Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package hamster-time-tracker for 
openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2020-03-31 17:16:51
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/hamster-time-tracker (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.hamster-time-tracker.new.3160 (New)

Package is "hamster-time-tracker"

Tue Mar 31 17:16:51 2020 rev:4 rq:789902 version:unknown

    2019-10-23 15:51:40.358747938 +0200
      2020-03-31 17:16:58.267693360 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,122 @@
+Tue Mar 17 16:41:04 UTC 2020 - mwi...@suse.com
+- Update to version v3.0.1+8:
+  * New source file hamster-time-tracker-v3.0.1+8.tar.xz
+    (3.0.1 + 2 bug fixes, upstream commit e6b90fcd)
+  * Fix off-by-one error in hamster export tsv (upstream 
+    #576, #580)
+  * Use itstool instead of xml2po (#584)
+- Fix broken version number of extension package in previous build
+- Remove upstreamed patches
+  * Drop patch: fix-from_start_end-handle-datetime-first.patch
+  * Drop patch: choke-on-invalid-types-in-from_start_end.patch
+  * Drop patch: Use-itstool-instead-of-xml2po.patch (i18n fixes)
+  * Drop patch: fixup-Use-itstool-instead-of-xml2po.patch
+Sun Mar 15 21:30:12 UTC 2020 - mwi...@suse.com
+- Update to version 3.0.1:
+  * remove binary waf footer
+  * mark org.gnome.Hamster.GUI as experimental
+  * restore edit method in WindowServer
+  * add edit action in cli
+  * appdata: Rename to org.gnome.Hamster
+  * explicitly set application ID and prgname on startup
+  * Fix completion in categories TreeView
+  * Fix search function (#551)
+  * metainfo file renamed to org.gnome.Hamster.GUI.metainfo.xml
+- Use --skip-icon-cache-update option during build
+- Dropped / renamed patches
+  * Drop patch: wscript-don-t-update-icon-cache.patch (obsolete)
+  * Drop patch: Fix-search-function-551.patch (merged upstream)
+  * Drop patch: hamster-explicitly-set-application-ID-and-prgname-on.patch
+    (merged upstream)
+  * Drop patch: Revert-remove-unused-edit-method.patch (rejected
+  upstream)
+  * Rename patch: env-script-interpreter.patch
+    -> replace-env-python-invocation-by-direct-call.patch
+  * Removed appdata.patch in OBS
+- Added upstram bug-fix PR #580 ("Fix handling of datetime arguments 
+  to from_start_end")
+  * Add patch: fix-from_start_end-handle-datetime-first.patch
+  * Add patch: choke-on-invalid-types-in-from_start_end.patch
+- Added merged upstream PR #584 ("Use itstool instead of xml2po")
+  * Add patch: Use-itstool-instead-of-xml2po.patch (i18n fixes)
+  * Add patch: fixup-Use-itstool-instead-of-xml2po.patch
+Wed Feb 12 20:16:15 UTC 2020 - Martin Wilck <mwi...@suse.com>
+- Fix search function
+  (https://github.com/projecthamster/hamster/pull/551)
+  * Add Fix-search-function-551.patch
+- Fix icon not being displayed on Wayland 
+  (https://github.com/projecthamster/hamster/pull/541)
+  * Add hamster-explicitly-set-application-ID-and-prgname-on.patch
+Tue Feb 11 20:51:50 UTC 2020 - Martin Wilck <mwi...@suse.com>
+- Fix non-working "Add Earlier activity" button in shell extension
