Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package viewvc for openSUSE:12.2 checked in 
at 2012-07-10 13:27:26
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:12.2/viewvc (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:12.2/.viewvc.new (New)

Package is "viewvc", Maintainer is "dmuel...@suse.com"

New Changes file:

--- /dev/null   2012-07-06 19:40:38.919402255 +0200
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:12.2/.viewvc.new/viewvc.changes  2012-07-10 
13:27:28.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1621 @@
+Fri Aug 12 22:29:56 CEST 2011 - dmuel...@suse.de
+- add supplements for apache2/subversion-server
+Tue May 17 23:39:16 UTC 2011 - pascal.ble...@opensuse.org
+- update to 1.1.11 (bnc#694785):
+  * security fix: remove user-reachable override of cvsdb row limit
+  * fix broken standalone.py -c and -d options handling
+  * add --help option to standalone.py
+  * fix stack trace when asked to checkout a directory (issue #478)
+  * improve memory usage and speed of revision log markup (issue #477)
+  * fix broken annotation view in CVS keyword-bearing files (issue #479)
+  * warn users when query results are incomplete (issue #443)
+  * avoid parsing errors on RCS newphrases in the admin section (issue #483)
+  * make rlog parsing code more robust in certain error cases (issue #444)
+Tue Mar 15 22:17:29 UTC 2011 - pascal.ble...@opensuse.org
+- update to 1.1.10:
+  * 1.1.9 shipped with a stack-trace-causing bug in the Subversion revision
+    info gathering logic
+Sat Feb 19 00:42:56 UTC 2011 - pascal.ble...@opensuse.org
+- update to 1.1.9:
+  * vcauth universal access determinations (issue #425)
+  * rework svn revision info cache for performance
+  * make revision log "extra pages" count configurable
+  * fix Subversion 1.4.x revision log compatibility code regression
+  * display sanitized error when authzfile is malformed
+  * handle file:/// Subversion rootpaths as local roots (issue #446)
+  * restore markup of URLs in file contents (issue #455)
+  * optionally display last-committed metadata in roots view (issue #457)
+Thu Dec  2 22:43:14 UTC 2010 - pascal.ble...@opensuse.org
+- update to 1.1.8:
+  * fix slowness triggered by allow_compress=1 configuration (issue #467)
+  * yield more useful error on directory markup/annotate request (issue #472)
+Sat Sep 11 18:55:54 UTC 2010 - pascal.ble...@opensuse.org
+- update to 1.1.7:
+  * maintenance release that includes all the bugfixes and enhancements made
+    thus far to the 1.1.x line
+  * adds a few features:
+    + FastCGI deployment support
+    + Basic authentication in the standalone server
+    + Subversion revision property display
+Sun Jun  6 20:44:55 UTC 2010 - pascal.ble...@opensuse.org
+- update to 1.1.6:
+  * fixes a regression introduced in 1.1.5
+  * corrects some bits of the RSS feed support
+  * introduces rudimentary support for WSGI-based deployments
+Tue Apr  6 21:51:20 CEST 2010 - dmuel...@suse.de
+- fix buglink patch again (kde#233525)
+Tue Mar 30 09:10:12 UTC 2010 - pascal.ble...@opensuse.org
+- update to 1.1.5 (bnc#592932):
+  * security fix: escape user-provided search_re input to avoid XSS attack
+Thu Mar 11 11:06:14 UTC 2010 - pascal.ble...@opensuse.org
+- update to 1.1.4 (bnc#587357):
+ * security fix: escape user-provided query form input to avoid XSS attack
+ * fix standalone.py failure (when per-root options aren't used) (issue #445)
+ * fix annotate failure caused by ignored svn_config_dir (issue #447)
+Mon Jan 18 23:05:21 CET 2010 - dmuel...@suse.de
+- rediff buglink.patch
+Thu Dec 31 15:18:25 CET 2009 - dmuel...@suse.de
+- update to 1.1.3 (bnc#570605):
+  * security fix: add root listing support of per-root authz config
+  * security fix: query.py requires 'forbidden' authorizer (or none) in config
+  * fix URL-ification of truncated log messages (issue #3)
+  * fix regexp input validation (issue #426, #427, #440)
+  * add support for configurable tab-to-spaces conversion
+  * fix not-a-sequence error in diff view
