I just found a new feature in 'factory' called 'Update Configuration'.
Should I already report bugs about it, or it's not yet feature complete...
Here are just a few:
- 'Details' does not show any details, just the commands generating
- starting a browser on a machine with 256M of RAM takes a lot of time
and heavy swapping
- it seems to have a color palette problem, colors look ugly depending
on the position of the mouse pointer
- What does "By registering your product you will gain access to online
updates." on the web page means? YOU won't work without registration?
There won't be any more mirrors for updates?
- 'Please close this window' should be detailed, as there is no 'x'
button on the window. A 'Please use File & Quit' would be better'.
- I got an error at the end: "An error occurred while connecting to the
server." When I clicked details, I got a misleading error message: "this
service type requires a network connection, but none is present" An
ifconfig shows, that I have a properly configured network connection, I
could use that for ssh using names, so DNS is properly configured as well.

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