Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package python3-Django for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2015-01-06 09:06:56
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python3-Django (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python3-Django.new (New)

Package is "python3-Django"

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python3-Django/python3-Django.changes    
2014-11-24 11:10:09.000000000 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python3-Django.new/python3-Django.changes       
2015-01-06 09:07:06.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,140 @@
+Sun Jan  4 20:18:15 UTC 2015 - a...@gmx.de
+- specfile: update copyright year
+- update to version 1.7.2:
+  * Fixed migration's renaming of auto-created many-to-many tables
+    when changing :attr:Meta.db_table
+    <django.db.models.Options.db_table> (:ticket:23630).
+  * Fixed a migration crash when adding an explicit "id" field to a
+    model on SQLite (:ticket:23702).
+  * Added a warning for duplicate models when a module is
+    reloaded. Previously a "RuntimeError" was raised every time two
+    models clashed in the app registry.  (:ticket:23621).
+  * Prevented :djadmin:flush from loading initial data for migrated apps
+    (:ticket:23699).
+  * Fixed a :djadmin:makemessages regression in 1.7.1 when
+    :setting:STATIC_ROOT has the default "None" value (:ticket:23717).
+  * Added GeoDjango compatibility with mysqlclient database driver.
+  * Fixed MySQL 5.6+ crash with "GeometryField"\s in migrations
+    (:ticket:23719).
+  * Fixed a migration crash when removing a field that is referenced in
+    "AlterIndexTogether" or "AlterUniqueTogether" (:ticket:23614).
+  * Updated the first day of the week in the Ukrainian locale to Monday.
+  * Added support for transactional spatial metadata initialization on
+    SpatiaLite 4.1+ (:ticket:23152).
+  * Fixed a migration crash that prevented changing a nullable field with a
+    default to non-nullable with the same default (:ticket:23738).
+  * Fixed a migration crash when adding "GeometryField"\s with
+    "blank=True" on PostGIS (:ticket:23731).
+  * Allowed usage of "DateTimeField()" as "Transform.output_field"
+    (:ticket:23420).
+  * Fixed a migration serializing bug involving "float("nan")" and
+    "float("inf")" (:ticket:23770).
+  * Fixed a regression where custom form fields having a "queryset"
+    attribute but no "limit_choices_to" could not be used in a
+    :class:~django.forms.ModelForm (:ticket:23795).
+  * Fixed a custom field type validation error with MySQL backend when
+    "db_type" returned "None" (:ticket:23761).
+  * Fixed a migration crash when a field is renamed that is part of an
+    "index_together" (:ticket:23859).
+  * Fixed :djadmin:squashmigrations to respect the "--no-optimize"
+    parameter (:ticket:23799).
+  * Made :class:~django.db.migrations.operations.RenameModel reversible
+    (:ticket:22248)
+  * Avoided unnecessary rollbacks of migrations from other apps when
+    migrating backwards (:ticket:23410).
+  * Fixed a rare query error when using deeply nested subqueries
+    (:ticket:23605).
+  * Fixed a crash in migrations when deleting a field that is part of a
+    "index/unique_together" constraint (:ticket:23794).
+  * Fixed "django.core.files.File.__repr__()" when the file's "name"
+    contains Unicode characters (:ticket:23888).
+  * Added missing context to the admin's "delete_selected" view that
+    prevented custom site header, etc. from appearing (:ticket:23898).
+  * Fixed a regression with dynamically generated inlines and allowed
+    field references in the admin (:ticket:23754).
+  * Fixed an infinite loop bug for certain cyclic migration
+    dependencies, and made the error message for cyclic dependencies
+    much more helpful.
+  * Added missing "index_together" handling for SQLite (:ticket:23880).
+  * Fixed a crash when "RunSQL" SQL content was collected by the schema
+    editor, typically when using "sqlmigrate" (:ticket:23909).
+  * Fixed a regression in "contrib.admin" add/change views which caused
+    some "ModelAdmin" methods to receive the incorrect "obj" value
+    (:ticket:23934).
+  * Fixed "runserver" crash when socket error message contained Unicode
+    characters (:ticket:23946).
+  * Fixed serialization of "type" when adding a "deconstruct()" method
+    (:ticket:23950).
+  * Prevented the
+    :class:~django.contrib.auth.middleware.SessionAuthenticationMiddleware
+    from setting a ""Vary: Cookie"" header on all responses
+    (:ticket:23939).
+  * Fixed a crash when adding "blank=True" to "TextField()" on MySQL
+    (:ticket:23920).
+  * Fixed index creation by the migration infrastructure, particularly
+    when dealing with PostgreSQL specific "{text|varchar}_pattern_ops"
+    indexes (:ticket:23954).
+  * Fixed bug in "makemigrations" that created broken migration files
+    when dealing with multiple table inheritance and inheriting from
+    more than one model (:ticket:23956).
+  * Fixed a crash when a "MultiValueField" has invalid data
+    (:ticket:23674).
+  * Fixed a crash in the admin when using "Save as new" and also
+    deleting a related inline (:ticket:23857).
+  * Always converted "related_name" to text (unicode), since that is
+    required on Python 3 for interpolation. Removed conversion of
+    "related_name" to text in migration deconstruction (:ticket:23455
+    and :ticket:23982).
+  * Enlarged the sizes of tablespaces which are created by default for
+    testing on Oracle (the main tablespace was increased from 200M to
+    300M and the temporary tablespace from 100M to 150M). This was
+    required to accommodate growth in Django's own test suite
+    (:ticket:23969).
+  * Fixed "timesince" filter translations in Korean (:ticket:23989).
+  * Fixed the SQLite "SchemaEditor" to properly add defaults in the
+    absence of a user specified "default". For example, a "CharField"
+    with "blank=True" didn't set existing rows to an empty string which
+    resulted in a crash when adding the "NOT NULL" constraint
+    (:ticket:23987).
+  * "makemigrations" no longer prompts for a default value when adding
+    "TextField()" or "CharField()" without a "default" (:ticket:23405).
+  * Fixed a migration crash when adding "order_with_respect_to" to a
+    table with existing rows (:ticket:23983).
+  * Restored the "pre_migrate" signal if all apps have migrations
+    (:ticket:23975).
+  * Made admin system checks run for custom "AdminSite"\s
+    (:ticket:23497).
+  * Ensured the app registry is fully populated when unpickling
+    models. When an external script (like a queueing infrastructure)
+    reloads pickled models, it could crash with an "AppRegistryNotReady"
+    exception (:ticket:24007).
+  * Added quoting to field indexes in the SQL generated by migrations to
+    prevent a crash when the index name requires it (:ticket:#24015).
+  * Added "datetime.time" support to migrations questioner
+    (:ticket:23998).
+  * Fixed admindocs crash on apps installed as eggs (:ticket:23525).
+  * Changed migrations autodetector to generate an "AlterModelOptions"
+    operation instead of "DeleteModel" and "CreateModel" operations when
+    changing "Meta.managed". This prevents data loss when changing
+    "managed" from "False" to "True" and vice versa (:ticket:24037).
+  * Enabled the "sqlsequencereset" command on apps with migrations
+    (:ticket:24054).
+  * Added tablespace SQL to apps with migrations (:ticket:24051).
+  * Corrected "contrib.sites" default site creation in a multiple
+    database setup (:ticket:24000).
+  * Restored support for objects that aren't :class:str or :class:bytes
+    in :func:~django.utils.safestring.mark_for_escaping on Python 3.
+  * Supported strings escaped by third-party libraries with the
+    "__html__" convention in the template engine (:ticket:23831).
+  * Prevented extraneous "DROP DEFAULT" SQL in migrations (:ticket:23581).
+  * Restored the ability to use more than five levels of subqueries
+    (:ticket:23758).
+  * Fixed crash when "ValidationError" is initialized with a
+    "ValidationError" that is initialized with a dictionary
+    (:ticket:24008).
+  * Prevented a crash on apps without migrations when running "migrate
+    --list" (:ticket:23366).




