Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package go-mustache.go for openSUSE:Factory
checked in at Thu Aug 18 00:03:23 CEST 2011.

New Changes file:

--- /dev/null   2010-08-26 16:28:41.000000000 +0200
+++ go-mustache.go/go-mustache.go.changes       2011-08-15 11:10:49.000000000 
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Mon Aug 15 09:09:04 UTC 2011 - sasc...@suse.de
+- Update license to MIT (from BSD), fixes bnc#712213
+Sat Aug 13 10:13:31 UTC 2011 - sasc...@gmx.de
+- Update to 13/08/2011 git version:
+  * Updates for Go r59
+  * Properly handle the case where struct pointers are nil
+  * Double-bracket variables, {{var}}, are now HTML-escaping by default,
+    and triple-bracket vars, {{{var}}}, are raw
+  * Remove workaround for relection table bug since it's been fixed
+Wed Jun  8 15:30:56 UTC 2011 - sasc...@suse.de
+- Use new %go_disable_brp_strip_static_archive macro
+Fri May 20 13:01:03 UTC 2011 - sasc...@suse.de
+- Use Go RPM macros instead of custom ones
+- Use proper package versioning scheme (needs reinstall)
+- Drop provides/obsoletes of old package, needs reinstall anyway
+Thu May 19 14:45:17 UTC 2011 - sasc...@suse.de
+- Remove rpmlintrc, not needed anymore
+Thu May 19 12:10:08 UTC 2011 - sasc...@suse.de
+- Simpler build
+Thu May 19 06:47:54 UTC 2011 - sasc...@suse.de
+- Disable brp-strip-static-archive also on RHEL and CentOS
+Wed May 18 14:50:28 UTC 2011 - sasc...@suse.de
+- Disable tests also for RHEL, CentOS and Mandriva
+Wed May 18 13:28:35 UTC 2011 - sasc...@suse.de
+- Don't require 'go'
+- Disable brp-strip-static-archive on Fedora, breaks build
+- Provide devel and devel-static packages
+- Remove devel-file-in-non-devel-package rpmlint filter
+Wed May 18 12:53:13 UTC 2011 - sasc...@suse.de
+- Update to 18/05/2011 mercurial version
+- Run tests
+Mon Mar 21 15:22:50 UTC 2011 - sasc...@suse.de
+- Removed authors from description
+- Removed pkg_version macro, use %%{version} directly
+Tue Nov  9 18:37:55 UTC 2010 - sasc...@gmx.de
+- Initial commit

calling whatdependson for head-i586



Other differences:
++++++ go-mustache.go.spec ++++++
# spec file for package go-mustache.go
# Copyright (c) 2011 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# Copyright (c), 2010, Sascha Peilicke <sasc...@gmx.de>
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/

Name:           go-mustache.go
Version:        0.0.0+git20110813
Release:        1
Summary:        The mustache template language in Go
Group:          Development/Languages/Other
License:        MIT
Url:            http://github.com/hoisie/mustache.go
Source0:        mustache.go-%{version}.tar.bz2
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
BuildRequires:  go-devel

mustache.go is an implementation of the mustache template language in Go. It
is better suited for website templates than Go's native pkg/template.
mustache.go is fast, it parses templates efficiently and stores them in a
tree-like structure which allows for fast execution.

%setup -q -n mustache.go



%doc LICENSE Readme.md



Remember to have fun...

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