Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package python-redis for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2014-09-03 08:30:19
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-redis (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-redis.new (New)

Package is "python-redis"

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-redis/python-redis.changes        
2013-11-25 16:03:32.000000000 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python-redis.new/python-redis.changes   
2014-09-03 08:30:35.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,128 @@
+Tue Sep  2 16:17:27 UTC 2014 - toddrme2...@gmail.com
+- Update to version 2.10.3
+  * Fixed a bug with the bytearray support introduced in 2.10.2. Thanks
+    Josh Owen.
+- Update to version 2.10.2
+  * Added support for Hiredis's new bytearray support. Thanks
+    https://github.com/tzickel
+  * POSSIBLE BACKWARDS INCOMPATBLE CHANGE: Fixed a possible race condition
+    when multiple threads share the same Lock instance with a timeout. Lock
+    tokens are now stored in thread local storage by default. If you have
+    code that acquires a lock in one thread and passes that lock instance to
+    another thread to release it, you need to disable thread local storage.
+    Refer to the doc strings on the Lock class about the thread_local
+    argument information.
+  * Fixed a regression in from_url where "charset" and "errors" weren't
+    valid options. "encoding" and "encoding_errors" are still accepted
+    and preferred.
+  * The "charset" and "errors" options have been deprecated. Passing
+    either to StrictRedis.__init__ or from_url will still work but will
+    also emit a DeprecationWarning. Instead use the "encoding" and
+    "encoding_errors" options.
+  * Fixed a compatability bug with Python 3 when the server closes a
+    connection.
+  * Added BITPOS command. Thanks https://github.com/jettify.
+  * Fixed a bug when attempting to send large values to Redis in a Pipeline.
+- Update to version 2.10.1
+  * Fixed a bug where Sentinel connections to a server that's no longer a
+    master and receives a READONLY error will disconnect and reconnect to
+    the master.
+- Update to version 2.10.0
+  * Discontinuted support for Python 2.5. Upgrade. You'll be happier.
+  * The HiRedis parser will now properly raise ConnectionErrors.
+  * Completely refactored PubSub support. Fixes all known PubSub bugs and
+    adds a bunch of new features. Docs can be found in the README under the
+    new "Publish / Subscribe" section.
+  * Added the new HyperLogLog commanads (PFADD, PFCOUNT, PFMERGE). Thanks
+    Pepijn de Vos and Vincent Ohprecio.
+  * Updated TTL and PTTL commands with Redis 2.8+ semantics. Thanks Markus
+    Kaiserswerth.
+  * *SCAN commands now return a long (int on Python3) cursor value rather
+    than the string representation. This might be slightly backwards
+    incompatible in code using *SCAN commands loops such as
+    "while cursor != '0':".
+  * Added extra *SCAN commands that return iterators instead of the normal
+    [cursor, data] type. Use scan_iter, hscan_iter, sscan_iter, and
+    zscan_iter for iterators. Thanks Mathieu Longtin.
+  * Added support for SLOWLOG commands. Thanks Rick van Hattem.
+  * Added lexicographical commands ZRANGEBYLEX, ZREMRANGEBYLEX, and ZLEXCOUNT
+    for sorted sets.
+  * Connection objects now support an optional argument, socket_read_size,
+    indicating how much data to read during each socket.recv() call. After
+    benchmarking, increased the default size to 64k, which dramatically
+    improves performance when fetching large values, such as many results
+    in a pipeline or a large (>1MB) string value.
+  * Improved the pack_command and send_packed_command functions to increase
+    performance when sending large (>1MB) values.
+  * Sentinel Connections to master servers now detect when a READONLY error
+    is encountered and disconnect themselves and all other active connections
+    to the same master so that the new master can be discovered.
+  * Fixed Sentinel state parsing on Python 3.
+    commands. Thanks Greg Murphy.
+  * INFO ouput that doesn't follow the "key:value" format will now be
+    appended to a key named "__raw__" in the INFO dictionary. Thanks Pedro
+    Larroy.
+  * The "vagrant" directory contains a complete vagrant environment for
+    redis-py developers. The environment runs a Redis master, a Redis slave,
+    and 3 Sentinels. Future iterations of the test sutie will incorporate
+    more integration style tests, ensuring things like failover happen
+    correctly.
+  * It's now possible to create connection pool instances from a URL.
