Le 29/03/2012 15:55, Frank Sundermeyer a écrit :
> On Thu, 29 Mar 2012 15:38:16 +0200 Guillaume Gardet wrote:
> Hi,
>>>> [/home/guillaume/perso/opensuse-doc_svn/en/build/.profiled/x86-amd64-em64t_osuse_/adm_shell.xml]
>>>> Error 4 warning: failed to load external entity
>>>> "urn:x-suse:xslt:profiling:novdoc-profile.xsl" cannot parse
>>>> urn:x-suse:xslt:profiling:novdoc-profile.xsl make: ***
>>>> [/home/guillaume/perso/opensuse-doc_svn/en/build/.profiled/x86-amd64-em64t_osuse_/64bit_issues.xml]
>>>> Error 4
>>>> ********************************************************************************
>>>> I use daps 1.0RC2.
>>>> Any idea ?
>>> when building the SUSE manuals, you also need to install
>>> suse-xsl-stylesheets. The stylesheets used to be part of DAPS, but
>>> we recently separated them into a package of it's own.
>>> It should have been installed by default (as a recommends of daps),
>>> but I made a typo in the specfile.
>>> suse-xsl-stylesheets is also available from Documentation:Tools
>> It is already installed (version 1.9.1-4.1).
>> Another idea?
> Please check  /etc/xml/suse-catalog.xml
> Adding/deleting entries into this catalog was not handled correctly
> upon updating with daps and suse-xs-stylesheets until recently (sorry
> for that).
> 1.) Remove daps and suse-xs-stylesheets
> 2.) Check /etc/xml/suse-catalog.xml for remaining entries with
>     id="daps*"
>     id="novdoc*"
>     id="suse-xsl-stylesheets"
>     and remove them.
> 3.) Re-install daps and suse-xs-stylesheets
> Next time you do an update of these packages, the process should be
> handled correctly.
> Now type
> xmlcatalog /etc/xml/catalog urn:x-suse:xslt:profiling:novdoc-profile.xsl
> It should return
> file:///usr/share/daps/daps-xslt/profiling/novdoc-profile.xsl
> If so, DAPS should work correctly.
> Sorry for the mess... .

Thanks a lot, it is working fine now!! :D


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