Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package ghc-lifted-async for 
openSUSE:Factory checked in at 2016-05-31 12:24:22
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ghc-lifted-async (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.ghc-lifted-async.new (New)

Package is "ghc-lifted-async"

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ghc-lifted-async/ghc-lifted-async.changes        
2016-01-28 17:24:49.000000000 +0100
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.ghc-lifted-async.new/ghc-lifted-async.changes   
2016-05-31 12:24:24.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,6 @@
+Mon May 23 10:43:49 UTC 2016 - mimi...@gmail.com
+- update to 0.9.0
+* Leverage StM m a ~ a in the Safe module for faster 




Other differences:
++++++ ghc-lifted-async.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.DTlEhh/_old  2016-05-31 12:24:25.000000000 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.DTlEhh/_new  2016-05-31 12:24:25.000000000 +0200
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 %bcond_with tests
 Name:           ghc-lifted-async
+Version:        0.9.0
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Run lifted IO operations asynchronously and wait for their 
 License:        BSD-3-Clause

++++++ lifted-async- -> lifted-async-0.9.0.tar.gz ++++++
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/lifted-async- 
--- old/lifted-async-       2016-01-17 22:16:51.000000000 
+++ new/lifted-async-0.9.0/CHANGELOG.md 2016-05-22 14:26:28.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+## v0.9.0 - 2016-05-22
+* Leverage `StM m a ~ a` in the `Safe` module for faster 
 ## v0.8.0.1 - 2015-01-17
 * Relax upper bound for constraints
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/lifted-async- 
--- old/lifted-async-   2016-01-17 
22:16:51.000000000 +0100
+++ new/lifted-async-0.9.0/benchmarks/Benchmarks.hs     2016-05-22 
14:26:28.000000000 +0200
@@ -1,40 +1,46 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
 module Main where
 import Control.Exception (SomeException(..))
 import Criterion.Main
 import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as A
 import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted as L
+import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted.Safe as LS
 main :: IO ()
 main = defaultMain
   [ bgroup "async-wait"
       [ bench "async" $ whnfIO asyncWait_async
       , bench "lifted-async" $ whnfIO asyncWait_liftedAsync
+      , bench "lifted-async-safe" $ whnfIO asyncWait_liftedAsyncSafe
   , bgroup "async-cancel-waitCatch"
       [ bench "async" $ whnfIO asyncCancelWaitCatch_async
       , bench "lifted-async" $ whnfIO asyncCancelWaitCatch_liftedAsync
+      , bench "lifted-async-safe" $ whnfIO asyncCancelWaitCatch_liftedAsyncSafe
   , bgroup "waitAny"
       [ bench "async" $ whnfIO waitAny_async
       , bench "lifted-async" $ whnfIO waitAny_liftedAsync
+      , bench "lifted-async-safe" $ whnfIO waitAny_liftedAsyncSafe
   , bgroup "race"
       [ bench "async" $ nfIO race_async
       , bench "lifted-async" $ nfIO race_liftedAsync
+      , bench "lifted-async-safe" $ nfIO race_liftedAsyncSafe
       , bench "async (inlined)" $ nfIO race_async_inlined
       , bench "lifted-async (inlined)" $ nfIO race_liftedAsync_inlined
   , bgroup "concurrently"
       [ bench "async" $ nfIO concurrently_async
       , bench "lifted-async" $ nfIO concurrently_liftedAsync
+      , bench "lifted-async-safe" $ nfIO concurrently_liftedAsyncSafe
       , bench "async (inlined)" $ nfIO concurrently_async_inlined
       , bench "lifted-async (inlined)" $ nfIO concurrently_liftedAsync_inlined
   , bgroup "mapConcurrently"
       [ bench "async" $ nfIO mapConcurrently_async
       , bench "lifted-async" $ nfIO mapConcurrently_liftedAsync
+      , bench "lifted-async-safe" $ nfIO mapConcurrently_liftedAsyncSafe
@@ -48,6 +54,11 @@
   a <- L.async (return 1)
   L.wait a
+asyncWait_liftedAsyncSafe :: IO Int
+asyncWait_liftedAsyncSafe = do
+  a <- LS.async (return 1)
+  LS.wait a
 asyncCancelWaitCatch_async :: IO (Either SomeException Int)
 asyncCancelWaitCatch_async = do
   a <- A.async (return 1)
@@ -60,6 +71,12 @@
   L.cancel a
   L.waitCatch a
+asyncCancelWaitCatch_liftedAsyncSafe :: IO (Either SomeException Int)
+asyncCancelWaitCatch_liftedAsyncSafe = do
+  a <- LS.async (return 1)
+  LS.cancel a
+  LS.waitCatch a
 waitAny_async :: IO Int
 waitAny_async = do
   as <- mapM (A.async . return) [1..10]
@@ -72,6 +89,12 @@
   (_, n) <- L.waitAny as
   return n
+waitAny_liftedAsyncSafe :: IO Int
+waitAny_liftedAsyncSafe = do
