Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package froxlor.2105 for 
openSUSE:13.1:Update checked in at 2013-10-22 11:14:05
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:13.1:Update/froxlor.2105 (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:13.1:Update/.froxlor.2105.new (New)

Package is "froxlor.2105"

New Changes file:

--- /dev/null   2013-10-11 12:16:15.204037506 +0200
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:13.1:Update/.froxlor.2105.new/froxlor.changes    
2013-10-22 11:14:06.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+Fri Oct 11 13:24:33 CEST 2013 - ase...@suse.de
+- added configuration files openSUSE 12.x (at Server Configuration)
+  configfiles_index.inc.php.patch
+Tue Oct  8 14:51:43 CEST 2013 - ase...@suse.de
+- upstream upragde to version 0.9.29 (bnc#846355)
+Bug #1139: Froxlor package for armhf doesn't show up in aptitude
+Bug #1258: unable to register 'memcache' SSL session cache: Memcache support 
not enabled
+Bug #1260: Cron Domain-SSL Zertifikat
+Bug #1261: Fehler Apache mod_write
+Feature #587: Provide php.ini Konfiguration for php-fpm
+Mon Apr 15 12:20:54 CEST 2013 - ase...@suse.de
+- upstream upragde to version
+Due to a syntax-error in the updater we had to re-release as version
+- upstream upragde to version 0.9.28
+#536 Use complete domain name as default path for DocumentRoot
+#1150 added possibility to add random prefixes to a customers database-name
+#668 fixed FreeBSD 8.2: Bind 9 is missing from list of Daemons
+#758 fixed bug in "Amount of APS installations" counter
+#916 fixed webserver-specific default vHost settings don't work in ligHTTPd
+#1023 fixed Redirect with SSL Enabled Domain
+#1058 fixed bug in "Amount of autoresponders" counter
+#1085 fixed incorrect configuration command for awstats under Gentoo
+#1127 fixed falsely used e-mail sender name
+#1134 updated default parameter list of sendmail-program in php.ini-template
+#1136 fixed falsely added specialsettings to a ssl-redirect
+#1160 fixed usage of empty value for CertificateChainFile (it's allowed)
+#1172 cleaned up language files
+#1173 fixed redirect to "ip:port"
+#1180 fixed clean-up if fcgid/php-fpm configurations
+Thu Mar 14 12:46:28 CET 2013 - ase...@suse.de
+- upstream upragde to version 0.9.28-rc1
+#1064 customers are now able to search their email-addresses in the overview 
(like domains, etc.)
+#1103 new directory-structure for e-mail accounts.  New added accounts will be 
stored in a new maildir-structure (e.g.   
+  /var/customers/mail/<customeracc>/<domain>/<mailacc>/Maildir/).   
+  An explanation why this makes sense can be found in the ticket-description. 
Note: no configuration changes are necessary 
+  and existing accounts do not need to be updated, as the homedir/maildir is 
read from the database.
+#1107 the default language for users without a language-setting is now 
+#1138 added support for apache-2.4 (note: mod_log_sql is not compatible to 
+#1153 path to nginx's fastcgi_params-file is now customizable (as other 
distributions/systems do not have it in /etc/nginx/)
+#1067 fixed alias generation when the docroot of a (sub)domain was below the 
+#1068 Apply settings for all subdomains in now deactivateable (but will be 
checked when you re-open the domain-edit view, this is intended!)
+#1075 the default php-cgi listener for nginx is now editable as intended 
+#1079 php-fpm files are generated correctly - due to a double "cleaning" of 
the php-cgi-configdir, they were created and later removed in the cronjobs
+#1089 + #1118 fixed php-fpm usage on apache-webserver
+#1095 fixed incorrect display of used traffic in admin-overview
