mandag 29 maj 2006 15:42 skrev Andreas Jaeger:
> One question we have is how the new tools rug, zen-updater and zmd
> compare to what we had before with YaST Online Update and
> suseWatcher. We are interested in every feedback ranging from
> architecture, design or used standards and their enhancements.

Some enhancements that I'd like in addition to fixing the well known issues of 
performance and bugs.

Like I've mentioned before I think it's good to have Rug for Cli, Zen for Joe 
Six Pack and YaST for more advanced in depth packagemanagement. I won't 
comment on the backend setup - libzypp, zmd etc.

- Update in YaST is a mess. We have Online Update, Online Update 
configuration/Novell Customer Center configuration, Online Update Setup and 
System Update. Have this gone through usability tests? These items need to be 
reconsidered - and perhaps given more precise names . Especially Online 
Update Setup and System Update I think confuse people - and their names 
overlab with the other modules.

- It bothers me about Zen Updater that you can't seem to taboo/lock/de-select 
updates. That means if updates are available that you don't want, and you 
don't install, Zen will keep bugging you about them - thus making the 
notification of new updates available useless. (Maybe I just missed 
something, like it was mentioned before a lot of us haven't really been using 
the new stuff much.)

- Another thing that I believe can cause problems about Zen Updater is that 
it's not obvious which updates are unsupported 3rd party or supplementary 
updates - and which are important security updates. I believe this 
information is only available by clicking the "details"-button - and even 
there it's not really "in your face". Would be good to have a different 
colour or something for official supported patches - or maybe supported 
patches and unsupported updating of packages should just be kept completely 
seperated like before 10.1. Otherwise I fear we're going to see people having 
problems because of updates they thought were officially supported - It's 
already hard to explain to people that the updates available through 
supplementary are not supported - seems it's hard for people to understand 
that someone would actually give them the option to install something that's 
not idiot proof. 

- And.. an old bug in YaST - I'd really like to see that it stopped locking 
packages, (apparently) for no reason. It's annoying to experienced users and 
confusing to noobs. It also causes problems when updating and fixing 
dependency-issues, because you have to unlock packages first.

- I've noticed that if you have x amount of rpms in a folder you can select 
them > right click > open with Software Installer - and this seems to work. 
Would be nice if YaST had the same capability - now it doesn't work at all - 
but in 10.0 and earlier versions YaST would start up x amount of instances 
and try to install each rpm individually - and you would have to work around 
this by adding the directory to yast before installing.

That's what I can come up with for now.

Martin Schlander

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