> Almost new SUSE Linux user will just install with default selections
> without ever seeing dependency problems, won't he?

For the first 3 days: yes.
> Sure we want a product to be usable in an easy way but _this_ bug is just
> not a bug that justifies to stop the world turning around.  You don't
> reject a new car at your car dealer just because there is not enough air in
> the tires. 
> It is quite annoying to drive a car that does not have enough 
> air in the tires but you can easily work around the problem by filling more
> air into.

No, but I will reject a car that won't start by turning the key once but only 
if you turn the key 5 times. It is not more than annoying but it does not 
give me faith in the rest of the car.

> > Yeah, cause all those little bugs are in the packagemanager that is the
> > hart of the operating system...no? The hart of the system should be
> > perfect and
> Sure.  And in a perfect world nobody should have to die and there should be
> no deseases, everybody is everybody's friend and the food should directly
> grow into your mouth. --- Unfortunately the world is far from perfect and
> there are some drawbacks.  One of these drawbacks is that newly developed
> software has bugs that you have to live with until someone fixes them. Just
> declaring bugs that can be worked around as blockers does not move the
> world forward because it might happen that delaying the product might do
> more harm to people than living with some bugs they could work around.

Sure. And because we live in an imperfect world where bugs exist and in a 
world that you can 'work around' we should not polish SUSE-releases. We just 
have to live with the problems and work around them.

Who is harmed when 10.1 is delayed?

> What do you think is negative in my posts?  The fact that my opinion is
> sometimes different from yours?

No, the fact that it is alway like you have a bad mood. I mean: can't be 
serious abut that perfect-world story from you.
> But if this is helpful for you: :-))))))))))))))))))
> > Have to say that I admire you're work with you're repo.
> Thanks.  Unfortunately my repository is not available without suffering
> from my comments on a regular basis.

So if I stop using it you stop with the negative reactions? I stopped right 

> Robert


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