+#1097 fixed falsey used private class property in database-class
+#1104 fixed endless-loop in readdir() when bind is not installed but php-fpm 
is activated
+#1108 fixed problems when disabling a customer / the customer removes one of 
his database with mysql version >4.1
+#1117 froxlor is now completely using UTF-8 encoding.
+#1119 The classic theme has been removed.  Maintaining two very different 
themes and the goal to gain usability and simplicity lead to that decision.
+Important information: 
+    support for mod_log_sql will drop in the final 0.9.28 release. If you 
still use it, please switch to webalizer or awstats
+    support for dovecot-1 on Gentoo will be dropped in 0.9.29 as Gentoo's tree 
does not include it anymore.
+    support for Debian Lenny has been removed as it is EOL since 6.2.2012.
+    support for Ubuntu Hardy will be deprecated in 0.9.28 and removed in 
0.9.29 as it will be unsupported in april 2013.
+    php's safe_mode setting will be removed in the final 0.9.28 release as it 
is deprecated.
+Tue May  8 11:36:19 CEST 2012 - ase...@suse.de
+- upstream upragde to version 0.9.27
+Bug #700: APS template errors
+Bug #992: Can't enable FTP Backup
+Bug #1022: Remove php-fpm-specific configuration (files) correctly
+Bug #1025: cron_traffic.php causes mysql error
+Bug #1027: Unavailable repository 'gentoo_prefix' referenced by masters entry 
in layman
+Bug #1028: Traffic-Cron - missing php-extension?
+Bug #1032: Error while creating a new customer in 0.9.26 (posix_getpwuid())
+Bug #1033: Natural sorting function for customers doesn't work
+Bug #1034: Froxlor Install / Upgraded SysCP: Unknown tables
+Bug #1037: [Security Bug] Customers can access all tickets
+Feature #1010: Provide setting for special logfiles after creating domains
+Feature #1017: Fast CGI Idle Timeout
+Feature #1030: Use the name "Administrator" in the mail body instead of 
+Feature #1031: Improve customer default index.html file
+Bug #1019: Debian GPG keyserver unreachable
+Bug #1061: Current froxlor ebuilds needs non-existant php use flag "pcre" to 
+Thu Jan 19 13:04:05 CET 2012 - ase...@suse.de
+- upstream upragde to version 0.9.26
+Bug #430: Updating debian packages resets owner (Froxlor FCGID)
+Bug #705: traffic reports are malformed
+Bug #723: Debian package depends on apache2-mpm-prefork
+Bug #788: Gentoo ebuild requires inexistent useflag
+Bug #962: Froxlor customer change the owner of the linux home dir
+Bug #977: Traffic takes a long time to calculate
+Bug #979: Debian Squeeze: Dovecot quota SQL config
+Bug #982: alias.url directive invalid for awstats using lighttpd
+Bug #983: Official Debian packages is missing /js folder
+Bug #987: typo within german lng file - webserver settings
+Bug #990: nginx: Missing configuration data within virtual host files
+Bug #993: [eBuild] Wrong directory permissions on gentoo
+Bug #999: awstats config file error, incl. bugfix
+Bug #1001: Classic theme, wrong icon path in backup.tpl. incl bug fix
+Bug #1002: classic theme, customer backup can not be enabled and disabled in 
gui, incl bug fix
+Bug #1004: Cron scripts won't be executed successfully if nameserver is 
+Bug #1012: Apache: ServerAlias length limit not obeyed
+Bug #1013: Wrong rc-update command in Gentoo configfiles in DKIM section
+Feature #964: Disable Nameserver
+Feature #976: Allow 100% or more as value for the limit warning message
+Feature #980: nginx configuration: security improvement
+Feature #985: Improve PHP default config of Froxlor
+Tue Nov 15 11:10:42 CET 2011 - ase...@suse.de
+- upstream upragde to version 0.9.25 bnc#730415
+Bug #696: Traffic overview: display error and problems with the value
