On Sat, 2006-06-10 at 07:28 +0200, Christoph Thiel wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Jun 2006, Kenneth Schneider wrote:
> > > >>> Which is a redirector to dozens of mirrors, all not quite in sync 
> > > >>> ;)
> > > >>
> > > >> Which is a royal PITA. Being re-directed to a site that is either 
> > > >> not in sync or is off line is not good. Perhaps the system doing 
> > > >> the re-direction can check the site before doing the re-directing.
> > > >
> > > > That's exactly what we are doing -- but checking for files that 
> > > > don't have a version number (like the files in /repodata/), isn't 
> > > > trivial.
> > > 
> > > But you have timestamp and size.
> > 
> > All it would take is one file (could be empty) containing in the name a 
> > version number which would show whether of not mirror is up to date. 
> > This -is- a simple check. And it can be the last file rsync'd.
> You'll need to be much more granular, otherwise you'll very soon run into 
> a situation where you don't have a single mirror to redirect to. Oh, and 
> not to mention, different mirrors mirror different parts (subsets) of the 
> whole trees.

I'm not suggesting this for the whole tree, only the
critical/security/supported updates even though I had this very problem
with the KDE3 updates that proved frustrating, i would only be
redirected to one place that did not have the updates I sought.

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