Thomas Schraitle wrote:
> Hi Hylton,
> welcome to opensuse-doc! :-)
Tnx Thomas,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

> On Dienstag, 8. Mai 2007, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
>>> Have you looked into the Lessons for Lizards project?  It might be an
>>> excellent way to get the information you consider important into an
>>> easily-accessible format.....
>> I have, and find that it is not categorised and as structured as I
>> would have expected and the menu is faar too long as I am almost sure
>> many of the subheadings could be grouped under a single parent heading.
> We have started it only a few months ago so it takes time everybody get 
> used to it. It might look a bit unbalanced.
OK, although I think with a better structure of what topics ned writing
on would be better as then writers can choose and be allocated to a
writing/contributing to a task.

>>> .... The plan is to provide LfL on an equal footing to
>>> our internally-produced manuals, so it definitely would be somewhere
>>> even newbies could find it.
>> With this in mind ie that newies and Windows users will be reading LFL,
>> it needs to be far more structured so that it is easy to navigate an
>> item a newbie is searching for assistance on.
> Do you have something special in mind? I am very interested in listing to 
> your suggestions. Could you elaborate your ideas a bit more? Is it the 
> structure itself or the content of some articles, or anything else?
Thank you for taking the time to listen.
As I said earlier, I think it is the structure itself. The online
book/manual is going to be an ever changing and growing, so readers need
to know where to look for help on the problem they are experiencing, as
opposed to having to basically scour the whole manual.

>>> The in-house documentation team is willing to help you get started
>>> contributing articles and help with conversion to docbook if needed.
>> I would be interested in joining the DUSE Documentation Team and
>> lending a hand, learning lots but producing a better customer
>> experience. I cannot say I know Linux, but I know more about Linux than
>> the average Windows user and I have a willingness to learn. I'm 
>> thinking of perhaps writing a few pages on tips that I would be
>> interested in ie I'd establish the tip but ask that I can then pose
>> questions on the opensuse list and also to the documentation team to
>> obtain the information I need to complete the tip.
> That's a fair deal. :-) There are lots of task to improve LfL, you do not 
> have to be necessarily a writer. For more details look here:
I had a look and seem to fit in as a designer but more for the
layout/structure of the LFL book.

>> I notice that 2.04 can save in Docbook format and I
>> wonder if the template is available in .odt format? I'd have a later
>> version of OOo but I haven't been able to get Yast to find a newer
>> source.
> We didn't create a template in When I tried it last time 
> it created a pretty flat structure. Unfortunatly it takes some time and 
> XML experience to adapt it to the LfL structure depending it how your 
> original document looks like. I don't think this makes sense.
> However, if you would like to write something, I would suggest to have a 
> look at the LfL template, at
> It's a DocBook-XML file and the preferred format. The file contains the 
> basic structure for writing any articles, so you can use it as a start. 
> If you feel uncomfortable with this format you can also write in plain 
> text and ask for any volunteer to convert it. Please read also the "Quick 
> Start for Writers":
> And of course, if you have any special questions don't hesitate to ask on 
> this mailinglist. :-)
Well I think i would be more use in helping design the base structure or
Contents that the various writers are  going to write articles for. With
the structure in place it can also give the writer a little guidance on
how technical or newbie they have to write.

>> [...]
> Thanks for asking! :-)
Sorry, What did I ask ? :)

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