On Thu, Jun 01, 2006 at 08:23:23AM +0200, Ulrich Windl wrote:
> I'm afraid that too much effort is put into making the last two categories of 
> users happy, while in fact those are exactly the kind of users who won't be 
> happy 
> with Linux. They want the possibility to ruin their installation easily, and 
> then 
> they'll abandon Linux, because it's ruined. Or put simpler: Any cheap piece 
> of 
> hardware that doesn't work with Linux is a reason for not using Linux.

The reason for this is also easy. Instead of comparing Linux with M$,
these users will compare a pre-installed system with a non-pre-installed

> > If it is possible, it would be nice as many users expect it.
> Those with no ideas how things work frequently have odd expectations.

They are only odd, because you think they are odd. The request to have an
easy way to install software is not odd at all. If many users can not
figure it out you can do two things:
1) Say that all these users are idiots and do nothing
2) Listen and find a way to make it easy for these users.

Read http://en.opensuse.org/Project_overview and guess wich one we should
take. ;-)
houghi          http://houghi.org       http://www.plainfaqs.org/linux/
>               Today I went outside. My pupils have never been tinier...

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