On Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 09:50:22PM +0200, houghi wrote:
> A new version and a new problem. I like these 'feature freezes'. :-/
> When running makeSUSEdvd at the 'Installation Settings' I get the
> partitioning, the Software and the Language.
> Software tells me:
> No catalog found at 'cd:///?devices%3d%2fdev%2fhdb'.
> . Error: No proposal
> I have recieved a mail from somebody who did it manually with
> create_package_descr and got into the same problem.
> What has been changed? What can be done to repair the situation?

OK. Some feedback.
I have looked and looked at the logfiles. It seems that YaST has some
internal file installkey.gpg. From the logfile:

2006-05-02 16:42:55 <1> linux(2393) [wfm] Keyring.cc(ImportGPGKey):50
importing trusted key: /installkey.gpg

2006-05-02 16:42:55 <0> linux(2393) [zypp]
ExternalProgram.cc(start_program):170 Executing 'gpg' '--quiet' '--no-tty'
'--no-greeting' '--no-permission-warning' '--status-fd' '1' '--homedir'
'/var/tmp/TmpDir.EvyXxR' '--import' '/installkey.gpg'

As it is internal, my key is not on it (copied the file /installkey.gpg to
my current HD)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] : gpg --import installkey.gpg 
gpg: key 9C800ACA: "SuSE Package Signing Key <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" not changed
gpg: key 3D25D3D9: "SuSE Security Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" not changed
gpg: key 0DFB3188: "Open Enterprise Server <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" not changed
gpg: key 1D061A62: "[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Novell Linux Products) <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>" not changed
gpg: key 307E3D54: "SuSE Package Signing Key <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 5
gpg:              unchanged: 5

I asume that is the reason the installation stops.

So one of two things must be changed.
1) A warning that tells you that the packages are not verified
2) A way to add your signature so that it also is allowed to be used

That way people can still do projects like SUPER and SMART and generaly
make their own SUSE based distro with create_package_descr

The above has also been added to #166011

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