On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 08:04:21AM +0200, houghi wrote:
> For a future version I want to add a Personal.sel to the intsallation. For
> one reason or another it is not picked up by YaST during the installation,
> so I am unable to select it.
> What I did was copy /suse/setup/descr/Games-10.1-67.noarch.sel to 
> /suse/setup/descr/Personal-10.1-67.noarch.sel and then changed all "Games"
> in the file to "Personal".
> Next I added the line Personal-10.1-63.noarch.sel to
> suse/setup/descr/selections
> However when I edit suse/setup/descr/selections I get the `no catalog
> found at ...` error, so I suppose it needs to be signed somewhere. However
> the only two *.key files are re-signed, so what am I missing?

OK. I found what the problem seemed to be. The problem was that Yast did
not know where to place something. Changing the "=Ord: " to a number that
was NOT used solved the problem. I need to do some more testing to see how
to implement it. and what can gow wrong. As this was not documented,
perhaps other features are also not documented.

My question now to SUSE: is there a number that is reserved for "=Ord: ",
like "=Ord: 99" for endusers where we know that it won't be used by SUSE

If not, would it be possible to make such a reservation? That way people
can add their own *.sel and do not have to worry wether or not it will
clash with current existing =Ord:. My preference would be to have 99, as
that will be the last one.

If people want two, they must look and see what is available for the
second one.
houghi          http://houghi.org       http://www.plainfaqs.org/linux/
>               Today I went outside. My pupils have never been tinier...

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