Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package ghc-th-abstraction for 
openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2018-07-24 17:22:48
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ghc-th-abstraction (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.ghc-th-abstraction.new (New)

Package is "ghc-th-abstraction"

Tue Jul 24 17:22:48 2018 rev:3 rq:623871 version:

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ghc-th-abstraction/ghc-th-abstraction.changes    
2018-05-30 12:27:31.997804721 +0200
    2018-07-24 17:22:56.323342430 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,34 @@
+Wed Jul 18 14:26:43 UTC 2018 - psim...@suse.com
+- Cosmetic: replace tabs with blanks, strip trailing white space,
+  and update copyright headers with spec-cleaner.
+Fri Jul 13 14:31:53 UTC 2018 - psim...@suse.com
+- Update th-abstraction to version
+  ## -- 2018-06-29
+  * GADT reification is now much more robust with respect to `PolyKinds`:
+    * A bug in which universally quantified kind variables were mistakenly
+      flagged as existential has been fixed.
+    * A bug in which the kinds of existentially quantified type variables
+      were not substituted properly has been fixed.
+    * More kind equalities are detected than before. For example, in the
+      following data type:
+      ```haskell
+      data T (a :: k) where
+        MkT :: forall (a :: Bool). T a
+      ```
+      We now catch the `k ~ Bool` equality.
+  * Tweak `resolveTypeSynonyms` so that failing to reify a type constructor
+    name so longer results in an error. Among other benefits, this makes
+    it possible to pass data types with GADT syntax to `normalizeDec`.
+  ## -- 2018-06-17
+  * Fix bug in which data family instances with duplicate occurrences of type
+    variables in the left-hand side would have redundant equality constraints
+    in their contexts.
@@ -34 +67,0 @@




Other differences:
++++++ ghc-th-abstraction.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.zA8LiY/_old  2018-07-24 17:22:58.883345702 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.zA8LiY/_new  2018-07-24 17:22:58.883345702 +0200
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 %global pkg_name th-abstraction
 %bcond_with tests
 Name:           ghc-%{pkg_name}
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Nicer interface for reified information about data types
 License:        ISC

++++++ th-abstraction- -> th-abstraction- ++++++
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/th-abstraction- 
--- old/th-abstraction-     2017-09-05 04:55:33.000000000 
+++ new/th-abstraction-     2018-06-29 18:03:23.000000000 
@@ -1,5 +1,29 @@
 # Revision history for th-abstraction
+## -- 2018-06-29
+* GADT reification is now much more robust with respect to `PolyKinds`:
+  * A bug in which universally quantified kind variables were mistakenly
+    flagged as existential has been fixed.
+  * A bug in which the kinds of existentially quantified type variables
+    were not substituted properly has been fixed.
+  * More kind equalities are detected than before. For example, in the
+    following data type:
+    ```haskell
+    data T (a :: k) where
+      MkT :: forall (a :: Bool). T a
+    ```
+    We now catch the `k ~ Bool` equality.
+* Tweak `resolveTypeSynonyms` so that failing to reify a type constructor
+  name so longer results in an error. Among other benefits, this makes
+  it possible to pass data types with GADT syntax to `normalizeDec`.
+## -- 2018-06-17
+* Fix bug in which data family instances with duplicate occurrences of type
+  variables in the left-hand side would have redundant equality constraints
+  in their contexts.
 ## -- 2017-09-04
 * Fix bug in which `applySubstitution` and `freeVariables` would ignore
   type variables in the kinds of type variable binders.
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
--- old/th-abstraction-      
2017-09-05 04:55:33.000000000 +0200
+++ new/th-abstraction-      
2018-06-29 18:03:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -776,16 +776,9 @@
                        -> ConstructorVariant
                        -> Q [ConstructorInfo]
           dataFamCase' n tyvars stricts variant = do
-            info <- reifyRecover n $ fail $ unlines
-                      [ "normalizeCon: Cannot reify constructor " ++ nameBase n
-                      , "You are likely calling normalizeDec on GHC 7.6 or 7.8 
on a data family"
-                      , "whose type variables have been eta-reduced due to GHC 
Trac #9692."
-                      , "Unfortunately, without being able to reify the 
constructor's type,"
-                      , "there is no way to recover the eta-reduced type 
variables in general."
