Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package rubygem-parser for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2019-10-04 16:06:44
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/rubygem-parser (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.rubygem-parser.new.2352 (New)

Package is "rubygem-parser"

Fri Oct  4 16:06:44 2019 rev:1 rq:731441 version:

New Changes file:

--- /dev/null   2019-09-25 09:10:10.894331610 +0200
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.rubygem-parser.new.2352/rubygem-parser.changes  
2019-10-04 16:06:46.948692436 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+Tue Sep 17 08:36:39 UTC 2019 - Dan Čermák <dcer...@suse.com>
+- Update to version
+  Bugs fixed:
+  * lexer.rl: fix parsing of 'm a + b do end' (#605) (Ilya Bylich)
+Tue Sep 10 12:12:59 UTC 2019 - Dan Čermák <dcer...@suse.com>
+- update to version
+  API modifications:
+  * Added specs for heredocs with mixed encoding. (#581) (Ilya Bylich)
+  Features implemented:
+  * ruby27.y: Revert "pipeline operator" (#601) (Koichi ITO)
+  * ruby27.y: Fix parsing of mutiple assignment with rescue modifier (#600) 
(Koichi ITO)
+  * ruby27.y: hoisted out f_rest_marg. (#594) (Ilya Bylich)
+  * ruby27.y: added pipeline operator. (#592) (Ilya Bylich)
+  * ruby27.y: reject safe navigator in LHS of mass-assignment. (#586) (Ilya 
+  * lexer.rl: reject whitespaces in meta and control chars. (#585) (Ilya 
+  * lexer.rl: Reject numparams as symbol literals. (#582) (Ilya Bylich)
+  * ruby27.y: Added numbered parameters support. (#565) (Ilya Bylich)
+  * lexer.rl: Reject \n and \r in heredoc identifiers starting from 2.7. 
(#575) (Ilya Bylich)
+  Bugs fixed:
+  * ruby-parse: print empty string when --emit-json and empty input are given. 
(#590) (Ilya Bylich)
+  * AST_FORMAT: fixed documentation of the string with interpolation. (#589) 
(Ilya Bylich)
+  * builder.rb, processor.rb: Changed format of the procarg0 node. (#587) 
(Ilya Bylich)
+Sun May  5 09:38:58 UTC 2019 - Stephan Kulow <co...@suse.com>
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+Fri Mar 29 06:10:33 UTC 2019 - Stephan Kulow <co...@suse.com>
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+  Not released (2019-03-21)
+  -------------------------
+  API modifications:
+   * Bump ruby versions to 2.5.5 and 2.6.2. (#563) (Ilya Bylich)
+   * Bump Ruby version to 2.6.1. (#554) (Ilya Bylich)
+  Features implemented:
+   * ruby27.y: dsym should be treated as string. (#560) (Ilya Bylich)
+   * ruby27.y: Refactored symbol rules. (#557) (Ilya Bylich)
+   * ruby27.y: Added method reference operator. (#556) (Ilya Bylich)
+   * ruby27.y: branch parser. (#546) (Ilya Bylich)
+Sat Mar  2 15:29:51 UTC 2019 - Stephan Kulow <co...@suse.com>
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+Thu Nov 22 05:26:50 UTC 2018 - Stephan Kulow <co...@suse.com>
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+Thu Jul 12 06:16:58 UTC 2018 - factory-a...@kulow.org
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+Wed Jul 11 05:16:14 UTC 2018 - factory-a...@kulow.org
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+  Bugs fixed:
+   * lexer.rl: Partially revert 5ba072d and properly handle 'm = -> *args do 
end'. (Ilya Bylich)
+  v2.5.1.1 (2018-07-10)
+  ---------------------
+Tue Jul 10 04:14:28 UTC 2018 - factory-a...@kulow.org
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+Thu Apr 12 03:39:05 UTC 2018 - factory-a...@kulow.org
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+  Not released (2018-04-12)
+  -------------------------
+  API modifications:
+   * Parser::Current: bump latest 2.2 branch to 2.2.10. (Ilya Bylich)
+  Features implemented:
+   * ruby26.y: Raise a syntax error on 'else' without 'rescue'. This commit 
tracks upstream commit ruby/ruby@140512d. (Ilya Bylich)
+  Bugs fixed:
+   * lexer.rl, Dedenter: Treat slash in heredocs as a line continuation. (Ilya 
+   * lexer.rl: Fix parsing of `a ? b + '': nil`. (Ilya Bylich)
+   * lexer.rl: Reject `m a: {} {}` and `m [] {}` since 25. (Ilya Bylich)
+   * builders/default: allow class/module/dynamic constant definition in the 
method body if there's a sclass between them. (bug #490) (Ilya Bylich)
+   * lexer.rl: Emit :!@ as :!, :~@ as :~. (Ilya Bylich)
+   * parse{23,24,25}.y: use only CMDARG/COND _PUSH/POP for cmdarg/cond 
management. (bug #481) (Ilya Bylich)
+   * lexer.rl: emit tSTRING_BEG and tSTRING_DBEG one by one to allow parser to 
properly manipulate cmdarg stack. (bug #480) (Ilya Bylich)
+Sun Mar 25 04:29:43 UTC 2018 - factory-a...@kulow.org
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+Tue Mar 20 10:13:01 UTC 2018 - factory-a...@kulow.org
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+Tue Mar  6 05:31:24 UTC 2018 - factory-a...@kulow.org
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+  Not released (2018-03-06)
+  -------------------------
+  Bugs fixed:
+   * Accept `BEGIN` and `END` as correct method name (#463) (Masataka Pocke 
+   * Parser::Source::Buffer: Fixed parsing of encoding comment when the file 
contains only shebang. (Ilya Bylich)
+Fri Feb 23 05:31:31 UTC 2018 - factory-a...@kulow.org
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+  v2.5.0.2 (2018-02-22)
+  ---------------------
+  Bugs fixed:
+   * ruby24.y, ruby25.y: Replicate cmdargs handling from MRI. (#453) (Ilya 
+Thu Feb 22 05:30:43 UTC 2018 - factory-a...@kulow.org
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+Wed Feb 21 12:04:43 UTC 2018 - cbruckma...@suse.com
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+Sat Feb 17 05:30:36 UTC 2018 - factory-a...@kulow.org
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+Sun Dec  3 19:28:20 UTC 2017 - co...@suse.com
+- updated to version
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md
+  Not released (2017-11-13)
+  -------------------------
+  API modifications:
+   * parser/current: update for 2.3.5 release. (whitequark)
+  v2.4.0.1 (2017-11-13)
+  ---------------------
+  API modifications:
+   * parser/current: update for 2.3.4 release. (whitequark)
+   * parser/current: update for Ruby 2.1.10 and 2.2.7. (Koichi ITO)
+  Features implemented:
+   * Allow rescue/else/ensure inside do/end blocks. [Feature #12906] (Ilya 
+   * ruby25.y: branch parser. (Ilya Bylich)
+  Bugs fixed:
+   * Source::Comment::Associator: skip -*- magic comments -*-. (Denis Defreyne)
+   * lexer.rl: "- 5": allow whitespace after tUNARY_NUM. (whitequark)
+   * *ruby*.y, Builders::Default: "+5": don't lose location of the "+". 
++++ 376 more lines (skipped)
++++ between /dev/null
++++ and 



