Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package rubygem-simplecov-html for 
openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2020-03-07 21:40:06
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/rubygem-simplecov-html (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.rubygem-simplecov-html.new.26092 (New)

Package is "rubygem-simplecov-html"

Sat Mar  7 21:40:06 2020 rev:14 rq:773851 version:0.11.0

    2017-08-16 16:18:55.869441475 +0200
 2020-03-07 21:40:10.688350728 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,6 @@
+Mon Feb 10 15:50:02 UTC 2020 - Stephan Kulow <co...@suse.com>
+- updated to version 0.11.0
+ see installed CHANGELOG.md




Other differences:
++++++ rubygem-simplecov-html.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.rDwgVe/_old  2020-03-07 21:40:11.840351506 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.rDwgVe/_new  2020-03-07 21:40:11.840351506 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # spec file for package rubygem-simplecov-html
-# Copyright (c) 2017 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+# Copyright (c) 2020 SUSE LLC
 # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
 # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 # license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
 # published by the Open Source Initiative.
-# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/
+# Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
@@ -24,23 +24,24 @@
 Name:           rubygem-simplecov-html
-Version:        0.10.2
+Version:        0.11.0
 Release:        0
 %define mod_name simplecov-html
 %define mod_full_name %{mod_name}-%{version}
 BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
-BuildRequires:  %{ruby >= 1.8.7}
+BuildRequires:  %{ruby < 3}
+BuildRequires:  %{ruby => 2.4}
 BuildRequires:  %{rubygem gem2rpm}
 BuildRequires:  ruby-macros >= 5
-Url:            https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov-html
+URL:            https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov-html
 Source:         https://rubygems.org/gems/%{mod_full_name}.gem
 Source1:        gem2rpm.yml
-Summary:        Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for 
ruby 1.9+
+Summary:        Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for 
ruby 2.4+
 License:        MIT
 Group:          Development/Languages/Ruby
-Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 1.9+.
+Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 2.4+.

++++++ simplecov-html-0.10.2.gem -> simplecov-html-0.11.0.gem ++++++
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/.gitignore new/.gitignore
--- old/.gitignore      2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/.gitignore      2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 ## MAC OS
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/.rubocop.yml new/.rubocop.yml
--- old/.rubocop.yml    2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/.rubocop.yml    2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,23 @@
+  TargetRubyVersion: 2.6
+  DisplayCopNames: true
+  Enabled: false
+  Enabled: false
+  EnforcedStyle: outdent
+  EnforcedStyle: no_space
   Max: 2
   AllowURI: true
   Enabled: false
@@ -13,15 +29,17 @@
   Max: 4
   CountKeywordArgs: true
-  EnforcedStyle: outdent
+  Exclude:
+    - "lib/simplecov-html.rb"
+    - "test/test_simple_cov-html.rb"
-    map:      'collect'
-    reduce:   'inject'
-    find:     'detect'
-    find_all: 'select'
+    map: "collect"
+    reduce: "inject"
+    find: "detect"
+    find_all: "select"
   Enabled: false
@@ -29,26 +47,33 @@
   Enabled: false
-  Exclude:
-    - 'lib/simplecov-html.rb'
-    - 'test/test_simple_cov-html.rb'
+  Enabled: false
+  Enabled: true
   EnforcedStyle: hash_rockets
-    - 'lib/simplecov-html/version.rb'
+    - "lib/simplecov-html/version.rb"
   Enabled: false
-  EnforcedStyle: no_space
+  Enabled: false
   EnforcedStyle: double_quotes
-  EnforcedStyleForMultiline: 'comma'
+  Enabled: false
+  EnforcedStyleForMultiline: "comma"
+  EnforcedStyleForMultiline: "comma"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/.tool-versions new/.tool-versions
--- old/.tool-versions  1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new/.tool-versions  2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ruby 2.6.5
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/.travis.yml new/.travis.yml
--- old/.travis.yml     2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/.travis.yml     2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,29 +1,25 @@
 language: ruby
-  - gem install bundler
+  - gem i bundler
-bundler_args: --without development --jobs=3 --retry=3
-cache: bundler
-sudo: false
-  - 1.8.7
-  - 1.9.3
-  - 2.0.0
-  - 2.1
-  - 2.2
-  - 2.3.1
-  - ruby-head
-  - jruby
-  - rbx-2
-  - jruby-
+bundler_args: --without benchmark --jobs=3 --retry=3
+  include:
+    - rvm: 2.4.9
+    - rvm: 2.5.7
+    - rvm: 2.6.5
+    - rvm: 2.7.0
+    - rvm: jruby-
+      env: JRUBY_OPTS=--debug
+      jdk: openjdk8
+    - rvm: ruby-head
+    - rvm: jruby-head
+      env: JRUBY_OPTS=--debug
+      jdk: openjdk8
     - rvm: ruby-head
-    - rvm: jruby
-    - rvm: rbx-2
+    - rvm: jruby-head
+      env: JRUBY_OPTS=--debug
   fast_finish: true
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/CHANGELOG.md new/CHANGELOG.md
--- old/CHANGELOG.md    2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/CHANGELOG.md    2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,11 +1,41 @@
-0.10.2 2017-08-14
+0.11.0 (2020-01-28)
+This release goes together with simplecov 0.18 to bring branch coverage 
support to you. Please also check the notes of the beta releases.
