Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package ghc-semigroupoids for 
openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2019-12-27 13:57:10
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ghc-semigroupoids (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.ghc-semigroupoids.new.6675 (New)

Package is "ghc-semigroupoids"

Fri Dec 27 13:57:10 2019 rev:13 rq:759502 version:5.3.4

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ghc-semigroupoids/ghc-semigroupoids.changes      
2019-08-29 17:22:45.555315073 +0200
    2019-12-27 13:57:17.812772195 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,14 @@
+Wed Nov 27 03:01:07 UTC 2019 - psim...@suse.com
+- Update semigroupoids to version 5.3.4.
+  5.3.4 [2019.11.26]
+  ------------------
+  * Achieve forward compatibility with
+    [GHC proposal 
+Fri Nov  8 16:14:42 UTC 2019 - Peter Simons <psim...@suse.com>
+- Drop obsolete group attributes.




Other differences:
++++++ ghc-semigroupoids.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.i3bvio/_old  2019-12-27 13:57:18.320772440 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.i3bvio/_new  2019-12-27 13:57:18.324772442 +0100
@@ -19,11 +19,10 @@
 %global pkg_name semigroupoids
 %bcond_with tests
 Name:           ghc-%{pkg_name}
-Version:        5.3.3
+Version:        5.3.4
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Semigroupoids: Category sans id
 License:        BSD-2-Clause
-Group:          Development/Libraries/Haskell
 URL:            https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkg_name}
 BuildRequires:  ghc-Cabal-devel
@@ -84,7 +83,6 @@
 %package devel
 Summary:        Haskell %{pkg_name} library development files
-Group:          Development/Libraries/Haskell
 Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
 Requires:       ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}
 Requires(post): ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}

++++++ semigroupoids-5.3.3.tar.gz -> semigroupoids-5.3.4.tar.gz ++++++
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/semigroupoids-5.3.3/.travis.yml 
--- old/semigroupoids-5.3.3/.travis.yml 2001-09-09 03:46:40.000000000 +0200
+++ new/semigroupoids-5.3.4/.travis.yml 2001-09-09 03:46:40.000000000 +0200
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 # For more information, see https://github.com/haskell-CI/haskell-ci
-# version: 0.3.20190425
+# version: 0.5.20180830
 language: c
 dist: xenial
@@ -35,44 +35,43 @@
     - compiler: ghc-8.8.1
-      env: GHCHEAD=true
     - compiler: ghc-8.6.5
-      addons: 
+      addons: 
     - compiler: ghc-8.4.4
-      addons: 
+      addons: 
     - compiler: ghc-8.2.2
-      addons: 
+      addons: 
     - compiler: ghc-8.0.2
-      addons: 
+      addons: 
     - compiler: ghc-7.10.3
-      addons: 
+      addons: 
     - compiler: ghc-7.8.4
-      addons: 
+      addons: 
     - compiler: ghc-7.6.3
-      addons: 
+      addons: 
     - compiler: ghc-7.4.2
-      addons: 
+      addons: 
     - compiler: ghc-7.2.2
-      addons: 
+      addons: 
     - compiler: ghc-7.0.4
-      addons: 
+      addons: 
     - compiler: ghc-head
-      env: GHCHEAD=true
     - compiler: ghc-head
     - compiler: ghc-7.0.4
     - compiler: ghc-7.2.2
-    - compiler: ghc-8.8.1
   - HC=$(echo "/opt/$CC/bin/ghc" | sed 's/-/\//')
+  - HADDOCK=$(echo "/opt/$CC/bin/haddock" | sed 's/-/\//')
   - HCPKG="$HC-pkg"
   - unset CC
   - CABAL=/opt/ghc/bin/cabal
   - CABALHOME=$HOME/.cabal
   - export PATH="$CABALHOME/bin:$PATH"
   - TOP=$(pwd)
-  - HCNUMVER=$(( $(${HC} --numeric-version|sed -E 
's/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+).*/\1 * 10000 + \2 * 100 + \3/') ))
+  - "HCNUMVER=$(${HC} --numeric-version|perl -ne 
'/^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)(\\.(\\d+))?$/; print(10000 * $1 + 100 * $2 + ($3 == 
0 ? $5 != 1 : $3))')"
   - echo $HCNUMVER
   - CABAL="$CABAL -vnormal+nowrap+markoutput"
   - set -o pipefail
@@ -99,11 +98,13 @@
   - echo "$(${HC} --version) [$(${HC} --print-project-git-commit-id 2> 
/dev/null || echo '?')]"