+  as <- mapM (LS.async . return) [1..10]
+  (_, n) <- LS.waitAny as
+  return n
 race_async :: IO (Either Int Int)
 race_async =
   A.race (return 1) (return 2)
@@ -80,6 +103,10 @@
 race_liftedAsync =
   L.race (return 1) (return 2)
+race_liftedAsyncSafe :: IO (Either Int Int)
+race_liftedAsyncSafe =
+  LS.race (return 1) (return 2)
 race_async_inlined :: IO (Either Int Int)
 race_async_inlined =
   A.withAsync (return 1) $ \a ->
@@ -100,6 +127,10 @@
 concurrently_liftedAsync =
   L.concurrently (return 1) (return 2)
+concurrently_liftedAsyncSafe :: IO (Int, Int)
+concurrently_liftedAsyncSafe =
+  LS.concurrently (return 1) (return 2)
 concurrently_async_inlined :: IO (Int, Int)
 concurrently_async_inlined =
   A.withAsync (return 1) $ \a ->
@@ -119,3 +150,7 @@
 mapConcurrently_liftedAsync :: IO [Int]
 mapConcurrently_liftedAsync =
   L.mapConcurrently return [1..10]
+mapConcurrently_liftedAsyncSafe :: IO [Int]
+mapConcurrently_liftedAsyncSafe =
+  LS.mapConcurrently return [1..10]
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
'--exclude=.svnignore' old/lifted-async- 
--- old/lifted-async- 2016-01-17 22:16:51.000000000 
+++ new/lifted-async-0.9.0/lifted-async.cabal   2016-05-22 14:26:28.000000000 
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name:                lifted-async
+version:             0.9.0
 synopsis:            Run lifted IO operations asynchronously and wait for 
their results
 homepage:            https://github.com/maoe/lifted-async
 bug-reports:         https://github.com/maoe/lifted-async/issues
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
 build-type:          Simple
 cabal-version:       >= 1.8
-    GHC == 7.10.2
+    GHC == 8.0.1
+  , GHC == 7.10.2
   , GHC == 7.8.4
   , GHC == 7.6.3
@@ -114,5 +115,5 @@
 source-repository this
   type: git
-  tag: v0.8.0.1
+  tag: v0.9.0
   location: https://github.com/maoe/lifted-async.git
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
--- old/lifted-async-        
2016-01-17 22:16:51.000000000 +0100
+++ new/lifted-async-0.9.0/src/Control/Concurrent/Async/Lifted/Safe.hs  
2016-05-22 14:26:28.000000000 +0200
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
     -- ** Waiting for multiple 'Async's
   , waitAny, waitAnyCatch, waitAnyCancel, waitAnyCatchCancel
   , waitEither, waitEitherCatch, waitEitherCancel, waitEitherCatchCancel
-  , Unsafe.waitEither_
+  , waitEither_
   , waitBoth
 #if MIN_VERSION_async(2, 1, 0)
@@ -192,25 +192,25 @@
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.wait'.
-  :: forall m a. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
+  :: forall m a. (MonadBase IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => Async a -> m a
-wait = Unsafe.wait
+wait = liftBase . A.wait
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.poll'.
-  :: forall m a. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
+  :: forall m a. (MonadBase IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => Async a
   -> m (Maybe (Either SomeException a))
-poll = Unsafe.poll
+poll = liftBase . A.poll
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.waitCatch'.
-  :: forall m a. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
+  :: forall m a. (MonadBase IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => Async a
   -> m (Either SomeException a)
-waitCatch = Unsafe.waitCatch
+waitCatch = liftBase . A.waitCatch
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.cancel'.
@@ -223,82 +223,86 @@
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.waitAny'.
-  :: forall m a. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
+  :: forall m a. (MonadBase IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => [Async a] -> m (Async a, a)
-waitAny = Unsafe.waitAny
+waitAny = liftBase . A.waitAny
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.waitAnyCatch'.
-  :: forall m a. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
+  :: forall m a. (MonadBase IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => [Async a]
   -> m (Async a, Either SomeException a)
-waitAnyCatch = Unsafe.waitAnyCatch
+waitAnyCatch = liftBase . A.waitAnyCatch
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.waitAnyCancel'.
-  :: forall m a. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
+  :: forall m a. (MonadBase IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => [Async a]
   -> m (Async a, a)
-waitAnyCancel = Unsafe.waitAnyCancel
+waitAnyCancel = liftBase . A.waitAnyCancel
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.waitAnyCatchCancel'.
-  :: forall m a. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