+## Enhancements
+* Display total branch coverage percentage in the overview (if branch coverage 
+0.11.0.beta2 (2020-01-19)
+## Enhancements
+* changed display of branch coverage to be `branch_type: hit_count` which 
should be more expressive and more intuitive
+* Cached lookup of whether we're doing branch coverage or not (should be 
+## Bugfixes
+* Fixed sorting of percent column (regression in previous release)
+0.11.0.beta1 (2020-01-05)
+Changes ruby support to 2.4+, adds branch coverage support. Meant to be used 
with simplecov 0.18
+## Breaking Changes
+* Drops support for EOL'ed ruby versions, new support is ~> 2.4
+## Enhancements
+* Support/display of branch coverage from simplecov 0.18.0.beta1, little 
badges saying `hit_count, positive_or_negative` will appear next to lines if 
branch coverage is activated. `0, +` means positive branch was never hit, `2, 
-` means negative branch was hit twice
+* Encoding compatibility errors are now caught and printed out
+0.10.2 (2017-08-14)
 ## Bugfixes
 * Allow usage with frozen-string-literal-enabled. See 
[#56](https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov-html/pull/56) (thanks @pat)
-0.10.1 2017-05-17 
+0.10.1 (2017-05-17)
 ## Bugfixes
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/Gemfile new/Gemfile
--- old/Gemfile 2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/Gemfile 2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,26 +1,16 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
 source "https://rubygems.org";
-if RUBY_VERSION == "1.8.7"
-  gem "rake", "~> 10.5"
-  gem "rake", ">= 11"
+gem "rake", ">= 11"
 # Use local copy of simplecov in development when checked out, fetch from git 
 if File.directory?(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../simplecov")
   gem "simplecov", :path => File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../simplecov"
-  gem "simplecov", :git => "https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov";
-platforms :ruby_18, :ruby_19 do
-  gem "json", "~> 1.8"
-platforms :ruby_18, :ruby_19, :ruby_20, :ruby_21 do
-  gem "rack", "~> 1.6"
+  gem "simplecov", :github => "colszowka/simplecov"
 group :test do
@@ -30,5 +20,6 @@
 group :development do
   gem "rubocop"
   gem "sass"
-  gem "sprockets"
+  # sprockets 4.0 requires ruby 2.5+
+  gem "sprockets", "~> 3.7"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/Gemfile.lock new/Gemfile.lock
--- old/Gemfile.lock    1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new/Gemfile.lock    2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+  remote: .
+  specs:
+    simplecov-html (0.11.0)
+  remote: /home/tobi/github/simplecov
+  specs:
+    simplecov (0.18.0)
+      docile (~> 1.1)
+      simplecov-html (~> 0.11.0)
+  remote: https://rubygems.org/
+  specs:
+    ast (2.4.0)
+    concurrent-ruby (1.1.5)
+    docile (1.3.2)
+    ffi (1.11.3)
+    jaro_winkler (1.5.4)
+    minitest (5.13.0)
+    parallel (1.19.1)
+    parser (
+      ast (~> 2.4.0)
+    rack (2.0.7)
+    rainbow (3.0.0)
+    rake (13.0.1)
+    rb-fsevent (0.10.3)
+    rb-inotify (0.10.0)
+      ffi (~> 1.0)
+    rubocop (0.78.0)
+      jaro_winkler (~> 1.5.1)
+      parallel (~> 1.10)
+      parser (>= 2.6)
+      rainbow (>= 2.2.2, < 4.0)
+      ruby-progressbar (~> 1.7)
+      unicode-display_width (>= 1.4.0, < 1.7)
+    ruby-progressbar (1.10.1)
+    sass (3.7.4)
+      sass-listen (~> 4.0.0)
+    sass-listen (4.0.0)
+      rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4)
+      rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7)
+    sprockets (3.7.2)
+      concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
+      rack (> 1, < 3)
+    unicode-display_width (1.6.0)
+  ruby
+  minitest
+  rake (>= 11)
+  rubocop
+  sass
+  simplecov!
+  simplecov-html!
+  sprockets (~> 3.7)
+   2.0.2
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/Guardfile new/Guardfile
--- old/Guardfile       2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/Guardfile       2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
 # A sample Guardfile
 # More info at https://github.com/guard/guard#readme
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/README.md new/README.md
--- old/README.md       2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/README.md       2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ***Note: To learn more about SimpleCov, check out the main repo at 
-Generates a nice HTML report of your SimpleCov ruby code coverage results on 
Ruby 1.9 using client-side Javascript
+Generates a nice HTML report of your SimpleCov ruby code coverage results on 
Ruby 2.4+ using client-side Javascript
 quite extensively.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   * `cd` there, run `bundle`
   * You should end up with all dev dependencies installed and simplecov-html 
being used from your disk
   * Run the tests (units and features)
 Please remember to add tests if you add functionality.