   - TEST=--enable-tests
   - BENCH=--enable-benchmarks
-  - GHCHEAD=${GHCHEAD-false}
+  - HEADHACKAGE=false
+  - if [ $HCNUMVER -gt 80801 ] ; then HEADHACKAGE=true ; fi
   - rm -f $CABALHOME/config
   - |
     echo "verbose: normal +nowrap +markoutput"          >> $CABALHOME/config
     echo "remote-build-reporting: anonymous"            >> $CABALHOME/config
+    echo "write-ghc-environment-files: always"          >> $CABALHOME/config
     echo "remote-repo-cache: $CABALHOME/packages"       >> $CABALHOME/config
     echo "logs-dir:          $CABALHOME/logs"           >> $CABALHOME/config
     echo "world-file:        $CABALHOME/world"          >> $CABALHOME/config
@@ -117,15 +118,14 @@
     echo "repository hackage.haskell.org"               >> $CABALHOME/config
     echo "  url: http://hackage.haskell.org/";           >> $CABALHOME/config
   - |
-    if $GHCHEAD; then
+    if $HEADHACKAGE; then
     echo "allow-newer: $($HCPKG list --simple-output | sed -E 
's/([a-zA-Z-]+)-[0-9.]+/*:\1/g')" >> $CABALHOME/config
-    echo "repository head.hackage"                                             
           >> $CABALHOME/config
-    echo "   url: http://head.hackage.haskell.org/";                            
           >> $CABALHOME/config
+    echo "repository head.hackage.ghc.haskell.org"                             
           >> $CABALHOME/config
+    echo "   url: https://ghc.gitlab.haskell.org/head.hackage/";                
           >> $CABALHOME/config
     echo "   secure: True"                                                     
           >> $CABALHOME/config
-    echo "   root-keys: 
07c59cb65787dedfaef5bd5f987ceb5f7e5ebf88b904bbd4c5cbdeb2ff71b740" >> 
-    echo "              
2e8555dde16ebd8df076f1a8ef13b8f14c66bad8eafefd7d9e37d0ed711821fb" >> 
-    echo "              
8f79fd2389ab2967354407ec852cbe73f2e8635793ac446d09461ffb99527f6e" >> 
+    echo "   root-keys: 
7541f32a4ccca4f97aea3b22f5e593ba2c0267546016b992dfadcd2fe944e55d" >> 
+    echo "              
26021a13b401500c8eb2761ca95c61f2d625bfef951b939a8124ed12ecf07329" >> 
+    echo "              
f76d08be13e9a61a377a85e2fb63f4c5435d40f8feb3e12eb05905edb8cdea89" >> 
     echo "   key-threshold: 3"                                                 
           >> $CABALHOME/config
   - cat $CABALHOME/config
@@ -135,17 +135,16 @@
   - rm -rf cabal.project cabal.project.local cabal.project.freeze
   - touch cabal.project
   - |
-    echo 'packages: "."' >> cabal.project
+    echo "packages: ." >> cabal.project
   - |
-    echo "write-ghc-environment-files: always" >> cabal.project
-  - "for pkg in $($HCPKG list --simple-output); do echo $pkg | sed 
's/-[^-]*$//' | grep -vE -- '^(semigroupoids)$' | sed 's/^/constraints: /' | 
sed 's/$/ installed/' >> cabal.project.local; done"
+  - "for pkg in $($HCPKG list --simple-output); do echo $pkg | sed 
's/-[^-]*$//' | (grep -vE -- '^(semigroupoids)$' || true) | sed 
's/^/constraints: /' | sed 's/$/ installed/' >> cabal.project.local; done"
   - cat cabal.project || true
   - cat cabal.project.local || true
   - if [ -f "./configure.ac" ]; then (cd "." && autoreconf -i); fi
-  - ${CABAL} v2-freeze -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} | color_cabal_output
+  - ${CABAL} v2-freeze $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} | color_cabal_output
   - "cat cabal.project.freeze | sed -E 's/^(constraints: *| *)//' | sed 
   - rm  cabal.project.freeze
-  - ${CABAL} v2-build -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} --dep -j2 all | 
+  - ${CABAL} v2-build $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} --dep -j2 all | 
   - DISTDIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/dist-test.XXXX)
