
Andreas Jaeger schrieb:
> IMPORTANT: Please report *all* bugs in bugzilla.novell.com and
> *always* CC [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Harald Müller-Ney) on the bugreport
> and mention that you're using AJ's updated package stack from
> 2006-06-02.

Knowing this, it should probably go directly into Bugzilla, but anyway
I'd like to ask here first:

The previous set of test packages included
yast2-devel-2.13.59-0.2.i586.rpm. The new one doesn't include
yast2-devel at all. This breaks the integrity of the package tree:

- yast2-devel cannot be installed any more because it has a versioned
dependency on the old, replaced yast2 package

- If a user selects yast2-devel for installation anyway, he will be
prompted to downgrade yast2 again, followed by downgrades of other packages

It's quite similar to #179018. => Is yast2-devel left out intentionally
or is it a bug?

Andreas Hanke

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