On Sun, Jul 23, 2006 at 03:23:18AM +0200, Pascal Bleser wrote:
> Please also keep us 3rd party packagers in mind when doing all that.
> Creating repositories for yast2 is a pain as of now (luckily, createrepo
> is very easy to use but doesn't do the repo signing either).

Not only the 3rd party packager, but eveybody who is interested in SUSE's

> Really, the repository signing thing in 10.1 must be the worst thing you
> did to us: no communication or beforehand information at all, barely any
> documentation, no ready-to-use scripts and everyone complaining that our
> repositories are not signed.

Except for the scripts that were alrerady in SUSE, I have not seen many
ready-to-use scripts from SUSE.

> We don't have 40h a week to work on the RPMs we build, so it would be
> really nice to have some smarter scripts that do all the necessary stuff
> (including repo signing), just as you most probably already have for
> Factory.
> And, of course, please consider writing a somewhat more extensive
> documentation about the whole thing (even if it's just in the wiki).

Not only documentation. It would be also great to have a place where we
can see the scripts SUSE is using. Now it looks as if you are saying: "We
are open source, but we don't tell you how we do it."

It is a pity that we still have to ask for a lot of information, instead
of being given the information. :-(
First we thought the PC was a calculator. Then we found out how to turn
numbers into letters with ASCII and we thought it was a typewriter. Then
we discovered graphics, and we thought it was television. With the World
Wide Web, we've realized it's a brochure. -- Douglas Adams.

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