+  (https://github.com/projecthamster/hamster/pull/549)
+  * Add Revert-remove-unused-edit-method.patch
+Mon Feb 10 21:36:47 UTC 2020 - mwi...@suse.com
+- Update to version 3.0~beta:
+  * Numerous bug fixes (see NEWS)
+  * New 'version' or 'Version' command/methods available (PR 528).
+  * New *JSON dbus methods to pass facts verbatim (PR 514).
+  * Changed parser:
+    - Accept activity starting with hash '#' (issue ?)
+    - Accept comma in activity (issue ?)
+    - Breaking (sorry, really needed):
+      Description delimiter is a double comma ',,' instead of a single comma.
+    - Comma is forbidden in category (instead of silently swallowed)
+    - Same parser for terminal, gui and D-Bus interface.
+      Range is still searched at tail (terminal) or head position (gui, D-Bus).
+    - Fact.range start/end are always datetimes
+      any time given without date is attributed to a default hamster day.
+      The default hamster day is usually today.
+      In the gui, the default day is the day selected in the timeline.
+    - start/end can be entered as +mmm or -mmm (<sign><1-3 digits>),
+      relative to a reference. The reference is usually now.
+    - The fact duration can be given as mmm (<1-3 digits>, no sign),
+      instead of the end.
+    - hour/minutes separator can be colon, comma, dot, e.g. 9.30.
+      No separator is allowed, but only with 4 digits: hhmm.
+  * Improved consistency in date/time handling (PR 429) by
+      - switching to ISO date format (%Y-%m-%d) in lib/* 
+        to be consistent with hamster-cli usage
+      - rounding (i.e. truncating) all activity start/end timestamps
+        to the minute
+      ** note that this only affects new and/or edited activities in the 
+  * Added stop tracking button to header bar (PR 427)
+  * The help system is back (PR 393).
+  * Improved keyboard handling:
+    - Ctrl+Space to stop tracking.
+    - Left/Right arrows change date.
+    - Resume: start now a clone of the selected activity.
+      Ctrl-+: clone or fallback to new if none selected.
+              (same as pressing the + button)
+      Ctrl-R: only Resume (clone) an existing fact.
+      Ctrl-N: only new.
+    - Up, down, Home, End, Page-Up, Page-Down, Return
+      work straight from the overview (no need to click).
+    - More info on PR #387.
+- Removed obsolete patches (merged upstream)
+  * removed appdata.patch (shipping upstream metainfo now)
+  * removed 0002-Overview-fix-gtk.show_uri-call.patch
+  * removed 0003-Overview-add-help-menu-entry.patch
+  * removed 0004-waf-install-help-files-into-usr-share-help.patch
+  * removed 0005-wscript-install-bash-completion-to-usr-share-bash-co.patch
+  * removed 0006-Overview-show-error-window-if-opening-help-fails.patch
+- Added patches to skip waf installation steps that aren't needed for
+  openSUSE packaging because they're done at package install time
+  * added wscript-don-t-update-icon-cache.patch
+  * added waf-skip-gsettings-schema-compilation.patch
+- No more gconf support after move to gsettings




