
Andreas Jaeger schrieb:
> I'm just syncing out another update of the stack that fixes one more
> bug - found while testing script handling.
> Hope this is the last iteration, we plan to release this asap and
> welcome direct feedback!

OK, feedback:

After installing the patch with zen-updater, the icon immediately turned
orange again, a months(!) old version of the libzypp patch (1533-0; NOT
the current one from your test repo) reappeared, and now it wants me to
install "libzypp-patch-zmdrestart.sh-2-1533-1 (Script)".

I'd like to know if that's intentional. The reason why it had not been
installed before is probably bug 192535. This is now fixed, and so
zen-updater knows about the script after updating itself and wants to
install it.

Therefore I'd like to know: Is that script actually required? It is
"required" as a dependency of the old libzypp patch, but do users really
need it now? I remember this script causing many problems ("this would
invalidate...") - are they resolved?

Andreas Hanke
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