 **Important:** If you modify the JS/CSS assets, you'll have to precompile them 
using `rake assets:compile` - otherwise,
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/Rakefile new/Rakefile
--- old/Rakefile        2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/Rakefile        2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
 require "bundler"
@@ -21,7 +23,7 @@
 rescue LoadError
   task :rubocop do
-    $stderr.puts "Rubocop is disabled"
+    warn "Rubocop is disabled"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/assets/javascripts/application.js 
--- old/assets/javascripts/application.js       2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 
+++ new/assets/javascripts/application.js       2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 
@@ -2,34 +2,36 @@
 //= require_directory ./plugins/
 //= require_self
-$(document).ready(function() {
+$(document).ready(function () {
+  branchCoverageActivated = $("body").data("branch-coverage") == true;
   // Configuration for fancy sortable tables for source file groups
+  // For what these columns are, cecl out file_list.erb - null basically
+  // does normal/number style sorting which fine for hit/missed lines only
+  // percentages like "covered percent" need special sorting arguments.
+  lineColumns = [null, { "sType": "percent" }, null, null, null, null, null];
+  branchColumns = [{ "sType": "percent" }, null, null, null];
+  dataColumns = branchCoverageActivated ? lineColumns.concat(branchColumns) : 
-    "aaSorting": [[ 1, "asc" ]],
+    "aaSorting": [[1, "asc"]],
     "bPaginate": false,
     "bJQueryUI": true,
-    "aoColumns": [
-      null,
-      { "sType": "percent" },
-      null,
-      null,
-      null,
-      null,
-      null
-    ]
+    "aoColumns": dataColumns
   // Syntax highlight all files up front - deactivated
   // $('.source_table pre code').each(function(i, e) {hljs.highlightBlock(e, ' 
   // Syntax highlight source files on first toggle of the file view popup
-  $("a.src_link").click(function() {
+  $("a.src_link").click(function () {
     // Get the source file element that corresponds to the clicked element
     var source_table = $($(this).attr('href'));
     // If not highlighted yet, do it!
     if (!source_table.hasClass('highlighted')) {
-      source_table.find('pre code').each(function(i, e) 
{hljs.highlightBlock(e, '  ')});
+      source_table.find('pre code').each(function (i, e) { 
hljs.highlightBlock(e, '  ') });
@@ -44,14 +46,14 @@
     opacity: 1,
     width: "95%",
     height: "95%",
-    onLoad: function() {
+    onLoad: function () {
       prev_anchor = curr_anchor ? curr_anchor : jQuery.url.attr('anchor');
       curr_anchor = this.href.split('#')[1];
       window.location.hash = curr_anchor;
-    onCleanup: function() {
+    onCleanup: function () {
       if (prev_anchor && prev_anchor != curr_anchor) {
-        $('a[href="#'+prev_anchor+'"]').click();
+        $('a[href="#' + prev_anchor + '"]').click();
         curr_anchor = prev_anchor;
       } else {
         $('.group_tabs a:first').click();
@@ -62,13 +64,13 @@
-  window.onpopstate = function(event){
-    if (location.hash.substring(0,2) == "#_") {
+  window.onpopstate = function (event) {
+    if (location.hash.substring(0, 2) == "#_") {
       curr_anchor = jQuery.url.attr('anchor');
     } else {
       if ($('#colorbox').is(':hidden')) {
-        $('a.src_link[href="'+location.hash+'"]').colorbox({ open: true });
+        $('a.src_link[href="' + location.hash + '"]').colorbox({ open: true });
@@ -78,23 +80,23 @@
   // Add tabs based upon existing file_list_containers
-  $('.file_list_container h2').each(function(){
+  $('.file_list_container h2').each(function () {
     var container_id = $(this).parent().attr('id');
     var group_name = $(this).find('.group_name').first().html();
     var covered_percent = $(this).find('.covered_percent').first().html();
-    $('.group_tabs').append('<li><a href="#' + container_id + '">' + 
group_name + ' ('+ covered_percent +')</a></li>');
+    $('.group_tabs').append('<li><a href="#' + container_id + '">' + 
group_name + ' (' + covered_percent + ')</a></li>');
-  $('.group_tabs a').each( function() {
+  $('.group_tabs a').each(function () {
     $(this).addClass($(this).attr('href').replace('#', ''));
   // Make sure tabs don't get ugly focus borders when active
-  $('.group_tabs a').live('focus', function() { $(this).blur(); });
+  $('.group_tabs a').live('focus', function () { $(this).blur(); });
   var favicon_path = $('link[rel="shortcut icon"]').attr('href');
-  $('.group_tabs a').live('click', function(){
+  $('.group_tabs a').live('click', function () {
     if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('active')) {
       $('.group_tabs a').parent().removeClass('active');
@@ -105,7 +107,7 @@
       // Force favicon reload - otherwise the location change containing 
anchor would drop the favicon...
       // Works only on firefox, but still... - Anyone know a better solution 
to force favicon on local file?
