2016-12-02 8:33 GMT-02:00 Stefan Knorr <skn...@suse.de>:
> Hi all,
> I am not 100% involved in all the things openSUSE, so take all the
> below with a grain of salt.
> Alessio wrote:
>> does it make any sense to open a trans branch for openSUSE?
>> The trans branch in https://github.com/SUSE/doc-sle only contains
>> SLE12, SLE12SP1 and SLE12SP2.
> Those translations were created by professional translators and
> (only) committed/pushed by the SUSE doc team.
> We currently do not have much of a process for creating openSUSE
> translations, I guess. Ideally before we really get into those (again),
> we should have in place a system for some collaboration between
> professional (SLE) and community (openSUSE) translators first. Which
> is where Luiz's idea comes in...
> Luiz wrote:
>> I think it will be nice, and then add it to weblate (using xml2po)
> I don't think it is quite as simple as that:
> The repository (and content) is shared with SLES and SLED documentation
> which is created by professional (external) translators who currently
> have their own process and only return the finished files.
> There are also some logistical issues of working with Weblate: i.e.:
> + afaict, it only allows one monster PO file per language which
>  decreases reliability)


No, it will be one po file for one xml. But yeah, its one string each paragraph.

I had a project for translate the startup guides to pt_BR in the past
(very amateur) and a Guillaume GARDET made another for fr, ru and
zh_CN which are located on svn.opensuse.org with some scripts to do
the task:


and an online version partly translated:

His project uses xml2po (from gnome, which has the advantage that the
.po file doesn't need to be 100% translated to generate back the
xml/html/pdf), while I used xml2pot (from KDE where the .po has to be
100% to generate the xml/html/pdf)

But, both "projects" are dead long time ago..


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