   # Packaging...
@@ -153,26 +152,27 @@
   # Unpacking...
   - mv dist-newstyle/sdist/*.tar.gz ${DISTDIR}/
   - cd ${DISTDIR} || false
-  - find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.tar.gz' -exec tar -xvf '{}' \;
+  - find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.tar.gz' -exec tar -xvf '{}' \;
+  - find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.tar.gz' -exec rm       '{}' \;
+  - PKGDIR_semigroupoids="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex 
   # Generate cabal.project
   - rm -rf cabal.project cabal.project.local cabal.project.freeze
   - touch cabal.project
   - |
-    echo 'packages: "semigroupoids-*/*.cabal"' >> cabal.project
+    echo "packages: ${PKGDIR_semigroupoids}" >> cabal.project
   - |
-    echo "write-ghc-environment-files: always" >> cabal.project
-  - "for pkg in $($HCPKG list --simple-output); do echo $pkg | sed 
's/-[^-]*$//' | grep -vE -- '^(semigroupoids)$' | sed 's/^/constraints: /' | 
sed 's/$/ installed/' >> cabal.project.local; done"
+  - "for pkg in $($HCPKG list --simple-output); do echo $pkg | sed 
's/-[^-]*$//' | (grep -vE -- '^(semigroupoids)$' || true) | sed 
's/^/constraints: /' | sed 's/$/ installed/' >> cabal.project.local; done"
   - cat cabal.project || true
   - cat cabal.project.local || true
   # Building with tests and benchmarks...
   # build & run tests, build benchmarks
-  - ${CABAL} v2-build -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} all | color_cabal_output
+  - ${CABAL} v2-build $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} all | color_cabal_output
   # Testing...
-  - ${CABAL} v2-test -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} all | color_cabal_output
+  - ${CABAL} v2-test $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} all | color_cabal_output
   # cabal check...
-  - (cd semigroupoids-* && ${CABAL} -vnormal check)
+  - (cd ${PKGDIR_semigroupoids} && ${CABAL} -vnormal check)
   # haddock...
-  - ${CABAL} v2-haddock -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} all | color_cabal_output
+  - ${CABAL} v2-haddock $WITHCOMPILER --with-haddock $HADDOCK ${TEST} ${BENCH} 
all | color_cabal_output
 # EOF
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/semigroupoids-5.3.3/CHANGELOG.markdown 
--- old/semigroupoids-5.3.3/CHANGELOG.markdown  2001-09-09 03:46:40.000000000 
+++ new/semigroupoids-5.3.4/CHANGELOG.markdown  2001-09-09 03:46:40.000000000 
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+5.3.4 [2019.11.26]
+* Achieve forward compatibility with
+  [GHC proposal 
 5.3.3 [2019.08.27]
 * Add `Alt` and `Plus` instances for `HashMap` from the `unordered-containers`
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/semigroupoids-5.3.3/semigroupoids.cabal 
--- old/semigroupoids-5.3.3/semigroupoids.cabal 2001-09-09 03:46:40.000000000 
+++ new/semigroupoids-5.3.4/semigroupoids.cabal 2001-09-09 03:46:40.000000000 
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name:          semigroupoids
 category:      Control, Comonads
-version:       5.3.3
+version:       5.3.4
 license:       BSD3
 cabal-version: >= 1.8
 license-file:  LICENSE
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/semigroupoids-5.3.3/src/Data/Functor/Bind/Class.hs 
--- old/semigroupoids-5.3.3/src/Data/Functor/Bind/Class.hs      2001-09-09 
03:46:40.000000000 +0200
+++ new/semigroupoids-5.3.4/src/Data/Functor/Bind/Class.hs      2001-09-09 
03:46:40.000000000 +0200
@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@
 instance (Apply f, Apply g) => Apply (Compose f g) where
   Compose f <.> Compose x = Compose ((<.>) <$> f <.> x)
+-- | A 'Constant f' is not 'Applicative' unless its 'f' is a 'Monoid', but it 
is an instance of 'Apply'