       $('link[rel="shortcut icon"]').remove();
-      $('head').append('<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="'+ 
favicon_path +'" />');
+      $('head').append('<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="' + 
favicon_path + '" />');
     return false;
@@ -115,7 +117,7 @@
     if (anchor.length == 40) {
       $('a.src_link[href=#' + anchor + ']').click();
     } else {
-      $('.group_tabs a.'+anchor.replace('_', '')).click();
+      $('.group_tabs a.' + anchor.replace('_', '')).click();
   } else {
     $('.group_tabs a:first').click();
@@ -124,4 +126,5 @@
+  $('.dataTables_filter input').focus()
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/assets/stylesheets/screen.css.sass 
--- old/assets/stylesheets/screen.css.sass      2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 
+++ new/assets/stylesheets/screen.css.sass      2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 
@@ -188,6 +188,8 @@
   color: #da0
+  color: blue
@@ -198,6 +200,8 @@
     border-color: black
     border-color: #fc0
+  .missed-branch
+    border-color: #bf0000
       background-color: #CDF2CD
@@ -217,4 +221,9 @@
       background-color: #FBF0C0
-      background-color: #FBFfCf
\ No newline at end of file
+      background-color: #FBFfCf
+  .missed-branch
+    &:nth-child(odd)
+      background-color: #cc8e8e
+    &:nth-child(even)
+      background-color: #cc6e6e
\ No newline at end of file
Binary files old/checksums.yaml.gz and new/checksums.yaml.gz differ
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/lib/simplecov-html/version.rb 
--- old/lib/simplecov-html/version.rb   2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/lib/simplecov-html/version.rb   2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
 module SimpleCov
   module Formatter
     class HTMLFormatter
-      VERSION = "0.10.2".freeze
+      VERSION = "0.11.0"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/lib/simplecov-html.rb new/lib/simplecov-html.rb
--- old/lib/simplecov-html.rb   2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/lib/simplecov-html.rb   2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
 require "erb"
 require "cgi"
 require "fileutils"
@@ -14,6 +16,10 @@
 module SimpleCov
   module Formatter
     class HTMLFormatter
+      def initialize
+        @branchable_result = SimpleCov.branch_coverage?
+      end
       def format(result)
         Dir[File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "../public/*")].each do |path|
           FileUtils.cp_r(path, asset_output_path)
@@ -29,6 +35,21 @@
         "Coverage report generated for #{result.command_name} to 
#{output_path}. #{result.covered_lines} / #{result.total_lines} LOC 
(#{result.covered_percent.round(2)}%) covered."
+      def branchable_result?
+        # cached in initialize because we truly look it up a whole bunch of 
+        # and it's easier to cache here then in SimpleCov because there we 
+        # still enable/disable branch coverage criterion
+        @branchable_result
+      end
+      def line_status?(source_file, line)
+        if branchable_result? && 
+          "missed-branch"
+        else
+          line.status
+        end
+      end
       # Returns the an erb instance for the template of given name
@@ -42,6 +63,7 @@
       def asset_output_path
         return @asset_output_path if defined?(@asset_output_path) && 
         @asset_output_path = File.join(output_path, "assets", 
@@ -54,6 +76,8 @@
       # Returns the html for the given source_file
       def formatted_source_file(source_file)
+      rescue Encoding::CompatibilityError => e
+        puts "Encoding problems with file #{source_file.filename}. 
Simplecov/ERB can't handle non ASCII characters in filenames. Error: 
       # Returns a table containing the given source files
@@ -66,6 +90,10 @@
+      def covered_percent(percent)
+        template("covered_percent").result(binding)
+      end
       def coverage_css_class(covered_percent)
         if covered_percent > 90
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/metadata new/metadata
--- old/metadata        2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/metadata        2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,30 +1,16 @@
 --- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification
 name: simplecov-html
 version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version
-  version: 0.10.2
+  version: 0.11.0
 platform: ruby
 - Christoph Olszowka
 bindir: bin
 cert_chain: []
-date: 2017-08-14 00:00:00.000000000 Z
-- !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency
-  name: bundler
-  requirement: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
-    requirements:
-    - - "~>"
-      - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
-        version: '1.9'
-  type: :development
-  prerelease: false
-  version_requirements: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
-    requirements:
-    - - "~>"
-      - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
-        version: '1.9'
-description: Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 
+date: 2020-01-28 00:00:00.000000000 Z
+dependencies: []
+description: Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 
 - christoph at olszowka de
 executables: []
@@ -34,9 +20,11 @@
 - ".document"
 - ".gitignore"
 - ".rubocop.yml"
+- ".tool-versions"