-                      , "A recommended workaround is to use reifyDatatype 
-                      ]
-            case info of
-              DataConI _ ty _ _ -> do
+            mbInfo <- reifyMaybe n
+            case mbInfo of
+              Just (DataConI _ ty _ _) -> do
                 let (context, argTys :|- returnTy) = uncurryType ty
                 returnTy' <- resolveTypeSynonyms returnTy
                 -- Notice that we've ignored the Cxt and argument Types from 
@@ -800,7 +793,14 @@
                 -- much easier.
                 normalizeGadtC typename params tyvars context [n]
                                returnTy' argTys stricts (const $ return 
-              _ -> fail "normalizeCon: impossible"
+              _ -> fail $ unlines
+                     [ "normalizeCon: Cannot reify constructor " ++ nameBase n
+                     , "You are likely calling normalizeDec on GHC 7.6 or 7.8 
on a data family"
+                     , "whose type variables have been eta-reduced due to GHC 
Trac #9692."
+                     , "Unfortunately, without being able to reify the 
constructor's type,"
+                     , "there is no way to recover the eta-reduced type 
variables in general."
+                     , "A recommended workaround is to use reifyDatatype 
+                     ]
           -- A very ad hoc way of determining if we need to perform some extra 
           -- to repair an eta-reduction bug for data family instances that 
only occurs
@@ -909,13 +909,17 @@
      case decomposeType innerType' of
        ConT innerTyCon :| ts | typename == innerTyCon ->
-         let (substName, context1) = mergeArguments params ts
-             subst   = VarT <$> substName
-             tyvars' = [ tv | tv <- renamedTyvars, Map.notMember (tvName tv) 
subst ]
-             context2 = applySubstitution subst (context1 ++ renamedContext)
-             fields'  = applySubstitution subst renamedFields
-         in sequence [ ConstructorInfo name tyvars' context2
+         let (substName, context1) =
+               closeOverKinds (kindsOfFVsOfTvbs renamedTyvars)
+                              (kindsOfFVsOfTypes params)
+                              (mergeArguments params ts)
+             subst    = VarT <$> substName
+             exTyvars = [ tv | tv <- renamedTyvars, Map.notMember (tvName tv) 
subst ]
+             exTyvars' = substTyVarBndrs   subst exTyvars
+             context2  = applySubstitution subst (context1 ++ renamedContext)
+             fields'   = applySubstitution subst renamedFields
+         in sequence [ ConstructorInfo name exTyvars' context2
                                        fields' stricts <$> variantQ
                      | name <- names
                      , let variantQ = getVariant name
@@ -923,25 +927,163 @@
        _ -> fail "normalizeGadtC: Expected type constructor application"
+Extend a type variable renaming subtitution and a list of equality
+predicates by looking into kind information as much as possible.
+Why is this necessary? Consider the following example:
+  data (a1 :: k1) :~: (b1 :: k1) where
+    Refl :: forall k2 (a2 :: k2). a2 :~: a2
+After an initial call to mergeArguments, we will have the following
+substitution and context:
+* Substitution: [a2 :-> a1]
+* Context: (a2 ~ b1)
+We shouldn't stop there, however! We determine the existentially quantified
+type variables of a constructor by filtering out those constructor-bound
+variables which do not appear in the substitution that mergeArguments
+returns. In this example, Refl's bound variables are k2 and a2. a2 appears
+in the returned substitution, but k2 does not, which means that we would
+mistakenly conclude that k2 is existential!
+Although we don't have the full power of kind inference to guide us here, we
+can at least do the next best thing. Generally, the datatype-bound type
+variables and the constructor type variable binders contain all of the kind
+information we need, so we proceed as follows:
+1. Construct a map from each constructor-bound variable to its kind. (Do the
+   same for each datatype-bound variable). These maps are the first and second
+   arguments to closeOverKinds, respectively.
+2. Call mergeArguments once on the GADT return type and datatype-bound types,
+   and pass that in as the third argument to closeOverKinds.
+3. For each name-name pair in the supplied substitution, check if the first and
+   second names map to kinds in the first and second kind maps in
+   closeOverKinds, respectively. If so, associate the first kind with the
+   second kind.
+4. For each kind association discovered in part (3), call mergeArguments
+   on the lists of kinds. This will yield a kind substitution and kind
+   equality context.
