Christian Boltz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> Am Samstag, 19. August 2006 10:22 schrieb Andreas Jaeger:
>> Christian Boltz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [...]
>> >> The question  is how to "open" FATE in such a way that all of us
>> >> can use it, it was not designed for such a large group...
>> >
>> > Where do you see a problem? Server load? Permission handling? ...?
>> Permission handling: We do not want our partners to see each others
>> request for our enterprise products - and you shouldn't either see
>> there's.  
> Sounds like "novellonly" group in bugzilla and "reporter can always 
> access his reports".
> However, I'm a bit wondering why feature requests need to be 
> top-secret ;-)

Partners speak about their upcoming hardware that is not public yet or
add business reasons which no other parter should see.  These features
come in way before a release - and before a public announcement.

>> I guess that everything coming in through openSUSE can be 
>> public.
> ACK.
>> > Maybe you can provide read-only access as a first step...
>> Yes, would be an option.  But it still means I need a way to flag
>> specific features as public.
> Hmm, the question is if you want it to be "closed unless open" or "open 
> unless closed". (I prefer "open unless closed" because it tends to have 
> more open feature requests.)
> If I got the concept of partner.fate right, the easiest way seems to be 
> to have an openSUSE group to "open" feature requests. (Needless to say 
> that _everybody_ should be in the openSUSE group by default.)
> The only disadvantage is that this uses the "closed unless open" way to 
> work which I don't really like ;-)

I guess so as well.

> Christian Boltz
> PS: The more I think about this, I ask myself why bugzilla and FATE are 
>     different applications. They have much in common, and the 
>     differences might be good features for each other.
>     -> what about merging them to FATEzilla? ;-)

 Andreas Jaeger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany
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