 instance Semigroup f => Apply (Constant f) where
   Constant a <.> Constant b = Constant (a <> b)
   Constant a <.  Constant b = Constant (a <> b)
@@ -218,6 +219,7 @@
 instance Apply f => Apply (Reverse f) where
   Reverse a <.> Reverse b = Reverse (a <.> b)
+-- | A '(,) m' is not 'Applicative' unless its 'm' is a 'Monoid', but it is an 
instance of 'Apply'
 instance Semigroup m => Apply ((,)m) where
   (m, f) <.> (n, a) = (m <> n, f a)
   (m, a) <.  (n, _) = (m <> n, a)
@@ -239,6 +241,7 @@
   Right _  .> Left a  = Left a
   Right _  .> Right b = Right b
+-- | A 'Const m' is not 'Applicative' unless its 'm' is a 'Monoid', but it is 
an instance of 'Apply'
 instance Semigroup m => Apply (Const m) where
   Const m <.> Const n = Const (m <> n)
   Const m <.  Const n = Const (m <> n)
@@ -303,13 +306,13 @@
   (<.>) = ap
 #ifdef MIN_VERSION_containers
--- | A Map is not 'Applicative', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
+-- | A 'Map k' is not 'Applicative', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
 instance Ord k => Apply (Map k) where
   (<.>) = Map.intersectionWith id
   (<. ) = Map.intersectionWith const
   ( .>) = Map.intersectionWith (const id)
--- | An IntMap is not 'Applicative', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
+-- | An 'IntMap' is not 'Applicative', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
 instance Apply IntMap where
   (<.>) = IntMap.intersectionWith id
   (<. ) = IntMap.intersectionWith const
@@ -325,7 +328,7 @@
 #ifdef MIN_VERSION_unordered_containers
--- | A 'HashMap' is not 'Applicative', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
+-- | A 'HashMap k' is not 'Applicative', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
 instance (Hashable k, Eq k) => Apply (HashMap k) where
   (<.>) = HashMap.intersectionWith id
@@ -348,10 +351,12 @@
   ListT f <.> ListT a = ListT $ (<.>) <$> f <.> a
 -- unfortunately, WriterT has its wrapped product in the wrong order to just 
use (<.>) instead of flap
+-- | A 'WriterT w m' is not 'Applicative' unless its 'w' is a 'Monoid', but it 
is an instance of 'Apply'
 instance (Apply m, Semigroup w) => Apply (Strict.WriterT w m) where
   Strict.WriterT f <.> Strict.WriterT a = Strict.WriterT $ flap <$> f <.> a 
     flap (x,m) (y,n) = (x y, m <> n)
+-- | A 'WriterT w m' is not 'Applicative' unless its 'w' is a 'Monoid', but it 
is an instance of 'Apply'
 instance (Apply m, Semigroup w) => Apply (Lazy.WriterT w m) where
   Lazy.WriterT f <.> Lazy.WriterT a = Lazy.WriterT $ flap <$> f <.> a where
     flap ~(x,m) ~(y,n) = (x y, m <> n)
@@ -362,9 +367,11 @@
 instance Bind m => Apply (Lazy.StateT s m) where
   (<.>) = apDefault
+-- | An 'RWST r w s m' is not 'Applicative' unless its 'w' is a 'Monoid', but 
it is an instance of 'Apply'
 instance (Bind m, Semigroup w) => Apply (Strict.RWST r w s m) where
   (<.>) = apDefault
+-- | An 'RWST r w s m' is not 'Applicative' unless its 'w' is a 'Monoid', but 
it is an instance of 'Apply'
 instance (Bind m, Semigroup w) => Apply (Lazy.RWST r w s m) where
   (<.>) = apDefault
@@ -372,9 +379,11 @@
   ContT f <.> ContT v = ContT $ \k -> f $ \g -> v (k . g)
 #ifdef MIN_VERSION_comonad
+-- | An 'EnvT e w' is not 'Applicative' unless its 'e' is a 'Monoid', but it 
is an instance of 'Apply'
 instance (Semigroup e, Apply w) => Apply (EnvT e w) where
   EnvT ef wf <.> EnvT ea wa = EnvT (ef <> ea) (wf <.> wa)
+-- | A 'StoreT s w' is not 'Applicative' unless its 's' is a 'Monoid', but it 
is an instance of 'Apply'
 instance (Apply w, Semigroup s) => Apply (StoreT s w) where
   StoreT ff m <.> StoreT fa n = StoreT ((<*>) <$> ff <.> fa) (m <> n)
@@ -472,12 +481,14 @@
 instance Apply U1 where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+-- | A 'K1 i c' is not 'Applicative' unless its 'c' is a 'Monoid', but it is 
