Graham Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I cant update/install/remove anything with zen-*. The updater stalls
> every time trying to list the available updates. I can't
> update/add/remove packages with rug. I can't add/remove/update packages
> with YaST ( both 'Installation Source' and 'Software Management' applets
> fail to load).

Please create a bugreport for YaST and add the yast log files.

> I receive the following error in rug when trying to perform package
> operations:-
> ERROR: Dependency resolution failed:
> Resolver Failed

Please create one bugreport for this mentioning the versions used and
add /var/log/zmd*log.

> Here are the current installed versions
> rug - 7.1.1-13
> libzypp - 0.0.8-64
> libzypp-zmd-backend - 7.1.1-10
> zmd - 7.1.1-3
> zen-updater - 7.1.0-25
> So should I update any or all of these? and if so how? rpm? y2pmsh?

Just plain rpm,

 Andreas Jaeger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
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