Other differences:
++++++ python3-Django.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.KgrWXj/_old  2015-01-06 09:07:07.000000000 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.KgrWXj/_new  2015-01-06 09:07:07.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # spec file for package python3-Django
-# Copyright (c) 2014 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
+# Copyright (c) 2015 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
 # All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
 # remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 Name:           python3-Django
-Version:        1.7.1
+Version:        1.7.2
 Release:        0
 Summary:        A high-level Python Web framework
 License:        BSD-3-Clause

++++++ Django-1.7.1.checksum.txt -> Django-1.7.2.checksum.txt ++++++
--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python3-Django/Django-1.7.1.checksum.txt 
2014-11-24 11:10:08.000000000 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python3-Django.new/Django-1.7.2.checksum.txt    
2015-01-06 09:07:05.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,67 +1,63 @@
-Hash: SHA512
+Hash: SHA256
-This file contains MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 checksums for the source-code
-tarball of Django 1.7.1, released October 22, 2014.
+This file contains MD5, SHA1, and SHA256 checksums for the source-code
+tarball of Django 1.7.2, released January 2, 2015.
 To use this file, you will need a working install of PGP or other
 compatible public-key encryption software. You will also need to have
 the Django release manager's public key in your keyring; this key has
-the ID ``0x2D9266A6808FE067`` and can be imported from the MIT
+the ID ``1E8ABDC773EDE252`` and can be imported from the MIT
 keyserver. For example, if using the open-source GNU Privacy Guard
 implementation of PGP::
-    gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 0x2D9266A6808FE067
+    gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 1E8ABDC773EDE252
 Once the key is imported, verify this file::
     gpg --verify <<THIS FILENAME>>
-Once you have verified this file, you can use normal MD5 and SHA1
+Once you have verified this file, you can use normal MD5, SHA1, or SHA256
 checksumming applications to generate the checksums of the Django
 package and compare them to the checksums listed below.
 Release packages:
-Django 1.7.1 (tar.gz): 
-Django 1.7.1 (.whl): 
-MD5 checksums:
-MD5(Django-1.7.1.tar.gz)= 81dae89f21647b9aa5c46c6b7dbfa349
-MD5(Django-1.7.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl)= 83bd3e5cfba6d6d2bee5a37efb34771c
+Django 1.7.2 (tar.gz): 
+Django 1.7.2 (.whl): 
+MD5 checksum:
-SHA1 checksums:
+MD5(Django-1.7.2.tar.gz)= 855a53a9a5581c62b6031c9b3bd80ec5
+MD5(Django-1.7.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl)= b57f9a2dec214b60e338aa80fb902936
-SHA1(Django-1.7.1.tar.gz)= 689efc1e6d72b45b4deb451e6ed36ee77389fafc
+SHA1 checksum:
+SHA1(Django-1.7.2.tar.gz)= 142168eef96423d3586d9bd99ca9b3c8d6ae652a
-SHA256 checksums:
+SHA256 checksum:
-Version: GnuPG v1.4.14 (Darwin)
+Version: GnuPG v1

++++++ Django-1.7.1.tar.gz -> Django-1.7.2.tar.gz ++++++
/work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.python3-Django.new/Django-1.7.2.tar.gz differ: char 
5, line 1

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