Am Montag, den 15.05.2006, 14:51 +1200 schrieb Volker Kuhlmann:
> 1) Installation from CD didn't create a cdrom icon on the desktop,
> didn't create an appropriate line in /etc/fstab, and didn't create a
> mount point under /media. Minor problem. Is this only me?

As I understand it, a CD is mounted by name when you insert it in the
drive. Works perfect in Gnome and almost perfect in KDE (if the CD/DVD
is already in the drive when I start the computer, it is not recognised
until  I open and close the tray).

What I would like to have is the mounting by name *and* mounting to a
static mountpoint like /mnt/something or /media/cdrom. So far I managed
to have either/or by changing the HAL policy. I mostly followed the
instructions from
[]. BTW,
someone just updated the page to cover 10.0 and 10.1.

> 2) kinternet isn't installed with a "KDE system" (or any other, none of
> the *.sel files in inst-sources contain it), but configuring a modem
> with yast still shows that yast tries to start kinternet after saving
> the changes. This app was one of the outstanding features of SUSE! Has
> it been replaced? Nothing shows up in its place.

I don't use Kinternet, so I didn't really pay attention during the
installation. Sorry.

> I'll report these unless someone says not to.

> Volker


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