+  :: forall m a. (MonadBase IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => [Async a]
   -> m (Async a, Either SomeException a)
-waitAnyCatchCancel = Unsafe.waitAnyCatchCancel
+waitAnyCatchCancel = liftBase . A.waitAnyCatchCancel
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.waitEither'.
-  :: forall m a b. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
+  :: forall m a b. (MonadBase IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => Async a
   -> Async b
   -> m (Either a b)
-waitEither = Unsafe.waitEither
+waitEither = (liftBase .) . A.waitEither
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m b)
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.waitEitherCatch'.
-  :: forall m a b. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
+  :: forall m a b. (MonadBase IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => Async a
   -> Async b
   -> m (Either (Either SomeException a) (Either SomeException b))
-waitEitherCatch = Unsafe.waitEitherCatch
+waitEitherCatch = (liftBase .) . A.waitEitherCatch
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m b)
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.waitEitherCancel'.
-  :: forall m a b. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
+  :: forall m a b. (MonadBase IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => Async a
   -> Async b
   -> m (Either a b)
-waitEitherCancel = Unsafe.waitEitherCancel
+waitEitherCancel = (liftBase .) . A.waitEitherCancel
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m b)
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.waitEitherCatchCancel'.
-  :: forall m a b. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
+  :: forall m a b. (MonadBase IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => Async a
   -> Async b
   -> m (Either (Either SomeException a) (Either SomeException b))
-waitEitherCatchCancel = Unsafe.waitEitherCatchCancel
+waitEitherCatchCancel = (liftBase .) . A.waitEitherCatchCancel
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m b)
+-- | Generalized version of 'A.waitEither_'
+waitEither_ :: MonadBase IO m => Async a -> Async b -> m ()
+waitEither_ = Unsafe.waitEither_
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.waitBoth'.
-  :: forall m a b. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
+  :: forall m a b. (MonadBase IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => Async a
   -> Async b
   -> m (a, b)
-waitBoth = Unsafe.waitBoth
+waitBoth = (liftBase .) . A.waitBoth
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
   \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m b)
@@ -306,25 +310,29 @@
   :: forall m a b. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => m a -> m b -> m (Either a b)
-race = Unsafe.race
-  \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
-  \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m b)
+race = liftBaseOp2_ A.race
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.race_'.
   :: forall m a b. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => m a -> m b -> m ()
-race_ = Unsafe.race_
-  \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
-  \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m b)
+race_ = liftBaseOp2_ A.race_
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.concurrently'.
   :: forall m a b. (MonadBaseControl IO m, Forall (Pure m))
   => m a -> m b -> m (a, b)
-concurrently = Unsafe.concurrently
-  \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a)
-  \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m b)
+concurrently = liftBaseOp2_ A.concurrently
+-- | Similar to 'A.liftBaseOp_' but takes a binary function
+-- and leverages @'StM' m a ~ a@.
+  :: forall base m a b c. (MonadBaseControl base m, Forall (Pure m))
+  => (base a -> base b -> base c)
+  -> m a -> m b -> m c
+liftBaseOp2_ f left right = liftBaseWith $ \run -> f
+  (run left \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m a))
+  (run right \\ (inst :: Forall (Pure m) :- Pure m b))
 -- | Generalized version of 'A.mapConcurrently'.
diff -urN '--exclude=CVS' '--exclude=.cvsignore' '--exclude=.svn' 
--- old/lifted-async-     
2016-01-17 22:16:51.000000000 +0100
+++ new/lifted-async-0.9.0/src/Control/Concurrent/Async/Lifted.hs       
2016-05-22 14:26:28.000000000 +0200
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
 -- NOTE: This function discards the monadic effects besides IO in the forked
 -- computation.
-  :: MonadBaseControl IO m
+  :: MonadBase IO m
   => Async a
   -> Async b
   -> m ()

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