Jürgen Mell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tuesday 11 July 2006 14:22, Andreas Jaeger wrote:
>> I've published two repositories for SUSE Linux 10.1:
>> * An updated packagemanagement stack
>> * New kernel
> Some good news and some bad news regarding the package management: 
> The update process worked, although during the process an error was 
> detected (this happened with most of the updates during the last weeks - 
> the installation process ran always to the end and everything was fine.) 
> This time, the program complained that the ZMD service was not running 
> (ok, that makes sense). Unfortunately, it opened 627 windows telling me 
> so, which stopped nearly the whole system. But after some (long) time, the 
> package management update was installed, the tray icon vanished and all 
> 627 windows with the error message were closed.

Could you open a bugreport for this, please?

> After reboot, the updates for KDE which were available at that time were 
> detected and now installed without any error messages. Fine :-)
> Now the bad news: One of my installation sources is a local copy of the 
> Packman archive, which also contains some updated packages. When 
> right-clicking the tray icon and selecting 'update' ('Aktualisieren') I 
> get an error message window: 
> "Refresh failed. Failed to parse XML metadata: Unsigned 
> file '/repodata/repomd.xml (dir:///akira/space/SuSE_Update/packman/10.1)'"
> So it seems that the handling of unsigned repositories still does not work 
> or even worse it does not work anymore. Before the update, the 
> repositories were not refreshed automatically, but at least after a manual 
> refresh the packages were detected and installed.

Change in Preferences the setting "security-level" to "checksum".

> There is still some work for you ;-)

I know :-(.  I just want to be sure we do not introduce regressions
while we continue fixing bugs...

 Andreas Jaeger, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.suse.de/~aj/
  SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
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