Other differences:
++++++ hamster-time-tracker.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.jarHlL/_old  2020-03-31 17:17:03.079696416 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.jarHlL/_new  2020-03-31 17:17:03.083696418 +0200
@@ -15,32 +15,25 @@
 # Please submit bugfixes or comments via https://bugs.opensuse.org/
 %global ext_version 0.10.0
 %global ext_gnome_version 3.34
 %global ext_uuid cont...@projecthamster.org
 %bcond_without extension
 Name:           hamster-time-tracker
-Version:        2.2.2
+Version:        3.0.1+8
 Release:        0
 Summary:        A time tracker for GNOME
 License:        GPL-3.0-or-later AND CC-BY-SA-3.0
 Group:          Productivity/Other
 Url:            https://github.com/projecthamster/hamster
-Source:         %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
+Source:         %{name}-v%{version}.tar.xz
 Source1:        hamster-shell-extension-%{ext_version}.tar.gz
-# PATCH-FEATURE-UPSTREAM https://github.com/projecthamster/hamster/pull/336
-Patch0:         appdata.patch
 # avoid rpm error: env-script-interpreter
-Patch1:         env-script-interpreter.patch
-Patch2:         0002-Overview-fix-gtk.show_uri-call.patch
-Patch3:         0003-Overview-add-help-menu-entry.patch
-Patch4:         0004-waf-install-help-files-into-usr-share-help.patch
-Patch5:         0005-wscript-install-bash-completion-to-usr-share-bash-co.patch
-Patch6:         0006-Overview-show-error-window-if-opening-help-fails.patch
+Patch1:         replace-env-python-invocation-by-direct-call.patch
+Patch2:                waf-skip-gsettings-schema-compilation.patch
 # Patches for GNOME extension
 Patch101:       0001-Don-t-try-to-access-controller.activities-before-it-.patch
 Patch102:       0002-Fix-disable-callback-gnome-shell-3.30-compatibility.patch
@@ -73,9 +66,7 @@
 BuildRequires:  dbus-1-glib-devel
 BuildRequires:  glib2-devel
 # for help files
-BuildRequires:  xml2po
-# for gconf-related rpm macros
-BuildRequires:  gconf2-devel
+BuildRequires:  itstool
 # for the python3_sitelib macro
 BuildRequires:  python3-devel
 # For suse_update_desktop_file
@@ -92,7 +83,6 @@
 Requires:       python3-dbus-python
 Requires:       python3-gobject-Gdk
 Requires:       python3-pyxdg
 %if 0%{?suse_version} < 1330
 # see https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Packaging_Conventions_RPM_Macros
@@ -118,14 +108,9 @@
-%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version} -a1
-%patch0 -p1
-%patch1 -p0
+%setup -q -n %{name}-v%{version} -a1
+%patch1 -p1
 %patch2 -p1
-%patch3 -p1
-%patch4 -p1
-%patch5 -p1
-%patch6 -p1
 %if %{with extension}
 cd hamster-shell-extension-%{ext_version}
 %patch101 -p1
@@ -158,21 +143,17 @@
-./waf --prefix=%{_prefix} configure build
+./waf --prefix=%{_prefix} --libdir=%{_libdir} --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} \
+      --skip-icon-cache-update configure build
 %if %{with extension}
 cd hamster-shell-extension-%{ext_version}
 make dist
-./waf install --destdir=%{buildroot} --libdir=%{_libdir} 
-# hack: waf installs in the python2 directory, but hamster should be in 
python3 now
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}
-mv %{buildroot}%{python_sitelib}/hamster %{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}
-%find_lang %{name} %{?no_lang_C}
-%suse_update_desktop_file hamster-time-tracker X-SuSE-TimeUtility
-%suse_update_desktop_file hamster-time-tracker-overview X-SuSE-TimeUtility
+./waf install --destdir=%{buildroot}
+%find_lang hamster %{?no_lang_C}
+%suse_update_desktop_file org.gnome.Hamster.GUI TimeUtility
 %if %{with extension}
 mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/gnome-shell/extensions/%{ext_uuid}
@@ -182,14 +163,7 @@
 %fdupes %{buildroot}
-%pre -f %{name}.schemas_pre
-%preun -f %{name}.schemas_preun
-%posttrans -f %{name}.schemas_posttrans
 %if 0%{?suse_version} < 1330
@@ -197,29 +171,26 @@
-%files -f %{name}.schemas_list
 %defattr(-, root, root)
 %license COPYING
-%dir %{_datadir}/appdata/
-%dir %{_datadir}/help
 %package -n gnome-shell-extension-hamster-time-tracker
 Version:        %{ext_version}_%{ext_gnome_version}
@@ -246,7 +217,7 @@
 upstream version on extensions.gnome.org often leaks behind current
 GNOME shell development.
-%files lang -f %{name}.lang
+%files lang -f hamster.lang
 %if %{with extension}
 %files -n gnome-shell-extension-hamster-time-tracker

