On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 07:49:16PM -0400, Kenneth Schneider wrote:
> Quick question while on the subject. 

I don't see a questionmark, so I can only guess at what the answer will be

> As I have the factory tree
> downloaded and I know I can add additional rpm packages will the
> makeSUSEdvd take duplicate RPM's from different sources into account.

It does not take duplicate RPMs into account. It simply copies the content
of the directory that you mention into the suse directory. What I do is
use /usr/src/packages/RPMS as default and here as example:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] : tree -d /usr/src/packages/RPMS/
|-- athlon
|-- i386
|-- i486
|-- i586
|-- i686
`-- noarch

Place the RPM's in those directories. If they are duplicate, they should
be overwritten.
I also do a `createrepo /usr/src/packages/RPMS/` so I also have the
createrepo directory and data on my DVD.

> What I am looking to do is create one source on my local network to
> install from that has all of the packages including the extra packages
> in the factory tree and the non-oss stuff and really don't want to end
> up with dups.

As they should be overwritten, you can just use the 
`makeSUSEdvd -i -d /srv/www/htdocs/suse10.1` command to place them on your
website (Or use any other directory if you want)

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ist unwiederbringliche Lebenszeit. Leben ist aber mehr als Werk
und Arbeit,  und das Sein wichtiger als das Tun                                 
                                        - Johannes Müller-Elmau

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