 - ".travis.yml"
 - Gemfile
+- Gemfile.lock
 - Guardfile
 - README.md
@@ -83,6 +71,7 @@
 - simplecov-html.gemspec
 - test/helper.rb
 - test/test_simple_cov-html.rb
+- views/covered_percent.erb
 - views/file_list.erb
 - views/layout.erb
 - views/source_file.erb
@@ -96,18 +85,17 @@
 - lib
 required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
-  - - ">="
+  - - "~>"
     - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
-      version: 1.8.7
+      version: '2.4'
 required_rubygems_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
   - - ">="
     - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
       version: '0'
 requirements: []
-rubygems_version: 2.6.10
+rubygems_version: 3.0.3
 specification_version: 4
-summary: Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 1.9+
+summary: Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool for ruby 2.4+
 test_files: []
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/public/application.css new/public/application.css
--- old/public/application.css  2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/public/application.css  2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -532,6 +532,7 @@
     ColorBox Core Style:
     The following CSS is consistent between example themes and should not be 
 #colorbox, #cboxOverlay, #cboxWrapper{position:absolute; top:0; left:0; 
z-index:9999; overflow:hidden;}
 #cboxOverlay{position:fixed; width:100%; height:100%;}
 #cboxMiddleLeft, #cboxBottomLeft{clear:left;}
@@ -586,19 +587,19 @@
   top: 50%; }
 a {
-  color: #333333;
+  color: #333;
   text-decoration: none; }
   a:hover {
-    color: black;
+    color: #000;
     text-decoration: underline; }
 body {
   font-family: "Lucida Grande", Helvetica, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif;
   padding: 12px;
-  background-color: #333333; }
+  background-color: #333; }
 h1, h2, h3, h4 {
-  color: #1c2324;
+  color: #1C2324;
   margin: 0;
   padding: 0;
   margin-bottom: 12px; }
@@ -609,8 +610,8 @@
 #content {
   clear: left;
   background-color: white;
-  border: 2px solid #dddddd;
-  border-top: 8px solid #dddddd;
+  border: 2px solid #ddd;
+  border-top: 8px solid #ddd;
   padding: 18px;
   -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 5px;
   -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;
@@ -632,7 +633,7 @@
 .timestamp {
   float: right;
-  color: #dddddd; }
+  color: #ddd; }
 .group_tabs {
   list-style: none;
@@ -648,13 +649,13 @@
       float: left;
       text-decoration: none;
       padding: 4px 8px;
-      background-color: #aaaaaa;
+      background-color: #aaa;
       background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 bottom, from(#dddddd), 
       background: -moz-linear-gradient(#dddddd, #aaaaaa);
       background: linear-gradient(#dddddd, #aaaaaa);
       text-shadow: #e5e5e5 1px 1px 0px;
       border-bottom: none;
-      color: #333333;
+      color: #333;
       font-weight: bold;
       margin-right: 8px;
       border-top: 1px solid #efefef;
@@ -665,7 +666,7 @@
       border-top-left-radius: 2px;
       border-top-right-radius: 2px; }
       .group_tabs li a:hover {
-        background-color: #cccccc;
+        background-color: #ccc;
         background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 bottom, from(#eeeeee), 
         background: -moz-linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa);
         background: linear-gradient(#eeeeee, #aaaaaa); }
@@ -674,8 +675,8 @@
         padding-bottom: 3px; }
     .group_tabs li.active a {
       color: black;
-      text-shadow: white 1px 1px 0px;
-      background-color: #dddddd;
+      text-shadow: #fff 1px 1px 0px;
+      background-color: #ddd;
       background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 bottom, from(white), 
       background: -moz-linear-gradient(white, #dddddd);
       background: linear-gradient(white, #dddddd); }
@@ -713,13 +714,13 @@
   margin: 0;
   padding: 0;
   white-space: normal;
-  color: black;
+  color: #000;
   font-family: "Monaco", "Inconsolata", "Consolas", monospace; }
 .source_table code {
-  color: black;
+  color: #000;
   font-family: "Monaco", "Inconsolata", "Consolas", monospace; }
 .source_table pre {
-  background-color: #333333; }
+  background-color: #333; }
   .source_table pre ol {
     margin: 0px;
     padding: 0px;
@@ -737,7 +738,7 @@
     float: right;
     margin-left: 10px;
     padding: 2px 4px;
-    background-color: #444444;
+    background-color: #444;
     background: -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 bottom, from(#222222), 
     background: -moz-linear-gradient(#222222, #666666);
     background: linear-gradient(#222222, #666666);
@@ -749,51 +750,60 @@
     border-radius: 6px; }
 #footer {
-  color: #dddddd;
+  color: #ddd;
   font-size: 12px;
   font-weight: bold;
   margin-top: 12px;
   text-align: right; }
   #footer a {
-    color: #eeeeee;
+    color: #eee;
     text-decoration: underline; }
     #footer a:hover {
-      color: white;
+      color: #fff;
       text-decoration: none; }
 .green {
-  color: #009900; }
+  color: #090; }
 .red {
-  color: #990000; }
+  color: #900; }
 .yellow {
-  color: #ddaa00; }
+  color: #da0; }
+.blue {
+  color: blue; }
 .source_table .covered {
-  border-color: #009900; }
+  border-color: #090; }
 .source_table .missed {
-  border-color: #990000; }
