
On Saturday, March 04, 2006 at 15:06:04, James Ogley wrote:

> > Now we are getting in the realm of the still not even defined
> > trust/rating system.
> > * Trusted 99%
> > * Quality 95%
> > * Downloaded more then 100 times
> > * Some other attribute 70%
> > * Some other attribute 50%
> > Of course you could share these "settings" with other users of the build
> > service and they could use pascal's stable settings too.
> Hey, that would be pretty cool, is there any info on when we might see
> this happen?  (Apologies if I've just missed a reference to it)

Once you and me and all the other peepz that hang around here make it
happen! :)

We should take this to the opensuse-buildservice mailinglist and discuss
it there.  


Henne Vogelsang,      http://hennevogel.de
"To die. In the rain. Alone."
                   Ernest Hemingway

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