Now that more and more little experienced users (like me on the point) are reporting bugs, we need some tools to make the reports betters.

we already have save-y2logs (should be named yast2_savelogs, the present name is difficult to find).

This could be enhanced. For example

* having a "reset logs" (may be simply forcing the logrotate) when a bug is reproducible to have logs only of the buggy part. this will give much smaller tgz and so could be uploaded right with the bug report, not having to way for needinfo.

* have some standard categorisation. It's horribly difficult to try to found if the bug one see is already in bugzilla. the categorisation should be by what is more visible for the user (Yast modules name,

the first goal is to reduce duplicates, the second to help users find solutions themselves (the yast logs are sometime very clear, if you can manage to understand where is the relevant part - the time/date is not always sufficient)


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