++++++ _service ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.jarHlL/_old  2020-03-31 17:17:03.143696456 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.jarHlL/_new  2020-03-31 17:17:03.147696459 +0200
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
     <param name="scm">git</param>
     <param name="url">https://github.com/projecthamster/hamster.git</param>
     <param name="filename">hamster-time-tracker</param>
-    <param name="versionformat">@PARENT_TAG@+@TAG_OFFSET@</param>
-    <param name="revision">v2.2.2</param>
-    <param name="versionrewrite-pattern">v(.*)[+]0$</param>
-    <param name="versionrewrite-replacement">\1</param>
+    <!-- <param name="versionformat">@PARENT_TAG@+@TAG_OFFSET@</param> -->
+    <param name="version">3.0.1+8</param>
+    <param name="revision">e6b90fcd</param>
+    <!-- <param name="versionrewrite-pattern">v(.*)[+]0$</param>
+         <param name="versionrewrite-replacement">\1</param> -->
     <param name="changesgenerate">enable</param>
   <service name="recompress" mode="disabled">

++++++ _servicedata ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.jarHlL/_old  2020-03-31 17:17:03.175696476 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.jarHlL/_new  2020-03-31 17:17:03.179696479 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 <service name="tar_scm">
-              <param 
\ No newline at end of file
+              <param 
\ No newline at end of file

++++++ replace-env-python-invocation-by-direct-call.patch ++++++
>From c5ddb785a747105627bb23e31db64a76975d6341 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Wilck <mwi...@suse.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 15:56:06 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] replace env python invocation by direct call

 src/hamster-cli.py             | 2 +-
 src/hamster-service.py         | 2 +-
 src/hamster-windows-service.py | 2 +-
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/hamster-cli.py b/src/hamster-cli.py
index 9c67867..bdb2d36 100644
--- a/src/hamster-cli.py
+++ b/src/hamster-cli.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
 # - coding: utf-8 -
 # Copyright (C) 2010 Matías Ribecky <matias at mribecky.com.ar>
diff --git a/src/hamster-service.py b/src/hamster-service.py
index 4b1e43a..2b87ee9 100644
--- a/src/hamster-service.py
+++ b/src/hamster-service.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
 # nicked off gwibber
 import dbus
diff --git a/src/hamster-windows-service.py b/src/hamster-windows-service.py
index 37bcad9..fa1279d 100644
--- a/src/hamster-windows-service.py
+++ b/src/hamster-windows-service.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
 # nicked off hamster-service
 import dbus

++++++ waf-skip-gsettings-schema-compilation.patch ++++++
>From d60ae5a815cbd0c7cb313d7a2b2960b852d3cfb0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Wilck <mwi...@suse.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2020 17:28:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] waf: skip gsettings schema compilation

 waflib/Tools/glib2.py | 15 ---------------
 1 file changed, 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/waflib/Tools/glib2.py b/waflib/Tools/glib2.py
index 949fe37..2aca61e 100644
--- a/waflib/Tools/glib2.py
+++ b/waflib/Tools/glib2.py
@@ -301,20 +301,6 @@ def process_settings(self):
                schema_task.set_outputs (target_node)
                schema_task.env.GLIB_VALIDATE_SCHEMA_OUTPUT = 
-       # 3. schemas install task
-       def compile_schemas_callback(bld):
-               if not bld.is_install:
-                       return
-               compile_schemas = Utils.to_list(bld.env.GLIB_COMPILE_SCHEMAS)
-               destdir = Options.options.destdir
-               paths = bld._compile_schemas_registered
-               if destdir:
-                       paths = (os.path.join(destdir, path.lstrip(os.sep)) for 
path in paths)
-               for path in paths:
-                       Logs.pprint('YELLOW', 'Updating GSettings schema cache 
%r' % path)
-                       if self.bld.exec_command(compile_schemas + [path]):
-                               Logs.warn('Could not update GSettings schema 
cache %r' % path)
        if self.bld.is_install:
                schemadir = self.env.GSETTINGSSCHEMADIR
                if not schemadir:
@@ -325,7 +311,6 @@ def process_settings(self):
                        registered_schemas = getattr(self.bld, 
'_compile_schemas_registered', None)
                        if not registered_schemas:
                                registered_schemas = 
self.bld._compile_schemas_registered = set()
-                               self.bld.add_post_fun(compile_schemas_callback)
 class glib_validate_schema(Task.Task):

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