* Andreas Hanke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [Aug 25. 2006 15:24]:
> 22000 total packages in a SINGLE repository.
> Fedora:
> 2200 packages in the repository most people are interested in (i586
> binary + noarch, no debuginfo, no source, no other architectures).
> 22000/2200 is a factor of 10!

Yes, this is one of the problems we're facing.

> This makes me seriously doubt that rpm-md is designed or even suitable
> for such huge repositories. It's not surprising that parsing this beast
> is slow, even with a fast parser. It also makes me doubt that improving
> the parser is the only way of approaching the problem.
> So I thought how to reduce the number of packages:
> - Separate repositories per architecture - not possible because SUSE
> repositories have always been multiarch.

It not impossible, but needs extra work. Currently its also nice to
publish only one repo URL without the need to distinguish between
different architectures.

> - Separate repositories for source packages - bad idea IMHO.

Why do you think this is a bad idea ?

> - Reducing the number of packages - not possible, people want to have
> more software and not less.

Reducing the number of packages _per_ repository is easily possible.
If you want more software, add more repositories. The OpenSUSE build
service is supposed to address this in the future.

What we need is some kind of 'meta repository' which points to
other repositories. Its planned but we do not know if its doable
in the OpenSUSE 10.2 timeframe.

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