+Bug #779: froxlor-0.9.19 ebuild sandbox ACCESS VIOLATION
+Bug #781: Bind forgets to add www. for Subdomains
+Bug #869: Customer search does not work if there is a underscore in the 
+Bug #924: FreeBSD: Postfix missing mydestination
+Bug #926: Small qouta fix
+Bug #928: "Access Froxlor directly via the hostname" activation fails
+Bug #929: User unknown in virtual mailbox table (in reply to RCPT TO command) 
after mysql-virtual_alias_maps.cf changed
+Bug #930: Froxlor/location/auth basic duplicates
+Bug #932: Ubuntu (lucid) missing config files for nginx
+Bug #940: Missing field content on some configuration instructions
+Bug #946: Changing the hostname fails
+Bug #954: Froxlor package for armel doesn't show up in aptitude 
+Bug #967: "backup_dir" is not in the expected format
+Bug #970: Cron PHP notice
+Bug #974: Customer can change password to something not matching minlength 
and/or Password Regex
+Feature #111: APS instances overview should display domain, DB and folder
+Feature #948: Disable backup feature by default
+Tue Sep 20 11:05:27 CEST 2011 - ase...@suse.de
+- upstream upragde to version 0.9.24
+(bnc#718819) adapt in spec file License: to GPL-2.0+ as Smarty-3.0.8 is under 
+Bug #714: Malformed "priority" in ticket archive search
+Bug #727: Support tickets eats html codes
+Bug #743: Very confusing overview in admin panel
+Bug #749: wrong location declaration in nginx 1.0 - freebsd 8.2, php-fpm, php 
+Bug #761: [Backup] Unnecessary text
+Bug #762: [Backup] FTP password is in plain text
+Bug #787: Display error on traffic bar
+Bug #791: 'Unknown User' at traffic calculation if user is locked
+Bug #799: Bind9 zone files on ipv6
+Bug #859: Froxlor saves backups in customer directory
+Bug #870: Empty "ServerName" possible
+Bug #872: Deleting a customer fails if a MySQL-User is already deleted
+Bug #879: Completely suspend/disable a email client
+Bug #880: Webserver user-name label missing in Settings (English)
+Bug #889: Modernize bash init-script (/etc/init.d/php-fcgi for nginx)
+Feature #16: Rotate customer logs
+Feature #834: Database size in Froxlor
+Feature #848: create a domain, which will only relay mail is not possible
+Feature #875: favicon for froxlor
+Fri Sep 16 13:32:47 CEST 2011 - ase...@suse.de
+- fixed some rpmlint warnings 
+Wed Aug 10 12:57:26 CEST 2011 - ase...@suse.de
+- upstream upragde to version 0.9.23 
+Bug #469: Prevent autocompletion for new customer dialog
+Bug #728: temp folder is not deleted
+Bug #780: Checkbox doesn't "check" if domain is a wildcard
+Bug #793: catchall checkbox bei "E-Mail-Adresse anlegen" funktionslos
+Bug #842: webftp.php file upload fails, Typo
+Bug #846: PHP-FPM tmpdir permission bug
+Bug #851: Add "--force" option to mysql backups, to prevent empty sql backups
+Feature #814: Use filesystem quota to enforce limit of diskspace - usage by 
+Tue Jul 12 13:47:11 CEST 2011 - ase...@suse.de
+- upstream release to version 0.9.22 nearly same as 0.9.22-rc1
+Added security relevant HTTP - headers (X-Content-Security-Policy, 
X-Frame-Options, Strict-Transport-Security and X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff)
+Generate all links with a new linker - object for easier link - management
+Updated the included jQuery to version 1.6.1
+Moved all inline - JavaScript to external file
+Added WebFTP
+Bug #756: Natural sorting function for customers doesn't work
+Bug #768: small improvement in proftp config
+Bug #800: Broken apache permissions in directories
+Bug #802: Wrong copyright in default page
+Bug #813: Language fixes (typo/hyperlinks/HTML)
++++ 356 more lines (skipped)
++++ between /dev/null
++++ and /work/SRC/openSUSE:13.1:Update/.froxlor.2105.new/froxlor.changes



