Keith Goggin wrote:
> The error message is
>       'Could not find the SUSE Linux Installation Source.'
> that alone is good for a bug report - incorrect branding :-)
> Seems to me I need to identify the server where the disk images are held?
> What is this about 'Point the YaST installer to the installation repository 
> (by pressing F3 and then F4)'?


I would skip F3 and then F4 do that later when GUI Installer is active.
It acts as a standard YaST module and asks if you want to retry to input
installation source if source is not available, or you make typo.

F3 then F4 will abort GUI, and start text mode installation in case of
any error, at least it did that last time I used it.

Looking for the link I couldn't find any inst-source directory for 10.2
so there is the question how to use mini-iso CD?

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