Other differences:
++++++ rubygem-parser.spec ++++++
# spec file for package rubygem-parser
# Copyright (c) 2019 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/

# This file was generated with a gem2rpm.yml and not just plain gem2rpm.
# All sections marked as MANUAL, license headers, summaries and descriptions
# can be maintained in that file. Please consult this file before editing any
# of those fields

Name:           rubygem-parser
Release:        0
%define mod_name parser
%define mod_full_name %{mod_name}-%{version}
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
BuildRequires:  ruby-macros >= 5
BuildRequires:  %{ruby >= 2.0.0}
BuildRequires:  %{rubygem gem2rpm}
BuildRequires:  update-alternatives
Url:            https://github.com/whitequark/parser
Source:         https://rubygems.org/gems/%{mod_full_name}.gem
Source1:        gem2rpm.yml
Summary:        A Ruby parser written in pure Ruby
License:        MIT
Group:          Development/Languages/Ruby
PreReq:         update-alternatives

A Ruby parser written in pure Ruby.



%gem_install \
  --symlink-binaries \
  --doc-files="CHANGELOG.md LICENSE.txt README.md" \
%fdupes %{buildroot}%{gem_base}
find %{buildroot}%{gem_base} \( -name .travis.yml -o -name .yardopts -o -name 
.gitkeep -o -name .gitignore -o -name run_rubocop_specs \) | xargs rm


++++++ gem2rpm.yml ++++++
# ---
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :summary: this is a custom summary
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :description: |-
#   this is a custom description
#   it can be multiline
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :license: MIT or Ruby
# ## used by gem2rpm and gem_packages
# :version_suffix: -x_y
# ## used by gem2rpm and gem_packages
# :disable_docs: true
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :disable_automatic_rdoc_dep: true
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :preamble: |-
#   BuildRequires: foobar
#   Requires: foobar
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :patches:
#   foo.patch: -p1
#   bar.patch:
# ## used by gem2rpm
# - foo.desktop
# - bar.desktop
# :gem_install_args: '....'
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :pre_install: |-
#   %if 0%{?use_system_libev}
#   export USE_VENDORED_LIBEV="no"
#   %endif
# ## used by gem2rpm
:post_install: |-
  %fdupes %{buildroot}%{gem_base}
  find %{buildroot}%{gem_base} \( -name .travis.yml -o -name .yardopts -o -name 
.gitkeep -o -name .gitignore -o -name run_rubocop_specs \) | xargs rm
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :testsuite_command: |-
#   (pushd %{buildroot}%{gem_base}/gems/%{mod_full_name} && rake test)
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :filelist: |-
#   /usr/bin/gem2rpm-opensuse
# ## used by gem2rpm
# :scripts:
#   :post: |-
#     /bin/echo foo
# ## used by gem_packages
# :main:
#   :preamble: |-
#     Requires: util-linux
#     Recommends: pwgen
#   :filelist: |-
#     /usr/bin/gem2rpm-opensuse
# ## used by gem_packages
# :custom:
#   apache:
#     :preamble: |-
#       Requires: .....
#     :filelist: |-
#       /etc/apache2/conf.d/passenger.conf
#     :summary: Custom summary is optional
#     :description: |-
#       Custom description is optional
#       bar
#     :post: |-
#       /bin/echo foo

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