Hi Alexey,

On Mittwoch, 7. März 2007, Alexey Eremenko wrote:
> I have just updated my article (part of LfL, SUSE documentation) -
> that explains step-by-step about configuring VirtualBox on openSUSE
> system.
> HTTP link:
> http://download.yousendit.com/62543C517313426E
> The new, updated article also includes information about 2 Hot
> Topics: Host Networking and USB. (thanks Pablo!), plus it has
> extended database for troubleshooting & tips and a lot of useful
> external links.
> What do you think of this article?

Thanks for the update! :-)

I have some suggestions, maybe you find it useful:

1. Section "Terminology":
   "...  this is *what* you are trying to emulate."
   use <emphasis>what</emphasis> instead of *what*

2. You used an orderedlis in section "Basic Configuration Procedure".
   That's possible but I would say a procedure fits semantically
   better, because you describe a task here.
   Another issue are the 17 "steps". I would suggest to group them
   into smaller units with substeps. This helps your reader to skim
   through the task and it is much more readable. For example, a
   procedure with substeps looks like this:

      <para>Downloading VirtualBox</para>
        <para>Download VirtualBox from ...</para>
        <para>Choose ...</para>
      <para>Installing VirtualBox</para>
      <!-- ... -->
      <para>Configuring VirtualBox</para>
      <!-- ... -->

2. Step 4 is IMHO too simple. :) You group guimenus into menuchoice
   (which is fine) but acutally some content is not a guimenu 
   at all. I would separate them. For example:
   Setup your user(s) to be part of “vboxusers” group. Start
   YaST and select Security and Users+Group Management.
   Create a new group with ...

   Maybe you can even separate this step into two individual steps?

3. In step 11 a verb (select?) is missing.

4. Step 13 contains a kaskade of guimenus, but without a menuchoice.
   Wrap a menuchoice around them and remove the "->". 

5. Section "Setting up Guest VM Additions":
   You can put your "NOTE: That linux-sources..." into a real
   note like the warning in the same section.

6. Section "Advanced Topic: Networking via Host Bridging":
   ... user “tux”.
   Better use this:
   <systemitem class="username">tux</systemitem>
   (Search in your article if there are other occurances of
    users and replace them with systemitem.)

7. Use a procedure for the orderelist "As we said earlier,..." 

8. Section "Advanced Topic: HOWTO USB + openSUSE 10.2 + 
   VirtualBox 1.3.6":
   You used kind of subsections ("Slower bootup of VM", 
   "Preconditions") which I would transform into a sect3.
   Another point is: I would move the acknowledgments into
   your respective "Thanks" section.

9. Section "Troubleshooting and Tips": ... press Right “Ctrl+F”
   Better use keycap and keycombo. :)

10. Section "Thanks", Article first released on ...
   If you want a revision history for your article, there is the
   tag revhistory for this purpose. Insert it inside your
   sect1info. For more information, see

Best wishes,

Thomas Schraitle

SUSE LINUX GmbH      >o)   Documentation Specialist
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