At the moment, accessing the official documentation is quite difficult
to find from the openSUSE homepage.

Let's take a look at the typical user flow.


1. Types "opensuse" into their browser's address bar, then clicks
first link on Google.

We are now at the homepage.

2. After failing to find any form of documentation or support link,
the user takes a stab in the dark and tries clicking the tiny "wiki"
link at the bottom of the page.

We are now on the openSUSE wiki homepage.

3. The user looks for a moment to see if there is a documentation
link, then resorts to clicking the support link on the top left

We are now on Portal:Support.

4. A documentation link! Let's click that.

We are now on Portal:Documentation.

5. Oh, another page. Then /finally/ there is the actual link to the
official documentation.


Now while the user could probably have searched specifically for it, I
don't think using Google as the main form of navigation for your
website is the most intuitive thing to do.

Should there be some direct link added to the homepage?

(As an aside, I think opensuse-web should be merged with
opensuse-project or something like that.)

- Karl Cheng (Qantas94Heavy)
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