Azerion wrote:
>>> yast2-dhcp-server
>>> yast2-dns-server
>>> yast2-instserver
>>> yast2-nfs-server
>>> yast2-nis-server
>>> yast2-samba-server
>>> yast2-tftp-server
>> Configuring servers is not needed for clients, it could be in some
>> server-related pattern.
>>> Recommended (should have):
>>> SuSEfirewall2
>> It's only recommended...
>> Lukas
> I tatally agree with this. We have talked about this earlier but can't find 
> it 
> now. Andreas said that they are Required by YaST, but then is my question: 
> does openSUSE not manage YaST also? We have to delete those requirements so 
> 1. It does not have to be installed (duhhh) and the server-stuff won't appear 
> in YaST (one of my wishes for default install).

To be hones, I didn't check dependencies, so it is possible that another
YaST module needs them, e.g., for some global functionality shared
between nfs-server and nfs-client.

Functionality (features) stands before required space for installation
and number of packages needed. Actually, these packages are not so big.

I've proposed to move them to 'recommended' selection (and also to
another 'default-server selection') if there is a need to drastically
decrease the number of packages in a default installation.


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