Other differences:
++++++ froxlor.spec ++++++
# spec file for package froxlor
# Copyright (c) 2013 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/

%define apache_serverroot /srv/www/htdocs

Name:           froxlor
Version:        0.9.29
Release:        0
Source0:        froxlor-%{version}.tar.bz2
Source1:        froxlor.suse.adapt.template.config.tar.bz2 
Patch0:         froxlor.sql.patch       
Patch1:         configfiles_index.inc.php.patch
#Packager:      Andrej Semen ase...@suse.de
Url:            http://www.froxlor.org
#               froxlor is under GPL-2.0 and Smarty-3.0.8 is under GPL-3.0. As 
both are under in run time in same Memory this lead to GPL-2.0+ 
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
BuildArch:      noarch
Summary:        Froxlor Server Management Panel a php web-based administration 
License:        GPL-2.0+
Group:          Productivity/Networking/Web/Utilities
BuildRequires:  apache2
Requires:       apache2
Requires:       apache2-mod_php5
Requires:       courier-authlib
Requires:       courier-authlib-mysql
Requires:       courier-authlib-userdb
Requires:       courier-imap
Requires:       cyrus-sasl-saslauthd
Requires:       cyrus-sasl-sqlauxprop
Requires:       mysql
Requires:       php5
Requires:       php5-bcmath
Requires:       php5-mysql
Requires:       php5-posix
Requires:       postfix
Requires:       postfix-mysql
Requires:       pure-ftpd

A Server Management Panel is a php web-based administration software.
Developed by experienced server administrators this open source (GPL) panel 
simplifies the effort of managing your hosting platform

Froxlor can help you set up and manage a lot of system-services, like web-, 
mail- and ftpserver and it also brings some nice features such as a complete 
support-ticket system and an implementation of the Application Packaging 

%setup -q -n  %{name}
%setup1 -T -D -b 1 -n %{name}
%setup2 -T -D -b 1 -n %{name}


mkdir -p $idir
cp -aRf * $idir

#chmod -R 755 *
#mkdir -p uploadfiles
#chmod -R 707 images

echo "froxlor installation see doc 
http://wiki.froxlor.org/contrib/opensuse-11.x"; > $idir/README.SUSE
echo "see also froxlor website http://www.froxlor.org/"; >> $idir/README.SUSE
echo "For SLE11 and SLE10 see README" >> $idir/README.SUSE

rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"