+5. If the kind substitution is non-empty, then go back to step (3) and repeat
+   the process on the new kind substitution and context.
+   Otherwise, if the kind substitution is empty, then we have reached a fixed-
+   point (i.e., we have closed over the kinds), so proceed.
+6. Union up all of the substitutions and contexts, and return those.
+This algorithm is not perfect, as it will only catch everything if all of
+the kinds are explicitly mentioned somewhere (and not left quantified
+implicitly). Thankfully, reifying data types via Template Haskell tends to
+yield a healthy amount of kind signatures, so this works quite well in
+closeOverKinds :: Map Name Kind
+               -> Map Name Kind
+               -> (Map Name Name, Cxt)
+               -> (Map Name Name, Cxt)
+closeOverKinds domainFVKinds rangeFVKinds = go
+  where
+    go :: (Map Name Name, Cxt) -> (Map Name Name, Cxt)
+    go (subst, context) =
+      let substList = Map.toList subst
+          (kindsInner, kindsOuter) =
+            unzip $
+            mapMaybe (\(d, r) -> do d' <- Map.lookup d domainFVKinds
+                                    r' <- Map.lookup r rangeFVKinds
+                                    return (d', r'))
+                     substList
+          (kindSubst, kindContext) = mergeArgumentKinds kindsOuter kindsInner
+          (restSubst, restContext)
+            = if Map.null kindSubst -- Fixed-point calculation
+                 then (Map.empty, [])
+                 else go (kindSubst, kindContext)
+          finalSubst   = Map.unions [subst, kindSubst, restSubst]
+          finalContext = nub $ concat [context, kindContext, restContext]
+            -- Use `nub` here in an effort to minimize the number of
+            -- redundant equality constraints in the returned context.
+      in (finalSubst, finalContext)
+-- Look into a list of types and map each free variable name to its kind.
+kindsOfFVsOfTypes :: [Type] -> Map Name Kind
+kindsOfFVsOfTypes = foldMap go
+  where
+    go :: Type -> Map Name Kind
+    go (ForallT {}) = error "`forall` type used in data family pattern"
+    go (AppT t1 t2) = go t1 `Map.union` go t2
+    go (SigT t k) =
+      let kSigs =
+#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
+                  go k
+                  Map.empty
+      in case t of
+           VarT n -> Map.insert n k kSigs
+           _      -> go t `Map.union` kSigs
+    go _ = Map.empty
+-- Look into a list of type variable binder and map each free variable name
+-- to its kind (also map the names that KindedTVs bind to their respective
+-- kinds). This function considers the kind of a PlainTV to be *.
+kindsOfFVsOfTvbs :: [TyVarBndr] -> Map Name Kind
+kindsOfFVsOfTvbs = foldMap go
+  where
+    go :: TyVarBndr -> Map Name Kind
+    go (PlainTV n) = Map.singleton n starK
+    go (KindedTV n k) =
+      let kSigs =
+#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
+                  kindsOfFVsOfTypes [k]
+                  Map.empty
+      in Map.insert n k kSigs
 mergeArguments ::
   [Type] {- ^ outer parameters                    -} ->
   [Type] {- ^ inner parameters (specializations ) -} ->
   (Map Name Name, Cxt)
 mergeArguments ns ts = foldr aux (Map.empty, []) (zip ns ts)
-    aux (SigT x _, y) sc = aux (x,y) sc -- learn about kinds??
-    aux (x, SigT y _) sc = aux (x,y) sc
     aux (f `AppT` x, g `AppT` y) sc =
       aux (x,y) (aux (f,g) sc)
     aux (VarT n,p) (subst, context) =
       case p of
-        VarT m | Map.notMember m subst -> (Map.insert m n subst, context)
+        VarT m | m == n  -> (subst, context)
+                   -- If the two variables are the same, don't bother extending
+                   -- the substitution. (This is purely an optimization.)
+               | Just n' <- Map.lookup m subst
+               , n == n' -> (subst, context)
+                   -- If a variable is already in a substitution and it maps
+                   -- to the variable that we are trying to unify with, then
+                   -- leave the context alone. (Not doing so caused #46.)
+               | Map.notMember m subst -> (Map.insert m n subst, context)
         _ -> (subst, equalPred (VarT n) p : context)
+    aux (SigT x _, y) sc = aux (x,y) sc -- learn about kinds??
