
Am Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 00:03 schrieb Azerion:
> Don't know if I mailed this before but this happens sometimes when I
> try to upgrade:
> fetching yast2-bootfloppy (71.2 kB)
>  *** failed: ERROR(Media:file not found)[HTTP return code: 404 (URL:
> http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/distribution/SL-OSS-factory/inst-sour

The error message is correct - this file really doesn't exist.

ftp.gwdg.de still has version 2.13.32-2 - my guess is stat it's 
currently syncing a new factory version and has synced the metadata 
already, but not the RPMs.

Well, it's a bit difficult to install from a changing source ;-)
Wait some hours (until sync is complete) and try again.


Christian Boltz
Wenn der IE ein Browser ist, dann produziert Frontpage auch HTML ;-))
[Heinz W. Pahlke in suse-linux]

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