+  border-color: #900; }
 .source_table .never {
   border-color: black; }
 .source_table .skipped {
-  border-color: #ffcc00; }
+  border-color: #fc0; }
+.source_table .missed-branch {
+  border-color: #bf0000; }
 .source_table .covered:nth-child(odd) {
-  background-color: #cdf2cd; }
+  background-color: #CDF2CD; }
 .source_table .covered:nth-child(even) {
-  background-color: #dbf2db; }
+  background-color: #DBF2DB; }
 .source_table .missed:nth-child(odd) {
-  background-color: #f7c0c0; }
+  background-color: #F7C0C0; }
 .source_table .missed:nth-child(even) {
-  background-color: #f7cfcf; }
+  background-color: #F7CFCF; }
 .source_table .never:nth-child(odd) {
   background-color: #efefef; }
 .source_table .never:nth-child(even) {
   background-color: #f4f4f4; }
 .source_table .skipped:nth-child(odd) {
-  background-color: #fbf0c0; }
+  background-color: #FBF0C0; }
 .source_table .skipped:nth-child(even) {
-  background-color: #fbffcf; }
+  background-color: #FBFfCf; }
+.source_table .missed-branch:nth-child(odd) {
+  background-color: #cc8e8e; }
+.source_table .missed-branch:nth-child(even) {
+  background-color: #cc6e6e; }
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/public/application.js new/public/application.js
--- old/public/application.js   2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/public/application.js   2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1582,34 +1582,33 @@
-$(document).ready(function() {
+$(document).ready(function () {
+  branchCoverageActivated = $("body").data("branch-coverage") == true;
   // Configuration for fancy sortable tables for source file groups
+  lineColumns = [null, { "sType": "percent" }, null, null, null, null, null];
+  branchColumns = [{ "sType": "percent" }, null, null, null];
+  dataColumns = branchCoverageActivated ? lineColumns.concat(branchColumns) : 
-    "aaSorting": [[ 1, "asc" ]],
+    "aaSorting": [[1, "asc"]],
     "bPaginate": false,
     "bJQueryUI": true,
-    "aoColumns": [
-      null,
-      { "sType": "percent" },
-      null,
-      null,
-      null,
-      null,
-      null
-    ]
+    "aoColumns": dataColumns
   // Syntax highlight all files up front - deactivated
   // $('.source_table pre code').each(function(i, e) {hljs.highlightBlock(e, ' 
   // Syntax highlight source files on first toggle of the file view popup
-  $("a.src_link").click(function() {
+  $("a.src_link").click(function () {
     // Get the source file element that corresponds to the clicked element
     var source_table = $($(this).attr('href'));
     // If not highlighted yet, do it!
     if (!source_table.hasClass('highlighted')) {
-      source_table.find('pre code').each(function(i, e) 
{hljs.highlightBlock(e, '  ')});
+      source_table.find('pre code').each(function (i, e) { 
hljs.highlightBlock(e, '  ') });
@@ -1624,14 +1623,14 @@
     opacity: 1,
     width: "95%",
     height: "95%",
-    onLoad: function() {
+    onLoad: function () {
       prev_anchor = curr_anchor ? curr_anchor : jQuery.url.attr('anchor');
       curr_anchor = this.href.split('#')[1];
       window.location.hash = curr_anchor;
-    onCleanup: function() {
+    onCleanup: function () {
       if (prev_anchor && prev_anchor != curr_anchor) {
-        $('a[href="#'+prev_anchor+'"]').click();
+        $('a[href="#' + prev_anchor + '"]').click();
         curr_anchor = prev_anchor;
       } else {
         $('.group_tabs a:first').click();
@@ -1642,13 +1641,13 @@
-  window.onpopstate = function(event){
-    if (location.hash.substring(0,2) == "#_") {
+  window.onpopstate = function (event) {
+    if (location.hash.substring(0, 2) == "#_") {
       curr_anchor = jQuery.url.attr('anchor');
     } else {
       if ($('#colorbox').is(':hidden')) {
-        $('a.src_link[href="'+location.hash+'"]').colorbox({ open: true });
+        $('a.src_link[href="' + location.hash + '"]').colorbox({ open: true });
@@ -1658,23 +1657,23 @@
   // Add tabs based upon existing file_list_containers
-  $('.file_list_container h2').each(function(){
+  $('.file_list_container h2').each(function () {
     var container_id = $(this).parent().attr('id');
     var group_name = $(this).find('.group_name').first().html();
     var covered_percent = $(this).find('.covered_percent').first().html();
-    $('.group_tabs').append('<li><a href="#' + container_id + '">' + 
group_name + ' ('+ covered_percent +')</a></li>');
+    $('.group_tabs').append('<li><a href="#' + container_id + '">' + 
group_name + ' (' + covered_percent + ')</a></li>');
-  $('.group_tabs a').each( function() {
+  $('.group_tabs a').each(function () {
     $(this).addClass($(this).attr('href').replace('#', ''));
   // Make sure tabs don't get ugly focus borders when active
-  $('.group_tabs a').live('focus', function() { $(this).blur(); });
+  $('.group_tabs a').live('focus', function () { $(this).blur(); });
   var favicon_path = $('link[rel="shortcut icon"]').attr('href');
-  $('.group_tabs a').live('click', function(){
+  $('.group_tabs a').live('click', function () {
     if (!$(this).parent().hasClass('active')) {
       $('.group_tabs a').parent().removeClass('active');
@@ -1685,7 +1684,7 @@
       // Force favicon reload - otherwise the location change containing 
anchor would drop the favicon...
       // Works only on firefox, but still... - Anyone know a better solution 
to force favicon on local file?