+  * allow viewvc-install to work when templates-contrib is absent
+  * minor template improvements/corrections
+  * expose revision metadata in diff view (issue #431)
+  * markup file/directory item property URLs and email addresses (issue #434)
+  * make ViewVC cross copies in Subversion history by default
+  * fix bug that caused standalone.py failure under Python 1.5.2 (issue #442)
+  * fix support for per-vhost overrides of authorizer parameters (issue #411)
+  * fix root name identification in query.py interface
+Tue Aug 11 20:13:28 CEST 2009 - po...@suse.de
+- update to 1.1.2:
+  * security fix: validate the 'view' parameter to avoid XSS attack
+  * security fix: avoid printing illegal parameter names and values
+  * add optional support for character encoding detection (issue #400)
+  * fix username case handling in svnauthz module (issue #419)
+  * fix cvsdbadmin/svnadmin rebuild error on missing repos (issue #420)
+  * don't drop leading blank lines from colorized file contents (issue #422)
+  * add file.ezt template logic for optionally hiding binary file contents
+- update to 1.1.1:
+  * fix broken query form (missing required template variables) (issue #416)
+  * fix bug in cvsdb which caused rebuild operations to lose data (issue #417)
+  * fix cvsdb purge/rebuild repos lookup to error on missing repos
+  * fix misleading file contents view page title
+- forward-ported the buglink patch (viewvc-buglink.patch) to 1.1.2
+Tue May 26 12:53:33 CEST 2009 - po...@novell.com
+- update viewvc-buglink.patch, where the configuration object (cfg) is an
+  attribute of the DiffSource class
+Tue May 26 11:14:22 CEST 2009 - po...@suse.de
+- fix viewvc-buglink.patch (a variable name was missing an
+  underscore)
+- merge with openSUSE:Factory package (broken link)
+Wed May 13 20:43:19 CEST 2009 - pascal.ble...@opensuse.org
+- marked package as BuildArch:noarch
+- update to 1.1.0:
+  * extensible path-based authorization with Subversion authz support
+  * Subversion versioned properties display
+  * unified markup and annotation views
+  * hassle-free Pygments-based syntax highlighting
+  * support for full content diffs
+  * many bugfixes and additional enhancements
+Wed Jan 14 14:12:27 CET 2009 - o...@suse.de
+- update viewvc to 1.0.7
+  * fix regression in the 'as text' download view (issue #373)
+  * security fix: ignore arbitrary user-provided MIME types (issue #354)
+  * fix bug in regexp search filter when used with sticky tag (issue #346)
+  * fix bug in handling of certain 'co' output (issue #348)
+  * fix regexp search filter template bug
+  * fix annotate code syntax error
+  * fix mod_python import cycle (issue #369)
+Fri Feb 29 14:24:18 CET 2008 - o...@suse.de
+- update viewvc to 1.0.5
+  * omit commits of all-forbidden files from query results
+  * disallow direct URL navigation to hidden CVSROOT folder
+  * strip forbidden paths from revision view
+  * don't traverse log history thru forbidden locations
+  * honor forbiddenness via diff view path parameters
+  * new 'forbiddenre' regexp-based path authorization feature
+  * fix root name conflict resolution inconsistencies (issue #287)
+  * fix an oversight in the CVS 1.12.9 loginfo-handler support
+  * fix RSS feed content type to be more specific (issue #306)
+  * fix entity escaping problems in RSS feed data (issue #238)
+  * fix bug in tarball generation for remote Subversion repositories
+  * fix query interface file-count-limiting logic
+  * fix query results plus/minus count to ignore forbidden files
+  * fix blame error caused by 'svn' unable to create runtime config dir
+Fri Aug  3 10:24:08 CEST 2007 - po...@suse.de
+- fix path of /srv/viewvc/bin/mod_python/viewvc.py, renaming it to
+  myviewvc.py to load under newer mod_python without import cycle
+Wed Jul 25 10:35:31 CEST 2007 - o...@suse.de
+- rename subversion.viewvc.conf to viewvc.conf
+Wed Jul 25 10:26:11 CEST 2007 - o...@suse.de
++++ 1424 more lines (skipped)
++++ between /dev/null
++++ and /work/SRC/openSUSE:12.2/.viewvc.new/viewvc.changes




