Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package python-bokeh for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2017-12-08 12:58:10
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-bokeh (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-bokeh.new (New)

Package is "python-bokeh"

Fri Dec  8 12:58:10 2017 rev:4 rq:554726 version:0.12.11

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-bokeh/python-bokeh.changes        
2017-11-08 15:10:12.469885569 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-bokeh.new/python-bokeh.changes   
2017-12-08 12:58:14.071850820 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,138 @@
+Tue Nov 28 19:04:55 UTC 2017 - a...@gmx.de
+- update to version 0.12.11:
+  * bugfixes:
+    + #1376 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Implement `widget.disabled`
+    + #1651 [layout] Grid plot with row of all none behaves badly
+    + #3538 [component: server] Session could auto-no-op any callbacks
+       invoked after the session is destroyed
+    + #4561 [layout] Models/legends example broken
+    + #4574 [layout] [regression] Plot border gets covered up by
+       things stuck on edge
+    + #4613 Hover tool has own column in ie
+    + #4787 [layout] [widgets] Erroneous toolbar separator positions
+       using tabs
+    + #5761 [layout] Location in colorbar offsets from axis
+    + #6065 [component: bokehjs] Touch events fail in device mode
+       under chrome devtools
+    + #6348 [layout] Layouts with multiple tab widgets don't work
+    + #6409 [component: server] Screen distance spec fields fail with
+       bokeh.client
+    + #6466 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Rendering error with
+       toolbar_sticky=false and sizing_mode='scale_width'
+    + #6502 [widgets] Programmatically setting the active tab does not
+       change the tab in 0.12.6 & 0.12.7
+    + #6545 Patch bug: patch slices must have positive (start, stop,
+       step) values, got slice(0, 200, 50)
+    + #6583 [component: bokehjs] Rect not behaving correctly with zero
+       height
+    + #6600 [component: build] Downloading dependencies from
+       scripts/deps fails
+    + #6676 [layout] [regression] Axes' tick labels are trimmed when
+       moving plot
+    + #6841 [component: bokehjs] [regression] [widgets] Rangeslider
+       css_classes not being updated anymore
+    + #6946 [component: bokehjs] Graphrenderer view not updating
+    + #7060 [layout] [regression] Twin_axis not showing label
+       correctly in version 0.12.9
+    + #7062 [component: bokehjs] Linked brushing does not work on
+       second plot in gridplot
+    + #7075 [layout] Changing title attributes does not work as
+       expected in bokeh server
+    + #7121 [component: docs] Documentation - typo in release file
+       0.12.10
+    + #7128 [component: server] [regression] When embeding bokeh
+       server to flask, attributeerror: 'nonetype' object has no
+       attribute '_id' shows up
+    + #7162 [component: docs] Fix documentation for properties.rgb
+    + #7184 [component: server] [regression] Support stream and update
+       with pandas dataframes
+    + #7189 [component: bokehjs] Hovertool data not completely
+       matching when using cdsview filters in bokeh 0.12.11dev2
+    + #7193 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Ion slider extension
+       example broken
+    + #7199 [component: bokehjs] Missing import of logger in
+       toolbar.coffee
+    + #7202 [layout] Layout of plot border with axis.visible = false
+    + #7212 [component: bokehjs] [notebook] [regression]
+       Ie11-incompatible syntax in
+       bokeh/core/_templates/autoload_nb_js.js?
+    + #7213 [component: bokehjs] Canvas image smoothing in ie11
+    + #7222 Double encode escapes in html-safe json strings
+    + #7224 [component: bokehjs] [regression] `sdy` in range info is
+       inverted and affects panning gmaps
+    + #7230 [component: examples] Spectrogram example image broken
+    + #7240 [component: docs] Missing figure import on graph example
+    + #7250 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Slider callback doesn't
+       occur on particular values