++++++ configfiles_index.inc.php.patch ++++++
--- lib/configfiles_index.inc.php.orig  2013-10-10 14:38:12.401901296 +0200
+++ lib/configfiles_index.inc.php       2013-10-10 14:38:32.578217003 +0200
@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@
 $cfgPath = 'lib/configfiles/';
 $configfiles = Array();
-$configfiles = array_merge(include $cfgPath . 'wheezy.inc.php', include 
$cfgPath . 'squeeze.inc.php', include $cfgPath . 'precise.inc.php', include 
$cfgPath . 'lucid.inc.php', include $cfgPath . 'gentoo.inc.php', include 
$cfgPath . 'suse11.inc.php', include $cfgPath . 'sle10.inc.php', include 
$cfgPath . 'freebsd.inc.php');
+$configfiles = array_merge(include $cfgPath . 'wheezy.inc.php', include 
$cfgPath . 'squeeze.inc.php', include $cfgPath . 'precise.inc.php', include 
$cfgPath . 'lucid.inc.php', include $cfgPath . 'gentoo.inc.php', include 
$cfgPath . 'suse.inc.php', include $cfgPath . 'suse11.inc.php', include 
$cfgPath . 'sle10.inc.php', include $cfgPath . 'freebsd.inc.php');
++++++ froxlor.sql.patch ++++++
--- install/froxlor.sql.orig    2013-10-08 14:56:41.968858802 +0200
+++ install/froxlor.sql 2013-10-08 14:59:18.843261841 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+# change path from /var to /srv
+# webspaces: /srv/customers/webs
+# logs: /srv/customers/logs/
+# mails: /srv/customers/mail/
+# tmp: /srv/customers/tmp
+# cgi:  /srv/www/cgi-bin/
+# fcgi: /srv/www/php-fcgi-scripts
+# backup: /srv/customers/backups/
+# asemen 20131008
 CREATE TABLE `ftp_groups` (
   `id` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   `groupname` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
@@ -393,7 +403,7 @@
        ('customredirect', 'enabled', '1'),
        ('customredirect', 'default', '1'),
        ('perl', 'suexecworkaround', '0'),
-       ('perl', 'suexecpath', '/var/www/cgi-bin/'),
+       ('perl', 'suexecpath', '/srv/www/cgi-bin/'),
        ('login', 'domain_login', '0'),
        ('login', 'maxloginattempts', '3'),
        ('login', 'deactivatetime', '900'),
@@ -406,26 +416,26 @@
        ('phpfpm', 'min_spare_servers', '5'),
        ('phpfpm', 'max_spare_servers', '35'),
        ('phpfpm', 'max_requests', '0'),
-       ('phpfpm', 'tmpdir', '/var/customers/tmp/'),
+       ('phpfpm', 'tmpdir', '/srv/customers/tmp/'),
        ('phpfpm', 'peardir', '/usr/share/php/:/usr/share/php5/'),
        ('phpfpm', 'enabled_ownvhost', '0'),
        ('phpfpm', 'vhost_httpuser', 'froxlorlocal'),
        ('phpfpm', 'vhost_httpgroup', 'froxlorlocal'),
        ('phpfpm', 'idle_timeout', '30'),
-       ('phpfpm', 'aliasconfigdir', '/var/www/php-fpm/'),
+       ('phpfpm', 'aliasconfigdir', '/srv/www/php-fpm/'),
        ('phpfpm', 'defaultini', '1'),
        ('phpfpm', 'vhost_defaultini', '1'),
        ('nginx', 'fastcgiparams', '/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params'),
        ('system', 'lastaccountnumber', '0'),
        ('system', 'lastguid', '9999'),
-       ('system', 'documentroot_prefix', '/var/customers/webs/'),
-       ('system', 'logfiles_directory', '/var/customers/logs/'),
+       ('system', 'documentroot_prefix', '/srv/customers/webs/'),
+       ('system', 'logfiles_directory', '/srv/customers/logs/'),
        ('system', 'ipaddress', 'SERVERIP'),
        ('system', 'apachereload_command', '/etc/init.d/apache reload'),
        ('system', 'last_traffic_run', '000000'),
        ('system', 'vmail_uid', '2000'),
        ('system', 'vmail_gid', '2000'),
-       ('system', 'vmail_homedir', '/var/customers/mail/'),
+       ('system', 'vmail_homedir', '/srv/customers/mail/'),
        ('system', 'vmail_maildirname', 'Maildir'),
        ('system', 'bind_enable', '1'),
        ('system', 'bindconf_directory', '/etc/bind/'),
@@ -446,8 +456,8 @@
        ('system', 'apacheconf_htpasswddir', '/etc/apache/htpasswd/'),
        ('system', 'webalizer_quiet', '2'),
        ('system', 'last_archive_run', '000000'),
-       ('system', 'mod_fcgid_configdir', '/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts'),
-       ('system', 'mod_fcgid_tmpdir', '/var/customers/tmp'),
+       ('system', 'mod_fcgid_configdir', '/srv/www/php-fcgi-scripts'),
+       ('system', 'mod_fcgid_tmpdir', '/srv/customers/tmp'),
        ('system', 'ssl_cert_file', '/etc/apache2/apache2.pem'),
        ('system', 'use_ssl', '0'),
        ('system', 'openssl_cnf', '[ req ]\r\ndefault_bits = 
1024\r\ndistinguished_name = req_distinguished_name\r\nattributes = 
req_attributes\r\nprompt = no\r\noutput_password =\r\ninput_password =\r\n[ 
req_distinguished_name ]\r\nC = DE\r\nST = froxlor\r\nL = froxlor    \r\nO = 
Testcertificate\r\nOU = froxlor        \r\nCN = @@domain_name@@\r\nemailAddress 
= @@email@@    \r\n[ req_attributes ]\r\nchallengePassword =\r\n'),
@@ -481,7 +491,7 @@
        ('system', 'report_trafficmax', '90'),
        ('system', 'validate_domain', '1'),
        ('system', 'backup_enabled', '0'),
-       ('system', 'backup_dir', '/var/customers/backups/'),
+       ('system', 'backup_dir', '/srv/customers/backups/'),
        ('system', 'backup_mysqldump_path', '/usr/bin/mysqldump'),
        ('system', 'backup_count', '1'),
        ('system', 'backup_bigfile', '1'),
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