Other differences:
++++++ viewvc.spec ++++++
# spec file for package viewvc
# Copyright (c) 2011 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/

# norootforbuild

Name:           viewvc
BuildRequires:  apache2-devel python-devel
Version:        1.1.11
Release:        2
%define apxs    /usr/sbin/apxs2
%define apache_libexecdir       %(%{apxs} -q LIBEXECDIR)
%define apache_sysconfdir       %(%{apxs} -q SYSCONFDIR)
%define site_python     %(python -c "import distutils.sysconfig; print 
%define viewvc_dir /srv/viewvc
Requires:       subversion-python
Provides:       subversion-viewcvs = %{version}
Provides:       viewcvs = %{version}
Obsoletes:      subversion-viewcvs < %{version}
Obsoletes:      viewcvs < %{version}
Supplements:    packageand(subversion-server:apache2)
Group:          Development/Tools/Version Control
Url:            http://www.viewvc.org/
Summary:        Browse a Subversion Repository with a Web Browser
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
License:        BSD-3-Clause
# http://www.viewvc.org/viewvc-%{version}.tar.gz
Source0:        viewvc-%{version}.tar.bz2
Source1:        viewvc.conf
Source99:       viewvc-rpmlintrc
Patch0:         viewvc-buglink.patch
BuildArch:      noarch

ViewVC is a browser interface for CVS and Subversion version control
repositories. It generates templatized HTML to present navigable
directory, revision, and change log listings. It can display specific
versions of files as well as diffs between those versions. Basically,
ViewVC provides the bulk of the report-like functionality you expect
out of your version control tool, but much prettier than the average
textual command-line program output.

ViewVC is the successor of ViewCVS.

    The ViewCVS Group:
        * Greg Stein
        * Tanaka Akira
        * Tim Cera
        * Peter Funk
        * Jay Painter

%setup -q


%__rm -rf "lib/vclib/ccvs/rcsparse/test-data"
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{apache_sysconfdir}/conf.d
cp -avL %{S:1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{apache_sysconfdir}/conf.d/viewvc.conf
# viewvc
./viewvc-install --prefix "%{viewvc_dir}" --destdir "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
# hack for usage under mod_python
# http://archive.netbsd.se/?ml=viewcvs-users&a=2007-02&t=3231282
# rename /srv/viewcvs/bin/mod_python/viewvc.py to myviewvc.py
# to prevent import cycle with a newer mod_python versions
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/srv/viewvc/bin/mod_python/viewvc.py \
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/srv/viewvc/cvsgraph.conf.dist
sed '
s@^#docroot.*@docroot = /viewvc-docroot@
s@^default_root.*@default_root = your_unnamed_project@
s@^cvsgraph_conf.*@cvsgraph_conf = %{viewvc_dir}/cvsgraph.conf@
s@^hr_funout.*@hr_funout = 1@
s@^show_changed_paths.*@show_changed_paths = 0@
        your_unnamed_project : /srv/svn/repos/<your_unnamed_project> , \
        another_project : /srv/svn/repos/<another_project> \
' < conf/viewvc.conf.dist > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{viewvc_dir}/viewvc.conf
diff -up conf/viewvc.conf.dist $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{viewvc_dir}/viewvc.conf || true
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{viewvc_dir} -type d | \
sed "s@$RPM_BUILD_ROOT@%dir @" > files.viewvc
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{viewvc_dir} -type f | \
sed "s@$RPM_BUILD_ROOT@@;/\/templates\/\|\.conf$/s@^@%config (noreplace) @" >> 
cat files.viewvc

%files -f files.viewvc
%dir %{apache_sysconfdir}/conf.d
%config (noreplace) %{apache_sysconfdir}/conf.d/viewvc.conf