+    -- This matches *after* VarT so that we can compute a substitution
+    -- that includes the kind signature.
+    aux (x, SigT y _) sc = aux (x,y) sc
     aux _ sc = sc
+-- | A specialization of 'mergeArguments' to 'Kind'.
+-- Needed only for backwards compatibility with older versions of
+-- @template-haskell@.
+mergeArgumentKinds ::
+  [Kind] ->
+  [Kind] ->
+  (Map Name Name, Cxt)
+#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
+mergeArgumentKinds = mergeArguments
+mergeArgumentKinds _ _ = (Map.empty, [])
 -- | Expand all of the type synonyms in a type.
 resolveTypeSynonyms :: Type -> Q Type
 resolveTypeSynonyms t =
@@ -951,10 +1093,9 @@
   case f of
     ConT n ->
-      do info <- reifyRecover n $ fail
-                   "resolveTypeSynonyms: Cannot reify type synonym information"
-         case info of
-           TyConI (TySynD _ synvars def)
+      do mbInfo <- reifyMaybe n
+         case mbInfo of
+           Just (TyConI (TySynD _ synvars def))
              -> resolveTypeSynonyms $ expandSynonymRHS synvars xs def
            _ -> notTypeSynCase
     _ -> notTypeSynCase
@@ -976,10 +1117,9 @@
 resolvePredSynonyms = resolveTypeSynonyms
 resolvePredSynonyms (ClassP n ts) = do
-  info <- reifyRecover n $ fail
-            "resolvePredSynonyms: Cannot reify type synonym information"
-  case info of
-    TyConI (TySynD _ synvars def)
+  mbInfo <- reifyMaybe n
+  case mbInfo of
+    Just (TyConI (TySynD _ synvars def))
       -> resolvePredSynonyms $ typeToPred $ expandSynonymRHS synvars ts def
     _ -> ClassP n <$> mapM resolveTypeSynonyms ts
 resolvePredSynonyms (EqualP t1 t2) = do
@@ -1170,7 +1310,30 @@
 -- | Class for types that support type variable substitution.
 class TypeSubstitution a where
-  -- | Apply a type variable substitution
+  -- | Apply a type variable substitution.
+  --
+  -- Note that 'applySubstitution' is /not/ capture-avoiding. To illustrate
+  -- this, observe that if you call this function with the following
+  -- substitution:
+  --
+  -- * @b :-> a@
+  --
+  -- On the following 'Type':
+  --
+  -- * @forall a. b@
+  --
+  -- Then it will return:
+  --
+  -- * @forall a. a@
+  --
+  -- However, because the same @a@ type variable was used in the range of the
+  -- substitution as was bound by the @forall@, the substituted @a@ is now
+  -- captured by the @forall@, resulting in a completely different function.
+  --
+  -- For @th-abstraction@'s purposes, this is acceptable, as it usually only
+  -- deals with globally unique type variable 'Name's. If you use
+  -- 'applySubstitution' in a context where the 'Name's aren't globally unique,
+  -- however, be aware of this potential problem.
   applySubstitution :: Map Name Type -> a -> a
   -- | Compute the free type variables
   freeVariables     :: a -> [Name]
@@ -1248,6 +1411,14 @@
   applySubstitution _ k = k
+-- | Substitutes into the kinds of type variable binders.
+-- Not capture-avoiding.
+substTyVarBndrs :: Map Name Type -> [TyVarBndr] -> [TyVarBndr]
+substTyVarBndrs subst = map go
+  where
+    go tvb@(PlainTV {}) = tvb
+    go (KindedTV n k)   = KindedTV n (applySubstitution subst k)
 combineSubstitutions :: Map Name Type -> Map Name Type -> Map Name Type
@@ -1255,6 +1426,10 @@
 -- | Compute the type variable substitution that unifies a list of types,
 -- or fail in 'Q'.