+    StrictRedis.from_url() now uses this feature to create a connection pool
+    instance and use that when creating a new client instance. Thanks
+    https://github.com/chillipino
+  * When creating client instances or connection pool instances from an URL,
+    it's now possible to pass additional options to the connection pool with
+    querystring arguments.
+  * Fixed a bug where some encodings (like utf-16) were unusable on Python 3
+    as command names and literals would get encoded.
+  * Added an SSLConnection class that allows for secure connections through
+    stunnel or other means. Construct and SSL connection with the sll=True
+    option on client classes, using the rediss:// scheme from an URL, or
+    by passing the SSLConnection class to a connection pool's
+    connection_class argument. Thanks https://github.com/oranagra.
+  * Added a socket_connect_timeout option to control how long to wait while
+    establishing a TCP connection before timing out. This lets the client
+    fail fast when attempting to connect to a downed server while keeping
+    a more lenient timeout for all other socket operations.
+  * Added TCP Keep-alive support by passing use the socket_keepalive=True
+    option. Finer grain control can be achieved using the
+    socket_keepalive_options option which expects a dictionary with any of
+    the keys (socket.TCP_KEEPIDLE, socket.TCP_KEEPCNT, socket.TCP_KEEPINTVL)
+    and integers for values. Thanks Yossi Gottlieb.
+  * Added a `retry_on_timeout` option that controls how socket.timeout errors
+    are handled. By default it is set to False and will cause the client to
+    raise a TimeoutError anytime a socket.timeout is encountered. If
+    `retry_on_timeout` is set to True, the client will retry a command that
+    timed out once like other `socket.error`s.
+  * Completely refactored the Lock system. There is now a LuaLock class
+    that's used when the Redis server is capable of running Lua scripts along
+    with a fallback class for Redis servers < 2.6. The new locks fix several
+    subtle race consider that the old lock could face. In additional, a
+    new method, "extend" is available on lock instances that all a lock
+    owner to extend the amount of time they have the lock for. Thanks to
+    Eli Finkelshteyn and https://github.com/chillipino for contributions.
+- Update to version 2.9.1
+  * IPv6 support. Thanks https://github.com/amashinchi
+- Update to version 2.9.0
+  * Performance improvement for packing commands when using the PythonParser.
+    Thanks Guillaume Viot.
+  * Executing an empty pipeline transaction no longer sends MULTI/EXEC to
+    the server. Thanks EliFinkelshteyn.
+  * Errors when authenticating (incorrect password) and selecting a database
+    now close the socket.
+  * Full Sentinel support thanks to Vitja Makarov. Thanks!
+  * Better repr support for client and connection pool instances. Thanks
+    Mark Roberts.
+  * Error messages that the server sends to the client are now included
+    in the client error message. Thanks Sangjin Lim.
+  * Added the SCAN, SSCAN, HSCAN, and ZSCAN commands. Thanks Jingchao Hu.
+  * ResponseErrors generated by pipeline execution provide addition context
+    including the position of the command in the pipeline and the actual
+    command text generated the error.
+  * ConnectionPools now play nicer in threaded environments that fork. Thanks
+    Christian Joergensen.




Other differences:
++++++ python-redis.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.mDKcmu/_old  2014-09-03 08:30:38.000000000 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.mDKcmu/_new  2014-09-03 08:30:38.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # spec file for package python-redis
-# Copyright (c) 2013 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+# Copyright (c) 2014 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
 # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
 # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 Name:           python-redis
-Version:        2.8.0
+Version:        2.10.3
 Release:        0
 Url:            http://github.com/andymccurdy/redis-py
 Summary:        Python client for Redis key-value store
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
 BuildRequires:  python-devel
+BuildRequires:  python-py
 Requires:       python-py
 %if 0%{?suse_version} && 0%{?suse_version} <= 1110
 %{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(python -c "from 
distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}

++++++ redis-2.8.0.tar.gz -> redis-2.10.3.tar.gz ++++++
++++ 6689 lines of diff (skipped)

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