
 Can someone from SUSE tell me how bug handling is done there? I mean, 
if there is a bug reported for some version and is not fixed in that 
version, is it taken in account for upcoming versions or it is just 
forgotten? An example:
- a bug (like #176249 and previously #148638) is reported for 10.0
- it was closed with WONTFIX as the change cannot be made to a released 
- the bug is still present in 10.1 (somebody reports again)
- the bug is closed again as "it's too late and risky to do it"
- the bug is still present and will be possibly present in 10.2 (unless 
it's "fixed" upstream)

(The upcoming possible scenario is:
- somebody reports "still present in 10.2" in a new bug
- it get's closed as "too late now for 10.2, maybe 10.3)

The problem I have is not the fact that is not fixed, but the fact that 
the bug report is closed even if it is present (and gets forgotten).

In KDE we do the following: if a bug is reported for version X it is 
considered to be present in all versions > X unless somebody says 
otherwise, but in case of SUSE this doesn't seem to be the case.

Please enlighten me. ;-)


Quanta Plus developer - http://quanta.kdewebdev.org
K Desktop Environment - http://www.kde.org

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