+    + #7255 [component: bokehjs] [regression] Zooming performance
+       regression in 0.12.11rc
+  * features:
+    + #1007 [component: docs] Documenting the documentation process
+       and guidelines
+    + #3644 [component: bokehjs] Would need a figure.step to create
+       step line in plot
+    + #4635 [layout] Right titles are too far out
+    + #4711 Decorator for documenting what version a function or
+       method first appeared
+    + #5298 Box select does not work with vbar but tap tool does
+    + #5937 [component: bokehjs] Lod in linked plots
+    + #6565 [component: server] Avoid boiler-plate when constructing a
+       bokeh server programmatically
+    + #6599 Bokeh server url hard coded as over http
+    + #7130 [component: bokehjs] [bokekjs] unable to use customjs in
+       bokehjs
+    + #7150 [component: bokehjs] [widgets] Adding optgroup
+       functionality to select widget
+  * tasks:
+    + #4394 [layout] Axis label size change does not trigger a
+       re-alignment
+    + #4874 [layout] Toolbar css class occasionally is
+       `bk-toolbar-null`
+    + #5648 [API: models] Line renderer raises the "without value
+       specification" when a columndatasource is used
+    + #6174 [component: bokehjs] Hovertool vline/hline models for line
+       glyph (_hit_span method) causes non-intuitive tooltips to
+       appear
+    + #6447 [layout] Switch layout's coordinate system from view to
+       screen
+    + #6626 [component: docs] Updates to /docs/dev_guide/setup.html
+    + #6990 [component: bokehjs] [layout] Allow toolbar in side panels
+       and drop sticky property
+    + #7028 Gmaps incompatible with datarange1d, make error
+       louder/earlier
+    + #7039 [component: docs] Clarify some security considerations
+    + #7053 [component: examples] [component: tests]
+       Plotting/file/categorical_scatter_jitter needs a seed
+    + #7081 [component: docs] User guide still refers to
+       bokeh.embed.notebook_div
+    + #7096 [component: docs] Typo in server.rst
+    + #7100 [component: docs] Renamed custom attribute from range to
+       slider
+    + #7103 [component: docs] Update bokehjs standalone installation
+       guidelines
+    + #7104 Bokeh channel version of nodejs is no longer in sync with
+       upstream anaconda/nodejs
+    + #7114 [component: bokehjs] Add wheelpantool support to bokehjs
+    + #7131 Prove of concept: caching of nodejs compilation on model
+       bundling
+    + #7154 [typescript] Investigate coffeescript 2 and its benefits
+       for transition to typescript
+    + #7172 [component: docs] Extending bokeh with js library
+       documentation needs to clarify use of javascript() to wrap js
+    + #7179 [component: docs] Zeppelin notebook integration not
+       working
+    + #7181 [component: tests] Move annotations' "integration" tests
+       to examples
+    + #7190 [component: docs] Legend text with click_policy="hide"
+    + #7198 [component: docs] Request for improvement to
+       columndatasource documentation in reference to multi_line()
+    + #7200 [component: docs] Adding additional information in the
+       multi_line() documentation
+    + #7207 [component: docs] Add kwargs documentation for
+       directoryhandler
+    + #7229 [component: docs] Multiprocessing in windows is not
+       available (error:module 'os' has no attribute 'fork')
+    + #7236 [component: examples] Simplify brewer.py example




Other differences:
++++++ python-bokeh.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.ygWoK1/_old  2017-12-08 12:58:15.707791737 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.ygWoK1/_new  2017-12-08 12:58:15.711791593 +0100
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 %{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{**} python3-%{**}}
 Name:           python-bokeh
-Version:        0.12.10
+Version:        0.12.11
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Statistical and novel interactive HTML plots for Python
 License:        BSD-3-Clause

++++++ bokeh-0.12.10.tar.gz -> bokeh-0.12.11.tar.gz ++++++
/work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-bokeh.new/bokeh-0.12.11.tar.gz differ: char 
5, line 1

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