+-- All infix issue should be resolved before using 'unifyTypes'
+-- Alpha equivalent quantified types are not unified.
 unifyTypes :: [Type] -> Q (Map Name Type)
 unifyTypes [] = return Map.empty
 unifyTypes (t:ts) =
@@ -1277,20 +1452,23 @@
 unify' (VarT n) (VarT m) | n == m = pure Map.empty
 unify' (VarT n) t | n `elem` freeVariables t = Left (VarT n, t)
-                  | otherwise                = pure (Map.singleton n t)
+                  | otherwise                = Right (Map.singleton n t)
 unify' t (VarT n) | n `elem` freeVariables t = Left (VarT n, t)
-                  | otherwise                = pure (Map.singleton n t)
-unify' (ConT n) (ConT m) | n == m = pure Map.empty
+                  | otherwise                = Right (Map.singleton n t)
 unify' (AppT f1 x1) (AppT f2 x2) =
   do sub1 <- unify' f1 f2
      sub2 <- unify' (applySubstitution sub1 x1) (applySubstitution sub1 x2)
-     return (combineSubstitutions sub1 sub2)
-unify' (TupleT n) (TupleT m) | n == m = pure Map.empty
+     Right (combineSubstitutions sub1 sub2)
-unify' t u = Left (t,u)
+-- Doesn't unify kind signatures
+unify' (SigT t _) u = unify' t u
+unify' t (SigT u _) = unify' t u
+-- only non-recursive cases should remain at this point
+unify' t u
+  | t == u    = Right Map.empty
+  | otherwise = Left (t,u)
 -- | Construct an equality constraint. The implementation of 'Pred' varies
@@ -1313,7 +1491,6 @@
 -- | Match a 'Pred' representing an equality constraint. Returns
 -- arguments to the equality constraint if successful.
 asEqualPred :: Pred -> Maybe (Type,Type)
@@ -1506,9 +1683,7 @@
        _                     -> Nothing
--- | Call 'reify' with an action to take if reification fails.
-reifyRecover ::
-  Name ->
-  Q Info {- ^ handle failure -} ->
-  Q Info
-reifyRecover n failure = failure `recover` reify n
+-- | Call 'reify' and return @'Just' info@ if successful or 'Nothing' if
+-- reification failed.
+reifyMaybe :: Name -> Q (Maybe Info)
+reifyMaybe n = return Nothing `recover` fmap Just (reify n)
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/th-abstraction- 
--- old/th-abstraction-  2017-09-05 04:55:33.000000000 
+++ new/th-abstraction-  2018-06-29 18:03:23.000000000 
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 import           Control.Monad
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import           Data.Map (Map)
+import           Data.Maybe
 import           Language.Haskell.TH
 import           Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype
 import           Language.Haskell.TH.Lib (starK)
@@ -75,14 +77,21 @@
      let sub1 = Map.fromList (zip (map tvName (constructorVars con2))
                                   (map VarT (map tvName (constructorVars 
-         sub2 = Map.fromList (zip (freeVariables con2)
+         sub2 = Map.fromList (zip (freeVariables (map tvKind (constructorVars 
+                                  (map VarT (freeVariables
+                                                 (map tvKind (constructorVars 
+         sub3 = Map.fromList (zip (freeVariables con2)
                                   (map VarT (freeVariables con1)))
-         sub  = sub1 `Map.union` sub2
+         sub  = Map.unions [sub1, sub2, sub3]
      zipWithM_ (equateCxt "constructorContext")
         (constructorContext con1)
         (applySubstitution sub (constructorContext con2))
+     check "constructorVars" id
+        (constructorVars con1)
+        (substIntoTyVarBndrs sub (constructorVars con2))
      check "constructorFields" id
         (constructorFields con1)
         (applySubstitution sub (constructorFields con2))
@@ -98,6 +107,21 @@
         i@InfixConstructor{}     -> i
         RecordConstructor fields -> RecordConstructor $ map (mkName . 
nameBase) fields
+    -- Substitutes both type variable names and kinds.
+    substIntoTyVarBndrs :: Map Name Type -> [TyVarBndr] -> [TyVarBndr]
+    substIntoTyVarBndrs subst = map go
+      where
+        go (PlainTV n)    = PlainTV $ substName subst n
+        go (KindedTV n k) = KindedTV (substName subst n)
+                                     (applySubstitution subst k)
+        substName :: Map Name Type -> Name -> Name
+        substName subst n = fromMaybe n $ do
+          nty <- Map.lookup n subst
+          case nty of
+            VarT n' -> Just n'
+            _       -> Nothing
 equateStrictness :: FieldStrictness -> FieldStrictness -> Either String ()
 equateStrictness fs1 fs2 =
   check "constructorStrictness" oldGhcHack fs1 fs2
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/th-abstraction- 
--- old/th-abstraction-     2017-09-05 04:55:33.000000000 
+++ new/th-abstraction-     2018-06-29 18:03:23.000000000 
@@ -26,10 +26,8 @@
 import           Control.Monad (zipWithM_)
-#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
 import           Control.Monad (unless)
 import qualified Data.Map as Map
 #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
 import           Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(..))
