
Steve Barnhart schrieb:
> Its never done that
> before but on 10.1 after I told it I would update it showed me *all*
> updates instead of ones relevant to what's installed and kept coming
> up even after installing all of the updates that applied to me.

This bug (always showing all patches in YOU, whether they are already
installed or not, whether they are needed or not) is a must-fix for 10.2.

This bug is responsible for many "updating is totally broken and does
not work at all" reports that multiply themselves infinitely and make
supporting the distro quite painful (because if a user in a forum has a
problem like "I cannot apply patches", there is always another user
saying something like "don't even try, it doesn't work at all" faster
than I can explain YOU's behaviour).

It's very frustrating.

Andreas Hanke
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