Dňa Št 24. August 2006 13:24 Marcel Hilzinger napísal:
> Am Montag, 21. August 2006 20:17 schrieb Andreas Jaeger:
> [...]
> > We currently have a base pattern that is an extended core.  I'm
> > appending the list below and would like you to send me a proposal -
> > either as definition or as list of what you would consider such a
> > CORE.  The question is then also what to do with the packages that are
> > currently in the basis but should not be in the new CORE.
> > Required (must have packages):
> [...] >
> > autoyast2
> > autoyast2-installation
> > autoyast2-utils
> Are these needed for automatic installation or only for creating an
> installation server?

autoyast2-installation is the installation-part, that's necessary for 

autoyast2 is a frontend to prepare an autoinstallation profile

autoyast2-utils are helpers for creating automatic installation 
infrastructure. They might help you set up an customized instlalation server.

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