every day and reboot as
needed, without me having to pay attention.  I would like to try that
on a RPI4.  Are there TS images for RPI4 already built in OBS or do I
need to create one?

Although I run some Pis on SSD drives, on some I just use the SDHC
card.  It strikes me that transactional updates might work very well on
SDHC cards or maybe not.  Does it help or hurt wear leveling on flash?

Thanks in advance  for anybody that has thoughts on these questions.

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