++++++ viewvc-buglink.patch ++++++
--- conf/viewvc.conf.dist.orig  2011-02-18 19:28:55.000000000 +0100
+++ conf/viewvc.conf.dist       2011-02-19 01:46:36.000000000 +0100
@@ -323,6 +323,21 @@
+## The 'buglink_base' value is a string that can be used to form a URL
+## by appending a bug number.  If viewvc sees something that looks
+## like a bug number in a log message (eg. "bug 12345" or "#12345"), it
+## will be displayed as a link to the bug in your bug tracking system.
+## For a Bugzilla installation, you probably want to set this to
+## something like "http://hostname/show_bug.cgi?id=";.  For the Debian
+## bug tracker, you might use
+## "http://hostname/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=";.
+## If 'buglink_base' is not set, then bug tracker links won't be
+## generated.
+#buglink_base = http://example.com/show_bug.cgi?id=
 ## root_as_url_component: Interpret the first path component in the URL
 ## after the script location as the root to use.  This is an
 ## alternative to using the "root=" query key. If ViewVC is configured
--- lib/viewvc.py.orig  2011-02-18 20:43:26.000000000 +0100
+++ lib/viewvc.py       2011-02-19 01:46:36.000000000 +0100
@@ -1100,6 +1100,10 @@
 # Matches revision references
 _re_rewrite_svnrevref = re.compile(r'\b(r|rev #?|revision #?)([0-9]+)\b')
+# Matches bug numbers
+_re_rewrite_bug = re.compile(r'((?:\bbug[\s:#+]|[^&]#|^#)\s*(\d\d+))', re.I)
+_re_buglink_prefix = ""
 class ViewVCHtmlFormatter:
   """Format a string as HTML-encoded output with customizable markup
   rules, for example turning strings that look like URLs into anchor links.
@@ -1112,6 +1116,19 @@
   def __init__(self):
     self._formatters = []
+  def format_bugzilla(self, mobj, userdata, maxlen=0):
+    """Return a 2-tuple containing:
+         - the text represented by MatchObject MOBJ, formatted as
+           linkified URL, with no more than MAXLEN characters in the
+           non-HTML-tag bits.  If MAXLEN is 0, there is no maximum.
+         - the number of non-HTML-tag characters returned.
+    """
+    s = mobj.group(0)
+    trunc_s = maxlen and s[:maxlen] or s
+    return '<a href="%s%s">%s</a>' % (_re_buglink_prefix, 
+                    sapi.escape(trunc_s)), \
+                    len(trunc_s)
   def format_url(self, mobj, userdata, maxlen=0):
     """Return a 2-tuple containing:
          - the text represented by MatchObject MOBJ, formatted as
@@ -1289,6 +1306,10 @@
       lf.add_formatter(_re_rewrite_svnrevref, lf.format_svnrevref,
+    if cfg.options.buglink_base is not None:
+      global _re_buglink_prefix
+      _re_buglink_prefix = cfg.options.buglink_base
+      lf.add_formatter(_re_rewrite_bug, lf.format_bugzilla);
     if cfg.options.mangle_email_addresses == 2:
       lf.add_formatter(_re_rewrite_email, lf.format_email_truncated)
     elif cfg.options.mangle_email_addresses == 1:
--- lib/config.py.orig  2011-02-18 20:27:50.000000000 +0100
+++ lib/config.py       2011-02-19 01:46:56.000000000 +0100
@@ -436,6 +436,7 @@
     self.options.log_pagesize = 0
     self.options.log_pagesextra = 3
     self.options.limit_changes = 100
+    self.options.buglink_base = None
     self.templates.diff = None
     self.templates.directory = None
++++++ viewvc-rpmlintrc ++++++
addFilter("W: non-etc-or-var-file-marked-as-conffile /srv/viewvc/.*")
addFilter("W: script-without-shebang /srv/viewvc/bin/mod_python/.*")
addFilter("W: files-duplicate /srv/viewvc/templates/.*")
addFilter("W: files-duplicate /srv/viewvc/templates-contrib/.*")
addFilter("W: files-duplicate /srv/viewvc/mimetypes.conf.*")
addFilter("W: htaccess-file /srv/viewvc/bin/mod_python/.*")
++++++ viewvc.conf ++++++
# Example configuration for a subversion viewvc repository
# put the string SVN_VIEWCVS in /etc/sysconfig/apache2 APACHE_SERVER_FLAGS
# to enable the URL
# http://localhost/viewvc
        <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
                RewriteEngine On
                RewriteRule /viewcvs(.*) /viewvc$1 [L,R]

        ScriptAlias /viewvc /srv/viewvc/bin/cgi/viewvc.cgi

        <Directory "/srv/viewvc/bin/cgi">
                AllowOverride None
                Options +ExecCGI
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

        # apache can serve the static files directly
        Alias /viewvc-docroot "/srv/viewvc/templates/docroot"
        <Directory /srv/viewvc/templates/docroot/>
                        AllowOverride None
                        Order allow,deny
                        Allow from all


<IfModule mod_python.c>
        <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
                RewriteEngine On
                RewriteRule /viewcvs(.*) /viewvc$1 [L,R]

        <Directory "/srv/viewvc/bin/mod_python">
                AllowOverride None
                #Options +ExecCGI
                Order allow,deny
                Allow from all

        ScriptAlias /viewvc "/srv/viewvc/bin/mod_python/myviewvc.py"
        <Location /viewvc>
                AddHandler python-program .py
                PythonPath "['/srv/viewvc/bin/mod_python']+sys.path"
                PythonHandler handler
                #PythonDebug On
                #AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

        # apache can serve the static files directly
        Alias /viewvc-docroot "/srv/viewvc/templates/docroot"
        <Directory /srv/viewvc/templates/docroot/>
                        AllowOverride None
                        Order allow,deny
                        Allow from all


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