Jan Papež (honyczek) píše v Po 17. 02. 2014 v 21:00 +0100:
> Hi,
> I tried to translate Start-Up Guide for the first time. It was quite
> easy except:
> 1) Making permalink in headers
> I have to extract id of heading or id of document from HTML source to
> replace it with appropriate data in permalink. I would be handy if
> permalink links could be created automatically next to heading.

no easy solution, no 3rd party module for Drupal now, sorry

>  2) Create right text formatting according to Documentation Conventions.
> It would be nice if TinyMCE could format text with elements defined in
> Documentation Convention. E.g. if I want to highlight filename, it
> could be: select text and from Styles dropdown select "filename",
> which would enclose text in <code class="filename"></code>.
> Now if you select Style filename, selected text is enclosed in <span
> class="filename"></code> which is not highlighted by CSS like
> Documentation Convention says.

it's not the clean solution, but this can be accomplished by adding new
rules for <span> targets to our css stylesheets, right stefan? :-)

> 3) I can't include translated articles into any Book

first: what do you mean by article? any arbitrary article you added in
ActiveDoc, or a translation of an existing book page?
second: depending on your response, i can probably help you with books
in ActiveDoc

join the #opensise-doc IRC channel and i will guide you

> If I select to include it in openSUSE Start-Up, it is included
> directly into English manual. Is there any possibility to create a new
> book or something to collect translated articles?
> 4) Some probably out-of-date info
> In article About this guide is "4 About the Making of This Manual"
> heading. It describes NovDoc formatting. But is it really used?
> 5) Decision what to translate
> I'm confused, what to translate. There are more than one version of
> the same Start-Up Guide. I went to Factory, like in Distribution
> translation. But when openSUSE 13.2 come, will be Factory copied as
> 13.2 Documentation?
> Thanks for the chance to participate on openSUSE documentation.
> -- 
> Jan Papež (honyczek)

Tomáš Bažant <tbaz...@suse.cz>

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