At this moment you can, in the install-bootscreen, select what resolution you 
want to use. As being a 'not total-noob' I know that I have to select the 
proper resolution for my screen. But I guess new users don't see that option 
and they end up with an install-screen that is to small (or deformed) and 
does have a refreshrate less then 60.

We have to fix that problem, and there are a few options (maybe more then 2?):

1.) Auto-detection, don't know i that is possible but I assume so.
2.) A 'pop-up' question so people will set the proper resolution.
3.) Use 1024x768 as default. Most people will have a minimum resolution like 
that allready, but it would still not be 'the end' and 'final solution'

/me is checking SUSE Linux as a noob ATM and things like this are not 

ps. cannot test if setup auto-detects cause of a bug that is allready 
reported. >>

But seeing that option makes me assume it does not.


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