@@ -55,6 +53,9 @@
+#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,6,0)
+     t43Test
 #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@
+     t46Test
 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
@@ -77,6 +79,11 @@
 #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
+     t37Test
+     polyKindedExTyvarTest
+     regressionTest44
 adt1Test :: IO ()
 adt1Test =
@@ -215,7 +222,7 @@
            , datatypeCons    =
                [ ConstructorInfo
                    { constructorName       = 'Showable
-                   , constructorVars       = [PlainTV a]
+                   , constructorVars       = [KindedTV a starK]
                    , constructorContext    = [classPred ''Show [VarT a]]
                    , constructorFields     = [VarT a]
                    , constructorStrictness = [notStrictAnnot]
@@ -319,6 +326,47 @@
   $(do info <- reifyRecord 'gadtrec1a
        validateCI info gadtRecVanillaCI)
+#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,6,0)
+t43Test :: IO ()
+t43Test =
+  $(do [decPlain] <- [d| data T43Plain where MkT43Plain :: T43Plain |]
+       infoPlain  <- normalizeDec decPlain
+       validateDI infoPlain
+         DatatypeInfo
+           { datatypeName    = mkName "T43Plain"
+           , datatypeContext = []
+           , datatypeVars    = []
+           , datatypeVariant = Datatype
+           , datatypeCons    =
+               [ ConstructorInfo
+                   { constructorName       = mkName "MkT43Plain"
+                   , constructorVars       = []
+                   , constructorContext    = []
+                   , constructorFields     = []
+                   , constructorStrictness = []
+                   , constructorVariant    = NormalConstructor } ]
+           }
+       [decFam] <- [d| data instance T43Fam where  MkT43Fam :: T43Fam |]
+       infoFam  <- normalizeDec decFam
+       validateDI infoFam
+         DatatypeInfo
+           { datatypeName    = mkName "T43Fam"
+           , datatypeContext = []
+           , datatypeVars    = []
+           , datatypeVariant = DataInstance
+           , datatypeCons    =
+               [ ConstructorInfo
+                   { constructorName       = mkName "MkT43Fam"
+                   , constructorVars       = []
+                   , constructorContext    = []
+                   , constructorFields     = []
+                   , constructorStrictness = []
+                   , constructorVariant    = NormalConstructor } ]
+           }
+   )
 #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
 dataFamilyTest :: IO ()
 dataFamilyTest =
@@ -427,7 +475,7 @@
                    , constructorVariant    = NormalConstructor }
                , ConstructorInfo
                    { constructorName       = '(:&&:)
-                   , constructorVars       = [PlainTV e]
+                   , constructorVars       = [KindedTV e starK]
                    , constructorContext    = [equalPred cTy (AppT ListT eTy)]
                    , constructorFields     = [eTy,dTy]
                    , constructorStrictness = [notStrictAnnot, notStrictAnnot]
@@ -453,7 +501,7 @@
                    , constructorVariant    = NormalConstructor }
                , ConstructorInfo
                    { constructorName       = 'MkGadtFam5
-                   , constructorVars       = [PlainTV q]
+                   , constructorVars       = [KindedTV q starK]
                    , constructorContext    = [ equalPred cTy (ConT ''Bool)
                                              , equalPred dTy (ConT ''Bool)
                                              , equalPred qTy (ConT ''Char)
@@ -512,6 +560,16 @@
 recordFamTest =
   $(do info <- reifyRecord 'famRec1
        validateCI info gadtRecFamCI)
+t46Test :: IO ()
+t46Test =
+  $(do info <- reifyDatatype 'MkT46
+       case info of
+         DatatypeInfo { datatypeCons = [ConstructorInfo { constructorContext = 
ctxt }]} ->
+           unless (null ctxt) (fail "regression test for ticket #46 failed")
+         _ -> fail "T46 should have exactly one constructor"
+       [| return () |])
 fixityLookupTest :: IO ()
@@ -577,9 +635,7 @@
            , datatypeCons    =
                [ ConstructorInfo
                    { constructorName       = 'Refl
-                   , constructorVars       = [KindedTV k starK]
-                     -- This shouldn't happen, ideally. See #37.
