Op woensdag 1 maart 2006 10:45, schreef houghi:
> On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 08:57:25AM +0100, Ulrich Windl wrote:
> > On 1 Mar 2006 at 0:25, houghi wrote:
> > > Again, I have no real experience with XML, so I have no idea how to get
> > > to what you are talking about above.
> >
> > The PLEASE, visit http://www.w3c.org/ and learn XML before you design!!!
> If I would do that, this whole process will come to a standstill. I have
> looked into XML and could not figure it out. That is the reason I asked
> people with a lot more insight and experience.
> houghi

And I only wanted to show that using a good structure probably will decrease 
the amount of double info. I have exams so I don't sleep a lot and @ 2:00am 
it all went wrong (so the replies about <de> are alleready outdated cause I 
fixed it within an hour ;-) )

But hey, the topic was almost closed and LOOK, there are some experts that can 
help houghi! I will back off (cause I don't know shit about XML :P, but there 
are enough guys that houghi can contact cause they showed that they have 


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