an instance of 'Apply'
 instance Semigroup c => Apply (K1 i c) where
   K1 a <.> K1 b = K1 (a <> b)
   K1 a <.  K1 b = K1 (a <> b)
   K1 a  .> K1 b = K1 (a <> b)
 instance Apply Par1 where (<.>)=(<*>);(.>)=(*>);(<.)=(<*)
+-- | A 'V1' is not 'Applicative', but it is an instance of 'Apply'
 instance Apply Generics.V1 where
 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
   e <.> _ = case e of {}
@@ -525,6 +536,7 @@
 apDefault :: Bind f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
 apDefault f x = f >>- \f' -> f' <$> x
+-- | A '(,) m' is not a 'Monad' unless its 'm' is a 'Monoid', but it is an 
instance of 'Bind'
 instance Semigroup m => Bind ((,)m) where
   ~(m, a) >>- f = let (n, b) = f a in (m <> n, b)
@@ -602,12 +614,14 @@
 instance Bind m => Bind (ReaderT e m) where
   ReaderT m >>- f = ReaderT $ \e -> m e >>- \x -> runReaderT (f x) e
+-- | A 'WriterT w m' is not a 'Monad' unless its 'w' is a 'Monoid', but it is 
an instance of 'Bind'
 instance (Bind m, Semigroup w) => Bind (Lazy.WriterT w m) where
   m >>- k = Lazy.WriterT $
     Lazy.runWriterT m >>- \ ~(a, w) ->
     Lazy.runWriterT (k a) `returning` \ ~(b, w') ->
       (b, w <> w')
+-- | A 'WriterT w m' is not a 'Monad' unless its 'w' is a 'Monoid', but it is 
an instance of 'Bind'
 instance (Bind m, Semigroup w) => Bind (Strict.WriterT w m) where
   m >>- k = Strict.WriterT $
     Strict.runWriterT m >>- \ (a, w) ->
@@ -624,12 +638,14 @@
     Strict.runStateT m s >>- \ ~(a, s') ->
     Strict.runStateT (k a) s'
+-- | An 'RWST r w s m' is not a 'Monad' unless its 'w' is a 'Monoid', but it 
is an instance of 'Bind'
 instance (Bind m, Semigroup w) => Bind (Lazy.RWST r w s m) where
   m >>- k = Lazy.RWST $ \r s ->
     Lazy.runRWST m r s >>- \ ~(a, s', w) ->
     Lazy.runRWST (k a) r s' `returning` \ ~(b, s'', w') ->
       (b, s'', w <> w')
+-- | An 'RWST r w s m' is not a 'Monad' unless its 'w' is a 'Monoid', but it 
is an instance of 'Bind'
 instance (Bind m, Semigroup w) => Bind (Strict.RWST r w s m) where
   m >>- k = Strict.RWST $ \r s ->
     Strict.runRWST m r s >>- \ (a, s', w) ->
@@ -653,7 +669,7 @@
 #ifdef MIN_VERSION_containers
--- | A 'Map' is not a 'Monad', but it is an instance of 'Bind'
+-- | A 'Map k' is not a 'Monad', but it is an instance of 'Bind'
 instance Ord k => Bind (Map k) where
   m >>- f = Map.mapMaybeWithKey (\k -> Map.lookup k . f) m
@@ -669,7 +685,7 @@
 #ifdef MIN_VERSION_unordered_containers
--- | A 'HashMap' is not a 'Monad', but it is an instance of 'Bind'
+-- | A 'HashMap k' is not a 'Monad', but it is an instance of 'Bind'
 instance (Hashable k, Eq k) => Bind (HashMap k) where
   -- this is needlessly painful
   m >>- f = HashMap.fromList $ do
@@ -695,6 +711,7 @@
 instance Bind Semigroup.Last where (>>-) = (>>=)
 instance Bind Semigroup.Min where (>>-) = (>>=)
 instance Bind Semigroup.Max where (>>-) = (>>=)
+-- | A 'V1' is not a 'Monad', but it is an instance of 'Bind'
 instance Bind Generics.V1 where
 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
   m >>- _ = case m of {}
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/semigroupoids-5.3.3/src/Data/Functor/Extend.hs 
--- old/semigroupoids-5.3.3/src/Data/Functor/Extend.hs  2001-09-09 
03:46:40.000000000 +0200
+++ new/semigroupoids-5.3.4/src/Data/Functor/Extend.hs  2001-09-09 
03:46:40.000000000 +0200
@@ -164,7 +164,8 @@
   extended f (IdentityT m) = IdentityT (extended (f . IdentityT) m)
 instance Extend NonEmpty where
-  extended f w@ ~(_ :| aas) = f w :| case aas of
+  extended f w@(~(_ :| aas)) =
+    f w :| case aas of
       []     -> []
       (a:as) -> toList (extended f (a :| as))

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