+                   , constructorVars       = []
                    , constructorContext    = [equalPred a b]
                    , constructorFields     = []
                    , constructorStrictness = []
@@ -606,3 +662,101 @@
        checkFreeVars substTy [k2]
        [| return () |])
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
+t37Test :: IO ()
+t37Test =
+  $(do infoA <- reifyDatatype ''T37a
+       let [k,a] = map (VarT . mkName) ["k","a"]
+       validateDI infoA
+         DatatypeInfo
+           { datatypeContext = []
+           , datatypeName    = ''T37a
+           , datatypeVars    = [SigT k starK, SigT a k]
+           , datatypeVariant = Datatype
+           , datatypeCons    =
+               [ ConstructorInfo
+                   { constructorName       = 'MkT37a
+                   , constructorVars       = []
+                   , constructorContext    = [equalPred k (ConT ''Bool)]
+                   , constructorFields     = []
+                   , constructorStrictness = []
+                   , constructorVariant    = NormalConstructor } ]
+           }
+       infoB <- reifyDatatype ''T37b
+       validateDI infoB
+         DatatypeInfo
+           { datatypeContext = []
+           , datatypeName    = ''T37b
+           , datatypeVars    = [SigT a k]
+           , datatypeVariant = Datatype
+           , datatypeCons    =
+               [ ConstructorInfo
+                   { constructorName       = 'MkT37b
+                   , constructorVars       = []
+                   , constructorContext    = [equalPred k (ConT ''Bool)]
+                   , constructorFields     = []
+                   , constructorStrictness = []
+                   , constructorVariant    = NormalConstructor } ]
+           }
+       infoC <- reifyDatatype ''T37c
+       validateDI infoC
+         DatatypeInfo
+           { datatypeContext = []
+           , datatypeName    = ''T37c
+           , datatypeVars    = [SigT a k]
+           , datatypeVariant = Datatype
+           , datatypeCons    =
+               [ ConstructorInfo
+                   { constructorName       = 'MkT37c
+                   , constructorVars       = []
+                   , constructorContext    = [equalPred a (ConT ''Bool)]
+                   , constructorFields     = []
+                   , constructorStrictness = []
+                   , constructorVariant    = NormalConstructor } ]
+           }
+   )
+polyKindedExTyvarTest :: IO ()
+polyKindedExTyvarTest =
+  $(do info <- reifyDatatype ''T48
+       let [a,x] = map mkName ["a","x"]
+       validateDI info
+         DatatypeInfo
+           { datatypeContext = []
+           , datatypeName    = ''T48
+           , datatypeVars    = [SigT (VarT a) starK]
+           , datatypeVariant = Datatype
+           , datatypeCons    =
+               [ ConstructorInfo
+                   { constructorName       = 'MkT48
+                   , constructorVars       = [KindedTV x (VarT a)]
+                   , constructorContext    = []
+                   , constructorFields     = [ConT ''Prox `AppT` VarT x]
+                   , constructorStrictness = [notStrictAnnot]
+                   , constructorVariant    = NormalConstructor } ]
+           }
+       -- Because validateCI uses a type variable substitution to normalize
+       -- away any alpha-renaming differences between constructors, it
+       -- unfortunately does not check if the uses of `a` in datatypeVars and
+       -- constructorVars are the same. We perform this check explicitly here.
