Robert Schiele wrote:
On Mon, Jun 12, 2006 at 04:50:05PM +0200, jdd wrote:

no. I wanted to note that there is no factory distribution for now (release is sheduled june 16?), the factory repository should be identical to 10.1 one.

Huh?  What did you smoke?  Sure there is a current factory distribution (which
is _not_ identical to 10.1.  The fact that the drpmsync server is not usable
at the moment does not mean that the distribution does not exist.



"Our current plan for these snapshots is:

Fri, Jun 16 SUSE Linux 10.2 Alpha1 (Jun 15 is a holiday for us) "

so I was thinking dev for 10.2 started really only then.

==To be sure.==
how is the passage between 10.1 and 10.2 made?

is there a progressive transition through Factory (for example, does factory had the test zen updates?) or is there at some date a massive change?

how/when are important changes like Kde version made?

I don't see any discussion in opensuse-factory about such things.

for me it's clear in the middle of a distribution test, not between two ones.



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