On Fri, Aug 11, 2006 at 05:15:49PM +0200, jdd wrote:
> * this setup is the one of suse-linux-e for years now, and 
> that of most linux related lists

And that means it should forever be that way? I think it is a very bad way
to do it. The fact that everybody else is doing something does not mean it
is the right way. 

> * the correct use with all mozilla mailers is to clic on 
> "reply to all" and delete the sender adress (let only the 
> list one)

Now isn't that a silly way to do it?

> it's in fact very regretfull that mozilla don't implement a 
> reply to list similar with the kmail one (simply manually 
> setup, so no header magic needed)

It is regretable that the list does not wor as before. I have not seen any
complaints that the reply was send default to the list.

houghi                                              Please to not toppost
The blue  light suddenly flashed on  my horrified face.  What a disaster!
Oh, the humanity!  I never  thought it would happen to me. How terrifying 
it is to see for yourself "*The Blue Screen of Death*".

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