+       case info of
+         DatatypeInfo { datatypeVars = [SigT (VarT a1) starK]
+                      , datatypeCons =
+                          [ ConstructorInfo
+                              { constructorVars = [KindedTV _ (VarT a2)] } ] } 
+           unless (a1 == a2) $
+             fail $ "Two occurrences of the same variable have different 
names: "
+                 ++ show [a1, a2]
+       [| return () |]
+   )
+regressionTest44 :: IO ()
+regressionTest44 =
+  $(do intToInt <- [t| Int -> Int |]
+       unified  <- unifyTypes [intToInt, intToInt]
+       unless (Map.null unified) (fail "regression test for ticket #44 failed")
+       [| return () |])
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/th-abstraction- 
--- old/th-abstraction-    2017-09-05 04:55:33.000000000 
+++ new/th-abstraction-    2018-06-29 18:03:23.000000000 
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# Language CPP, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, KindSignatures, 
TemplateHaskell, GADTs #-}
+{-# Language CPP, FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, KindSignatures, 
TemplateHaskell, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
 {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
 {-# Language PolyKinds #-}
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
+{-# Language TypeInType #-}
 Module      : Types
 Description : Test cases for the th-abstraction package
@@ -25,10 +29,14 @@
 import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
-import Language.Haskell.TH
+import Language.Haskell.TH hiding (Type)
 import Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype
 import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib (starK)
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
+import Data.Kind
 type Gadt1Int = Gadt1 Int
 infixr 6 :**:
@@ -60,10 +68,10 @@
 data StrictDemo = StrictDemo Int !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
-#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
 -- Data families
+data family T43Fam
+#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
 data family DF (a :: *)
 data instance DF (Maybe a) = DFMaybe Int [a]
@@ -95,6 +103,9 @@
 data family FamLocalDec1 a
 data family FamLocalDec2 a b c
+data family   T46 a b c
+data instance T46 (f (p :: *)) (f p) q = MkT46 q
 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 704
@@ -109,6 +120,22 @@
   | PredSyn3 Int     => MkPredSynT3 Int
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
+data T37a (k :: Type) :: k -> Type where
+  MkT37a :: T37a Bool a
+data T37b (a :: k) where
+  MkT37b :: forall (a :: Bool). T37b a
+data T37c (a :: k) where
+  MkT37c :: T37c Bool
+data Prox (a :: k) = Prox
+data T48 :: Type -> Type where
+  MkT48 :: forall a (x :: a). Prox x -> T48 a
 -- We must define these here due to Template Haskell staging restrictions
 justCI :: ConstructorInfo
 justCI =
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/th-abstraction- 
--- old/th-abstraction-     2017-09-05 
04:55:33.000000000 +0200
+++ new/th-abstraction-     2018-06-29 
18:03:23.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name:                th-abstraction
 synopsis:            Nicer interface for reified information about data types
 description:         This package normalizes variations in the interface for
                      inspecting datatype information via Template Haskell
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 build-type:          Simple
 extra-source-files:  ChangeLog.md README.md
 cabal-version:       >=1.10
-tested-with:         GHC==8.0.2, GHC==7.10.3, GHC==7.8.4, GHC==7.6.3, 
GHC==7.4.2, GHC==7.2.2, GHC==7.0.4
+tested-with:         GHC==8.4.3, GHC==8.2.2, GHC==8.0.2, GHC==7.10.3, 
GHC==7.8.4, GHC==7.6.3, GHC==7.4.2, GHC==7.2.2, GHC==7.0.4
 source-repository head
   type: git
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   other-modules:       Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype.Internal
   build-depends:       base             >=4.3   && <5,
-                       template-haskell >=2.5   && <2.13,
+                       template-haskell >=2.5   && <2.14,
                        containers       >=0.4   && <0.6
   hs-source-dirs:      src
   default-language:    Haskell2010

++++++ th-abstraction.cabal ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.zA8LiY/_old  2018-07-24 17:22:58.939345773 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.zA8LiY/_new  2018-07-24 17:22:58.939345773 +0200
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name:                th-abstraction
 x-revision: 1
 synopsis:            Nicer interface for reified information about data types
 description:         This package normalizes variations in the interface for
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 build-type:          Simple
 extra-source-files:  ChangeLog.md README.md
 cabal-version:       >=1.10
-tested-with:         GHC==8.0.2, GHC==7.10.3, GHC==7.8.4, GHC==7.6.3, 
GHC==7.4.2, GHC==7.2.2, GHC==7.0.4
+tested-with:         GHC==8.4.3, GHC==8.2.2, GHC==8.0.2, GHC==7.10.3, 
GHC==7.8.4, GHC==7.6.3, GHC==7.4.2, GHC==7.2.2, GHC==7.0.4
 source-repository head
   type: git
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
   other-modules:       Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype.Internal
   build-depends:       base             >=4.3   && <5,
-                       template-haskell >=2.5   && <2.14,
-                       containers       >=0.4   && <0.6
+                       template-haskell >=2.5   && <2.15,
+                       containers       >=0.4   && <0.7
   hs-source-dirs:      src
   default-language:    Haskell2010

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