       $('link[rel="shortcut icon"]').remove();
-      $('head').append('<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="'+ 
favicon_path +'" />');
+      $('head').append('<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="' + 
favicon_path + '" />');
     return false;
@@ -1695,7 +1694,7 @@
     if (anchor.length == 40) {
       $('a.src_link[href=#' + anchor + ']').click();
     } else {
-      $('.group_tabs a.'+anchor.replace('_', '')).click();
+      $('.group_tabs a.' + anchor.replace('_', '')).click();
   } else {
     $('.group_tabs a:first').click();
@@ -1704,4 +1703,5 @@
+  $('.dataTables_filter input').focus()
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/simplecov-html.gemspec new/simplecov-html.gemspec
--- old/simplecov-html.gemspec  2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/simplecov-html.gemspec  2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
 $LOAD_PATH.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__)
 require "simplecov-html/version"
@@ -8,12 +10,11 @@
   gem.authors     = ["Christoph Olszowka"]
   gem.email       = ["christoph at olszowka de"]
   gem.homepage    = "https://github.com/colszowka/simplecov-html";
-  gem.description = %(Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool 
for ruby 1.9+)
+  gem.description = %(Default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool 
for ruby 2.4+)
   gem.summary     = gem.description
   gem.license     = "MIT"
-  gem.required_ruby_version = ">= 1.8.7"
-  gem.add_development_dependency "bundler", "~> 1.9"
+  gem.required_ruby_version = "~> 2.4"
   gem.files         = `git ls-files`.split("\n")
   gem.test_files    = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n")
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/test/helper.rb new/test/helper.rb
--- old/test/helper.rb  2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/test/helper.rb  2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
 require "bundler/setup"
 require "simplecov"
 require "simplecov-html"
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/test/test_simple_cov-html.rb 
--- old/test/test_simple_cov-html.rb    2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/test/test_simple_cov-html.rb    2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
 require "helper"
-class TestSimpleCovHtml < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase
+class TestSimpleCovHtml < Minitest::Test
   def test_defined
     assert defined?(SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter)
     assert defined?(SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::VERSION)
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/views/covered_percent.erb 
--- old/views/covered_percent.erb       1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ new/views/covered_percent.erb       2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<span class="<%= coverage_css_class(percent) %>">
+  <%= percent.round(2) %>%
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/views/file_list.erb new/views/file_list.erb
--- old/views/file_list.erb     2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/views/file_list.erb     2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,21 +1,40 @@
 <div class="file_list_container" id="<%= title_id %>">
     <span class="group_name"><%= title %></span>
-    (<span class="covered_percent"><span class="<%= 
coverage_css_class(source_files.covered_percent) %>"><%= 
source_files.covered_percent.round(2) %>%</span></span>
+    (<span class="covered_percent">
+      <%= covered_percent(source_files.covered_percent) %>
+     </span>
      covered at
      <span class="covered_strength">
        <span class="<%= strength_css_class(source_files.covered_strength) %>">
          <%= source_files.covered_strength.round(2) %>
-    </span> hits/line)
+    </span> hits/line
+    )
   <a name="<%= title_id %>"></a>
     <b><%= source_files.length %></b> files in total.
-    <b><%= source_files.lines_of_code %></b> relevant lines. 
+  </div>
+  <div class="t-line-summary">
+    <b><%= source_files.lines_of_code %></b> relevant lines,
     <span class="green"><b><%= source_files.covered_lines %></b> lines 
covered</span> and
-    <span class="red"><b><%= source_files.missed_lines %></b> lines missed 
+    <span class="red"><b><%= source_files.missed_lines %></b> lines missed. 
+    (<%= covered_percent(source_files.covered_percent) %>)
+  <% if branchable_result? %>
+    <div class="t-branch-summary">
+      <span><b><%= source_files.total_branches %></b> total branches, </span>
+      <span class="green"><b><%= source_files.covered_branches %></b> branches 
covered</span> and
+      <span class="red"><b><%= source_files.missed_branches %></b> branches 
+      (<%= covered_percent(source_files.branch_covered_percent) %>)
+    </div>
+  <% end %>
   <table class="file_list">
@@ -26,19 +45,31 @@
         <th>Lines covered</th>
         <th>Lines missed</th>
         <th>Avg. Hits / Line</th>
+        <% if branchable_result? %>
+          <th>Branch Coverage</th>
+          <th>Branches</th>
+          <th>Covered branches</th>
+          <th>Missed branches </th>
+        <% end %>
       <% source_files.each do |source_file| %>
-      <tr>
-        <td class="strong"><%= link_to_source_file(source_file) %></td>
-        <td class="<%= coverage_css_class(source_file.covered_percent) %> 
strong"><%= source_file.covered_percent.round(2).to_s %> %</td>
-        <td><%= source_file.lines.count %></td>
-        <td><%= source_file.covered_lines.count + 
source_file.missed_lines.count %></td>
-        <td><%= source_file.covered_lines.count %></td>
-        <td><%= source_file.missed_lines.count %></td>
-        <td><%= source_file.covered_strength %></td>
-      </tr>
+        <tr class="t-file">
+          <td class="strong t-file__name"><%= link_to_source_file(source_file) 
+          <td class="<%= coverage_css_class(source_file.covered_percent) %> 
strong t-file__coverage"><%= source_file.covered_percent.round(2).to_s %> %</td>
+          <td><%= source_file.lines.count %></td>
+          <td><%= source_file.covered_lines.count + 
source_file.missed_lines.count %></td>
+          <td><%= source_file.covered_lines.count %></td>
+          <td><%= source_file.missed_lines.count %></td>
+          <td><%= source_file.covered_strength.round(2) %></td>
+          <% if branchable_result? %>
+            <td class="<%= 
coverage_css_class(source_file.branches_coverage_percent) %> strong 
source_file.branches_coverage_percent.round(2).to_s %> %</td>
+            <td><%= source_file.total_branches.count %></td>
+            <td><%= source_file.covered_branches.count %></td>
+            <td><%= source_file.missed_branches.count %></td>
+          <% end %>
+        </tr>
       <% end %>
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/views/layout.erb new/views/layout.erb
--- old/views/layout.erb        2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/views/layout.erb        2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -3,13 +3,13 @@
     <title>Code coverage for <%= SimpleCov.project_name %></title>
     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
-    <script src='<%= assets_path('application.js') %>' 
+    <script src='<%= assets_path('application.js') %>' 
     <link href='<%= assets_path('application.css') %>' media='screen, 
projection, print' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
     <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="<%= 
 %>" />
     <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<%= assets_path('favicon.png') %>" 
-  <body>
+  <body<%= ' data-branch-coverage=true' if branchable_result? %>>
     <div id="loading">
       <img src="<%= assets_path('loading.gif') %>" alt="loading"/>
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
           <%= formatted_file_list(name, files) %>
         <% end %>
       <div id="footer">
-        Generated by <a 
href="http://github.com/colszowka/simplecov";>simplecov</a> v<%= 
SimpleCov::VERSION %> 
+        Generated by <a 
href="http://github.com/colszowka/simplecov";>simplecov</a> v<%= 
SimpleCov::VERSION %>
         and simplecov-html v<%= SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter::VERSION 
         using <%= result.command_name %>
       <div class="source_files">
       <% result.source_files.each do |source_file| %>
         <%= formatted_source_file(source_file) %>
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/views/source_file.erb new/views/source_file.erb
--- old/views/source_file.erb   2017-08-14 07:37:10.000000000 +0200
+++ new/views/source_file.erb   2020-01-28 13:40:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,22 +1,53 @@
 <div class="source_table" id="<%= id source_file %>">
   <div class="header">
     <h3><%= shortened_filename source_file %></h3>
-    <h4><span class="<%= coverage_css_class(source_file.covered_percent) 
%>"><%= source_file.covered_percent.round(2).to_s %> %</span> covered</h4>
-    <div>
-      <b><%= source_file.lines_of_code %></b> relevant lines. 
+    <h4>
+      <%= covered_percent(source_file.covered_percent) %>
+      lines covered
+    </h4>
+    <% if branchable_result? %>
+      <h4>
+        <%= covered_percent(source_file.branches_coverage_percent) %>
+        branches covered
+      </h4>
+    <% end %>
+    <div class="t-line-summary">
+      <b><%= source_file.lines_of_code %></b> relevant lines.
       <span class="green"><b><%= source_file.covered_lines.count %></b> lines 
covered</span> and
       <span class="red"><b><%= source_file.missed_lines.count %></b> lines 
+    <% if branchable_result? %>
+      <div class="t-branch-summary">
+          <span><b><%= source_file.total_branches.count %></b> total branches, 
+          <span class="green"><b><%= source_file.covered_branches.count %></b> 
branches covered</span> and
+          <span class="red"><b><%= source_file.missed_branches.count %></b> 
branches missed.</span>
+      </div>
+    <% end %>
       <% source_file.lines.each do |line| %>
-        <li class="<%= line.status %>" data-hits="<%= line.coverage ? 
line.coverage : '' %>" data-linenumber="<%= line.number %>">
-          <% if line.covered? %><span class="hits"><%= line.coverage 
%></span><% end %>
-          <% if line.skipped? %><span class="hits">skipped</span><% end %>
-          <code class="ruby"><%= CGI.escapeHTML(line.src.chomp) %></code>
-        </li>
+        <div>
+          <li class="<%= line_status?(source_file, line) %>" data-hits="<%= 
line.coverage ? line.coverage : '' %>" data-linenumber="<%= line.number %>">
+            <% if line.covered? %><span class="hits"><%= line.coverage 
%></span><% end %>
+            <% if line.skipped? %><span class="hits">skipped</span><% end %>
+            <% if branchable_result? %>
+              <% source_file.branches_for_line(line.number).each do 
|branch_type, hit_count| %>
+                <span class="hits" title="<%= branch_type%> branch hit <%= 
hit_count %> times">
+                  <%= branch_type %>: <%= hit_count %>
+                </span>
+              <% end %>
+            <% end %>
+            <code class="ruby"><%= CGI.escapeHTML(line.src.chomp) %></code>
+          </li>
+        </div>
       <% end %>

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